
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, February 21, 2025

DuPage County Technology Committee met April 26

DuPage County Technology Committee met April 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


7:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Ashley Selmon at 7:30 AM. 


PRESENT: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

Kevin Vaske was present as a representative for Candice Adams, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Conor McCarthy was present as a representative for Bob Berlin, State's Attorney.


Chairwoman Selmon welcomed Mr. McPhearson back from a trip out of the country.


No public comment was offered.


A. Technology Committee - Regular Meeting - Apr 12, 2022 7:30 AM


MOVER: Sheila Rutledge, District 6

SECONDER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick


A. TE-P-0147-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Revize LLC, for professional services to plan, design, and implement a custom website and to provide annual hosting, support, and maintenance, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of April 27, 2022 through April 26, 2026, for a contract total amount not to exceed $188,600, per bid #22-024-IT. (ARPA Item)

Mr. McPhearson thanked all of the department chiefs and elected officials for their involvement and input throughout the process for this project. He said his team thoroughly went through all of the proposals that were submitted and they believe they selected the one that is the best fit for DuPage County. He noted that Revize has a great design and was the second-lowest priced, adding that they had the overall best product.


MOVER: Sheila Rutledge, District 6

SECONDER: Amy Chavez, District 5

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

B. TE-P-0148-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Episerver, Inc., for annual maintenance fees for Ektron CMS400 (Content Management System) Net Enterprise software, for website content management. This contract covers the period of May 24, 2022 through May 23, 2023 for Information Technology, for a contract total amount of $33,770.68, exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 (d) – IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00. This maintenance is for an existing product with no other support options.


MOVER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

Motion to combine items 6C through 6E

Mr. McPhearson commented on supply chain management issues specifically related to computer products and peripherals. As an example he said his team ordered laptops in August 2021 and received them in February 2022. He said the purpose of the open purchase orders being requested through SHI International, Insight Public Sector, and CDW-G is so staff can purchase items as soon as they become available and not be delayed by the procurement process, at which point most of those items would be gone. He said this allows staff flexibility and the ability to be proactive. He then said these are "not to exceed" dollar amounts and staff is fairly confident that they will not use the full amounts, but it is available should it be necessary for purchases.

Mr. McPhearson explained that three vendors were identified for the same products so that staff can obtain the best price possible.


MOVER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

SECONDER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

C. TE-P-0149-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to SHI International Corp, for the purchase of laptops, monitors, docking stations and other computer accessories and parts for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of April 27, 2022 through April 26, 2023, for a contract total amount of $75,000. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, OMNIA Partners IT Products and Services Contract #2018011-02 cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act". (ARPA Item)


MOVER: Amy Chavez, District 5

SECONDER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

D. TE-P-0150-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Insight Public Sector, for the purchase of laptops, monitors, docking stations and other computer accessories and parts for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of April 27, 2022 through April 26, 2023, for a contract total amount of $75,000. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, OMNIA Partners IT Products and Services Contract #4400006644 cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act". (ARPA Item)


MOVER: Amy Chavez, District 5

SECONDER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

E. TE-P-0151-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to CDWG, Inc., for the purchase of laptops, monitors, docking stations and other computer accessories and parts for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of April 27, 2022 through April 26, 2023, for a contract total amount of $75,000. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, OMNIA Partners IT Products and Services Contract #2018011-01 cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act". (ARPA Item)


MOVER: Amy Chavez, District 5

SECONDER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

F. TE-CO-0015-22 Amendment to County Contract 5492-1-SERV, issued to Infor (US) Inc., for technical and application support for the Human Resources and Payroll modules of the ERP system for the Human Resources Department, to add an additional 80 hours of managed and increase the contract amount by $18,000, resulting in an amended contract total of $43,618.08, an increase of 70.26%.


MOVER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Amy Chavez, District 5

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

G. 2022-44 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to AT&T, to provide 211 Service that will allow citizens of DuPage County to access social services, for the period May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2025, for Information Technology, for a contract total amount of $17,895, exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 “Competitive Bids” (c) not suitable for competitive bids – Sole Source. AT&T is the only provider of 211 Service in the State of Illinois. (ARPA Item)


MOVER: Sheila Rutledge, District 6

SECONDER: Kathleen Carrier, Recorder

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

H. 2022-45 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Business Software, Inc., for the annual maintenance of the BSI Tax Factory Payroll Tax Calculation and Compliance Software, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of June 15, 2022 through June 14, 2023, for a total contract amount of $15,034.67, exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 (d) - IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.


MOVER: Sheila Rutledge, District 6

SECONDER: Amy Chavez, District 5

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick

I. Change Order -- Amendment to Resolution TE-P-0097-21 (County Contract 5240-0001- SERV), issued to Intellias, Inc., for professional services to install required updates to Infor ancillary systems and provide additional ad-hoc support for any break/fix issues, for Information Technology, to extend the contract through November 30, 2023, with no change in contract total amount.


MOVER: Amy Chavez, District 5

SECONDER: Sheila Rutledge, District 6

AYES: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni, Mendrick


No old business was offered.


No new business was offered.


With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
