City of Elmhurst City Council met June 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Executive Session - 6:30 pm
1.1 Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing: Minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21);Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and Acquisition and Purchase of Real Property, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/5 (c)(5)
2. Call to Order
2.1 Pledge of Allegiance
2.2 Roll Call- Ward 5
3. Receipt of Written Communication from the Public
3.1 Receipt of Written Communications from the Public
4. Public Forum
4.1 Public Forum
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 Minutes of the Executive Session Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on May 2, 2022
5.2 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on May 16, 2022
5.3 Accounts Payable June 6, 2022 - Total $ 4,260,342.11
5.4 Appointment to the Zoning and Planning Commission-Bill Toliopoulos (Mayoral)
5.5 Appointment to the City of Elmhurst and Elmhurst University Commission - Bruce A King & Joan M. Vilim (Elmhurst University Appointments)
5.6 Report - King Transmission PUD Extension Request (DP&Z)
5.7 Report - Case 22 P 05 McKenna Final Plat of Subdivision Schiller & Clinton (DP&Z)
5.8 Report - Case 22 ZBA 04 Aegis Construction Group, Inc. Sign Variations - 331 N. York (DP&Z)
5.9 Report - Elmhurst City Centre Summer Concert Series (PA&S)
5.10 Report - Emroy Avenue Parking Restrictions (Crestview Park Parking) (PA&S)
5.11 Report - Memorandum of Understanding Between Elmhurst Park District and City of Elmhurst for Metropolitan Family Services (PA&S) (See Item 7.1)
5.12 ZO-14-2022 - An Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development with a Site Development Allowance for the Construction of An Addition to the Building Located at the Property Commonly Known as 900 N. Industrial Drive, Elmhurst, Illinois
5.13 MCO-06-2022 - An Ordinance Amending Section 3.17, Entitled “Board of Fire and Police Commissioners,” and Section 3.18, Entitled “Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Rules,” of Chapter 3, Entitled “City Administration,” of the Elmhurst Municipal CodeRegarding the Hiring of Police Officers
5.14 O-22-2022 - An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of the First Amendment to the Sales Tax Sharing Agreement Between the City of Elmhurst and IMotorsports, Inc., and Tim Walter and Haider Saba, as Personal Guarantors Dated August 20, 2017
5.15 O-23-2022 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Sales Tax Rebate Agreement Between the City of Elmhurst and IMotorsports, Inc.
5.16 R-61-2022 - A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Rock Salt for use Within the City of Elmhurst
5.17 R-62-2022 - A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Led Streetlight Fixtures And Led Streetlight Lamps for the City of Elmhurst, Illinois
5.18 R-63-2022 - A Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Execution of an “Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and the City of Elmhurst” and a “Longitudinal Pipeline Agreement” Between Union Pacific Railroad Company and the City of Elmhurst
5.19 R-64-2022 - A Resolution to Create the City of Elmhurst Walking and Biking Working Group
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Report - Case 22 P 06 Eldridge Townhomes Conditional Use for PUD with Site Development Allowances, Map Amendment, and Plat of Subdivision (DP&Z)
6.2 Report - Stormwater Funding (F,CA&AS)
7. Resolutions
7.1 R-65-2022 - A Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Elmhurst, Illinois and the Elmhurst Park District for Providing Social Services (See Item 5.11)
8. Reports and Recommendations of Elected and Appointed Officials
8.1 Mayor Levin
8.2 City Manager Grabowski
9. Other Business
9.1 Other Business
10. Adjournment