
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Darien Planning and Zoning Commission met May 18

City of Darien Planning and Zoning Commission met May 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

PRESENT: Lou Mallers – Chairperson, Bryan Gay, Robert Erickson, Shari Gillespie, Hilda Gonzalez, Chris Jackson, Julie Kasprowicz, Brian Liedtke, Ralph Stompanato


OTHERS: Jordan Yanke - City Planner

Chairperson Lou Mallers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Darien City Hall, Council Chambers, 1702 Plainfield Road, Darien, Illinois. Chairperson Mallers declared a quorum present and swore in the audience members wishing to present public testimony.


a. Public Hearing – PZC2022-01 - 7521Lemont Road – Variation Petitioner Home Run Inn (c/o Eric Skowron) seeks approval for a Variation from Section 5A-8-4-8 (B)(1)(a)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance. The petition specifically requests to allow an addition to an existing restaurant, with the addition being an expansion to the existing vestibule and a new canopy. Property is located within the B-3 General Business District and the Variation request is from the following standard in the City of Darien Zoning Ordinance:

1) Section 5A-8-4-8 (B)(1)(a)(1): Variation request to reduce the required rear yard setback.

Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that Home Run Inn restaurant is located within the Chestnut Court shopping center area southeast of the 75th Street and Lemont Road intersection, and the restaurant is located on an individual parcel totaling 0.99 acres. He reported that Chestnut Court shopping center has stores including Ross, Jo-Ann Fabric,

and the Salvation Army, among other businesses. Mr. Yanke reported that the restaurant has been in operation since 1987 and although the building was constructed over 30 years ago, the structure meets the current rear yard setback standard for the B-3 zoning district, which is 40 feet.

Mr. Yanke reported that the petitioner has proposed an addition to the restaurant’s vestibule and a new canopy in the rear yard. He reported that the proposed project would encroach into the required rear yard by a total of 10.5 feet with the new addition/canopy located 29.5 feet from the rear lot line.

Chairperson Lou Mallers opened the meeting to anyone wishing to present public comment.

Mr. Jonathon Hague, Architect representing Home Run Inn Restaurant stated that Home Run Inn is seeking to enlarge its carry out and pick up areas. He reported that Home Run Inn has witnessed a change in the customer dynamic in the last two years and that this change has brought about the need to expand and create a safe area for both pick up areas for automobiles and customers.

Mr. Hague stated that it is necessary to expand the carry out experience the additional 9’-0” and canopy structure 10’-6”. He stated that the current conditions provide for a limited pedestrian walk in area and that there are existing floor height and basements restrictions that limit from expanding inward. He further stated that they are proposing the enlarged area to provide for ease for the customer to walk in as well as drive up into a designated space for employees to deliver to the customer automobiles.

Chairperson Mallers asked about the carry out business percentage during Covid.

Mr. Hague stated that Home Run Inn experienced a 50% jump in business during Covid. He stated that they discussed having a drive thru but there were topography challenges.

Commissioner Brian Liedtke stated that the sign looked nice and questioned if there was a variation needed for the existing landscaping and curb.

Mr. Yanke reported that the petitioner has to meet a 24’ distance from the property line to the curb line.

Mr. Hague confirmed that the distance is 24’ and that they will submit a drawing for the record.

Commissioner Chris Jackson questioned if the parking spaces were compliant.

Mr. Hague stated that they enlarged the curb line and that the parking spaces are 11’ wide and 18’ long.

Chairperson Mallers questioned the timing of construction.

Mr. Hague stated that the inside construction (Phase 1 and 2 is in progress) and Phase 3 the outside is what is proposed.

Commissioner Liedtke questioned if they anticipate an outdoor eating area. Mr. Hague stated that they have discussed an outdoor eating area.

Mr. Yanke reported that the City will work with the petitioner regarding signage and square footage since there is already a sign in place staying within Code.

There was no one else in the audience wishing to present public comment and Chairperson Mallers closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Gay made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Gillespie to approve – PZC2022-01 – 7521 Lemont Road – Variation Petitioner Home Run Inn (c/o Eric Skowron) a Variation from Section 5A-8-4-8 (B)(1)(a)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow an addition to an existing restaurant, with the addition being an expansion to the existing vestibule and a new canopy. Property is located within the B-3 General Business District and the Variation request is from the following standard in the City of Darien Zoning Ordinance:

1) Section 5A-8-4-8 (B)(1)(a)(1): Variation request to reduce the required rear yard setback.

Upon roll call vote, THE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED 9-0.


Mr. Jordan Yanke, City Planner reported that staff is looking at Chestnut Court and met with the Asset Management Team. He reported that the City is looking at how to assist in pushing property owners to fill the vacancies. He further reported that the Comprehensive Plan Amendment will be brought to the PZC within the next month as well implementing a mixed-use Code. Mr. Yanke reported that there will also be a bank variation for an electronic message board.


Commissioner Liedtke made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Gillespie to approve the March 16, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes.

Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED 9-0.


Mr. Jordan Yanke announced that the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (On any topic related to planning and zoning) There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.


With no further business before the Commission, Commissioner Gay made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Gillespie. Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
