City of Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee met March 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Novack called the Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee (PDC) meeting to order at 7:34 a.m. The meeting was held in the lunchroom of the Naperville Municipal Center located at 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL.
Present: Pam Bartlett; Jeff Friant, PDC Chairman (arrived at 7:40 a.m.); Bill Novack; and Tom Stibbe (Not enough members present to establish a quorum, so no action taken over the course of the meeting)
Absent: Valla Aguilar; John Cuff; Jan Erickson; Mary Gibson; Ian Holzhauer; John Joseph; Pat Kennedy; and Debra Lellbach
Also Present: Rebecca DeLarme, City Staff; Stephanie Penick, Naperville Riverwalk Foundation; Carl Peterson, GRWA; and Mary Lou Wehrli, resident
Mary Lou Wehrli commented on the exciting initiatives surrounding the 2031 Master Plan and inquired about concerns with several existing issues on the Riverwalk. In addition to the erosion near the river bend at Jefferson Avenue that will be addressed under item E. 1. and the retaining wall by Aurora Avenue that the Park District is aware of, she asked about the trees located by the Eagle Street bridge that are in the river and if they were the responsibility of DuPage County, the City or the Park District. DuPage County would take care of this but Novack will discuss with the City’s Public Works Department to see if this is something they can address in the interim.
Mary Lou also inquired if there were plans to address the large cottonwood tree (# 214), located on the north side of the Riverwalk by the playground.
There is currently no fencing around it and it has been girdled quite a bit by beavers. Stibbe reported that trees are reviewed on a case by case basis and wiring is usually placed around newly planted or remembrance trees to protect them. Stibbe further noted that recent beaver damage has occurred between the Carillon and Centennial Beach and that it is difficult to trap them because they either move on or the trappers can’t determine where they are living. Stibbe will review this area with staff and decide whether to put something in place for the tree.
Additional areas of concern that were discussed included the crumbling of the lower walkway between Eagle Street and east of the covered bridge by the Riverwalk Cafe, the slab of the lower walkway across the river that is tilted toward the bank, and the rippling of the bricks in the walkway on the beach side near the bridge. Pictures of these items are included with the draft PDC meeting minutes.
Stibbe advised that most of the items have been included in the Asset Management Plan. The Park District staff is planning to reset the rippling bricks in the walkway by removing them and trimming tree roots, as previously done by the Dandelion Fountain. It was noted that freeze-thaws also cause these issues, with February and March being tough months for pavement.
Mary Lou expressed that detailed stewardship of the existing Riverwalk will give confidence to potential investors who may support any new amenities and taking care of what we already have should take precedence.
1. Approval of Minutes - Jeff Friant
Approve minutes from the February 1, 2022 Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting
No vote was taken to approve the February 1, 2022 minutes as there was not a quorum of the Riverwalk Commissioners present.
2. Park District - Tom Stibbe
Stibbe reported that snow removal will continue, as needed, and the sled hill at Rotary Hill will remain open if there is snow until the fencing comes down in the next three or four weeks. The ice rink is no longer open.
Park District staff is currently installing the new lamp post donor plaques that were purchased by the Riverwalk Foundation.
Stibbe reported on recent vandalism to some of the shepherd crook lights on the Riverwalk, noting that twelve had been damaged since last October.
The recent offenders were caught on camera. The Park District is working to get reimbursed but the past manufacturer no longer provides parts.
Stibbe noted the last time they purchased parts was in 2013. Novack advised that ten complete lights would be salvaged from the upcoming downtown streetscape improvements and they would get the domes to the Park District. Stibbe expressed concern about the need for additional lights for any expansion projects. Novack agreed this would need to be addressed with future projects and the City would work to salvage as many lights as they could from future streetscape improvements.
Stibbe addressed the retaining wall near Aurora Avenue that was mentioned by Mary Lou Wehrli and previously discussed as part of last year’s Asset Management Plan Walk. The wall is leaning and bricks have fallen off recently, possibly due to freeze-thaw. Park District staff picked up the bricks and hauled off remaining debris. They will be working to reinstall. Wehrli noted that some of the bricks farther down from this area are crumbling. Novack noted that PA022 funds could be used for this project and he will discuss with Brian Dusak, ERA, as they have been monitoring the measurements over the past ten to fifteen years.
The Park District’s Trades Department has completed the Fredenhagen Park restroom renovations and they are now open. The restrooms currently close at 8:00 p.m.
Stephanie Penick thanked Stibbe and the Park District for meeting with the Foundation to review some of the donor plaques and other items at Fredenhagen Park that they are looking to restore.
3. 2022 Riverwalk Work Plan (PA022) - Bill Novack and Tom Stibbe
Novack noted that PA022 funds may be used for the retaining wall near Aurora Avenue. He and Stibbe will continue to work on the plan for 2022.
4. Moser Tower Rehabilitation - Bill Novack
Novack advised that the contractor would be finishing up the lower level façade, waterproofing, landscaping and paver work as soon as there was a break in the weather. Completion is expected around Memorial Day.
Friant inquired if there was a certain temperature requirement with Novack advising temperatures need to be in the fifty to sixty degree range to complete the field applied concrete veneer for the base.
5. Riverwalk Master Plan Signage - Bill Novack
Novack advised that a purchase order has been set up with Fossil Industries for the sign inserts. The URLs for both codes have been determined. Discussion followed about the “Learn More” or “Discover” QR code that links directly to the Riverwalk 2031 Master Plan, which is not mobile friendly. Peterson suggested discussing with John Joseph and changing the landing page to something that is more mobile friendly and including a separate link to the Master Plan PDF file. Penick advised that the Foundation’s web page was going to be changed. Discussion followed on the need for the QR code for “Donate” to link to a web address, which has already been established. Penick will note for their web designer that changes to the content should be mobile friendly.
Mary Lou brought up a concern about the security of the QR codes, noting that stickers could be placed over them and direct the viewer elsewhere.
These could be periodically checked and will be discussed further at the next Riverwalk Commission meeting.
6. Riverwalk Master Plan - Jeff Friant for Pat Kennedy
Mary Lou Wehrli asked about the order of projects with Novack noting the few that were included with the City’s capital improvement plan to have “shovel ready” projects for potential outside funding. They include the design and permitting for the Eagle Street Gateway project, the preliminary design for the South Gateway project and feasibility and preliminary engineering for the Grand Pavilion parking lot.
Mary Lou brought up the water issues at the Grand Pavilion. Puddling water and mud continually collect on the sidewalks near the drinking fountain. Novack advised that a new roof for the Grand Pavilion is planned in 2022 but he will see if something can be done about the puddling water.
Stephanie Penick inquired if the City would be holding an open house type event for the Riverwalk to discuss the Master Plan and/or maintenance issues and as an opportunity for the public to express concerns or ideas.
Novack agreed this was a great idea.
1. Erosion at the river bend downstream from Jefferson - Bill Novack
Review and discuss the erosion at the river bend downstream from Jefferson
Novack discussed the erosion issue at the river bend adjacent to Sindt Woods that Mary Lou Wehrli had brought to his attention. Prior stabilization had worked well until recently. Significant erosion has occurred and can be confirmed when looking at the location of the concrete
A jacks that were used to stabilize the base of the bank. This is an engineering issue that needs to be discussed with the consultant and DuPage County. Discussion followed regarding past partnerships. This item will be addressed at next week’s Riverwalk Commission meeting.
Riverwalk Commission, March 9, 2022, 7:30 a.m.
Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL
Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, April 5, 2022, 7:30 a.m.
Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL
Riverwalk Commission, April 13, 2022, 7:30 a.m.
Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL
Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, May 3, 2022, 7:30 a.m.
Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL
No quorum was present and the meeting ended at 8:13 a.m.