
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Burr Ridge business owner on new gender curriculum: ‘Will focusing on libido lead to a virtuous citizenry?'

Gay pride

Some people are objecting to changes in school curriculums that include anything related to the LGBTQ lifestyle. | PxHere.com

Some people are objecting to changes in school curriculums that include anything related to the LGBTQ lifestyle. | PxHere.com

Burr Ridge business owner Margot Henshaw is questioning sexual education in Illinois’ elementary schools.

"For millennia, human beings have figured out their sexuality by their early 20s without formal instruction. The proof of this is in the propagation of our species that continues to the present,” Henshaw told DuPage Policy Journal. “An effective teacher will educe curiosity and inspire interest in his/her students, hence the word 'education.' This current crop of teachers is sexualizing and propagandizing very young children. Today's children are learning that pleasuring themselves is so important (that) school time is being spent on it. Not only that, but children can be easily led by a grooming adult, intent on achieving a desired result."

Henshaw pointed out that adults, especially those with the "responsibility and the honor of instructing the youth" should properly raise them by teaching them about the goodness of America and the gallantry of the great leaders and heroes throughout the nation's history.

Students should also be made aware of the timelines and context concerning issues such as "slave ownership, women not having the vote, the ostracism visited upon each new wave of immigrants as they began the assimilation process." But Henshaw finds the events and the choices unfolding in the education system to be the opposite of what should be done. "Instead they are tearing down icons of virtue, such as (but not limited to) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson."

"Remember the McMartin Preschool case in Manhattan Beach California?" Henshaw continued. "A schizophrenic mother, combined with a very suggestive psychiatric team, got children to make up stories about being abused at the school. The case went on for years, the McMartin family was ruined and in the end, it turned out to be made of whole cloth. None of the malefactors faced consequences for the evils wrought upon the McMartin family, although the original accusing parent, the schizophrenic mother, died of alcoholism before the pretrial." 

She added that U.S. educators are shifting gears and "have decided that they will focus on the distraction of student gender identity and sexuality, instead of the three R's or true history or science."

According to Henshaw, "Hinsdale Central (District 86) has already transitioned a young girl without the knowledge, and then without the permission of, her horrified parents." This was in the best interest of the student, the school claimed. Henshaw dubbed them as "amoral zealots" whose intent on grooming and sexualizing children has permeated the best of the public schools.

Henshaw urged for school vouchers, "so the parents, who love their child more than any school official, can once again be restored as guardians of the health, happiness and well-being of their progeny." 

"Will focusing on libido lead to a virtuous citizenry?" Henshaw asked DuPage Policy Journal. "Highly unlikely. Encouraging such base self-gratification will not produce a Crick or a Watson, a Churchill or an Eisenhower, a General Patton or a Mother Teresa. It is doubtful that it will even create a healthy, productive adult (who) might enrich our society. When the Communists took over China, one of the changes they made was for children to refer to the parents, instead of Father and Mother, as Father and Lover. The business of human reproduction is the province of the state, and they wield that authority with an iron fist. Today's Democratic Party is as obsessed with sexuality, reproduction and their dominion over the bodies of the citizenry."  

Militant teachers, Henshaw said, are indoctrinating the youth to disagree with people if they feel they should. "Civility and kindness are in short supply at the moment," she said. This behavior being inculcated in the youth would beget "extreme rudeness, which can then give way to violence."

Calling out everyone supporting sexual education in elementary schools, Henshaw reminded the people that "John Adams said, ‘Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.’" She also referenced James Madison, who said, "To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea."

The criticism comes in the wake of high-profile cases of gender identity curriculum. Teachers at a Bolingbrook Middle School are being taught how to be more "pro-LGBT," with demands that they cease using language like "boys" and "girls," employ "LGBT adult role models" in their classes, and display "gay pride" rainbow flags on their desks, according to the Will County Gazette.

For prekindergarten through third grade, Evanston-Skokie School District 65 has adopted a "radical gender curriculum," reported North Cook News. The school's curriculum has been labeled radical because it encourages teaching young children about transgenderism and LGBTQ lifestyles, including lessons about the rainbow flag, in which kids are given the freedom to describe their sexuality by choosing a color from the flag.

Sexual education and transgender identity are already taught to 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds, according to North Cook News. Alternative gender pronouns are being introduced to first graders. Older students are taught white Europeans imposed a "Western and Christian ideological framework" on minorities. 

Manhattan Institute fellow Chris Rufo wrote about the "radical gender curriculum" in City Journal. "Queer theory has made its way into public school curriculums for children as young as 4. This development should be subject to robust political debate, not denial and dismissal from the political Left."