
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

National Small Business Week: Curran says, 'Small businesses really are the engine that drives Illinois'

John curran site

Sen. John Curran | senatorcurran.com

Sen. John Curran | senatorcurran.com

Sen. John Curran gives a speech on how small businesses should be given more support in Illinois.

State Senator John Curran observes National Small Business Week. There are more than 1.2 million small businesses in Illinois.

"Small businesses really are the engine that drives Illinois. During Small Business Week and every week, let's do our part to support these economy-boosting, job-creating, businesses!," said Curran.

Illinois is home to more than 1.2 million small businesses, which employ 45% of the state's workforce, according to Business News Daily. Illinois businesses can face challenges related to the state's poor credit rating and large deficit. "The state of Illinois faces a gargantuan pension liability of more than $200 billion," said Jim Collins, Datamation co-founder and president. "This lack of fiscal management breeds concern among small business, and it is likely that the state will need to cut key functions and services."

One year into Governor Pritzker's mandated COVID lockdowns, 35% of Illinois small businesses had been forced to close, Illinois Policy reported. More small businesses closed in Illinois than in any other Midwestern state except for Michigan.

At the beginning of 2022, less than one-third of Illinois' small businesses reported a full recovery to pre-pandemic revenue, according to Advantage News. Of the more than two-thirds of businesses that have yet to recover, many reported that they don't anticipate a full recovery until mid-2023.

National Small Business Week has been celebrated annually for more than 50 years, according to the Small Business Association (SBA). The SBA aims to recognize the vital role that entrepreneurs and small business owners play in the U.S.