
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met Feb. 9

City of Naperville Riverwalk Commission met Feb. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


The Riverwalk Commission Chairman Kennedy called the February 9, 2022 Naperville Riverwalk Commission meeting to order at 7:31 a.m. The meeting was held in the lunchroom of the Naperville Municipal Center located at 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL.


Present: Pam Bartlett; Mary Gibson; Ian Holzhauer; John Joseph; Pat Kennedy, Chairman; Bill Novack and Tom Stibbe

Absent: Valla Aguilar; John Cuff; Jan Erickson; Jeff Friant; Debra Lellbach; and Matthew Ru

Also Present: Rebecca DeLarme, City Staff; Brian Dusak, ERA; and Carl Peterson, GRWA


There were no public comments.


1. Moser Tower Rehabilitation - Bill Novack 

Novack advised that the field applied surface to the lower level should be completed in March or April, and the project should be wrapped up in May.

There was discussion at the last Planning, Design and Construction Committee (PDC) meeting for a re-opening event to coincide with the Memorial Day weekend.

2. Riverwalk Master Plan - Pat Kennedy 

Kennedy deferred the Master Plan update to discuss under item F. 8. Planning, Design and Construction.


There was no new business to discuss.


1. Approval of Minutes - Pat Kennedy 

Approve minutes from the December 8, 2021 Riverwalk Commission meeting

A motion to approve the December 8, 2021 Riverwalk Commission meeting minutes was made by Joseph, seconded by Stibbe. MOTION CARRIED with Bartlett and Novack abstaining

2. Chairman - Pat Kennedy 

The Chairman’s report was covered under item F. 8.

3. Finance - Bill Novack 

Receive the December 2021 Riverwalk financial report

Novack reviewed the financial report through December 31, 2021 that was included in the agenda packet. The final year-end report for 2021 will be forthcoming.

4. Park District - Tom Stibbe 

Receive the monthly Park District report

Stibbe reviewed the following highlights from the monthly Park District report, included with the agenda packet:

a. Fredenhagen Restrooms

The Trades Department is working on the remodel of the Fredenhagen restrooms and the project should be completed in the next couple of weeks.

b. Park District Staff Updates

Brad Wilson is the new Executive Director and Andrea Coates, former Superintendent of Recreation, has been promoted to Director of Recreation and Facilities.

5. Riverwalk Foundation 

There was no report for the Riverwalk Foundation

6. Donor Recognition - Rebecca DeLarme 

DeLarme will be working with the Park District to schedule the installation of the Fall ’21 order that was delayed due to a supply chain issue and weather. The deadline for the Spring ’22 order is March 15th and six 4” x 8” commemorative brick orders and ten 8” x 8” brick orders have been received, with one bench order expected next week.

7. Public Relations - Bill Novack for Valla Aguilar 

Receive the January Public Relations reports

Novack reported that the Naperville Riverwalk was mentioned in 44 articles and 54 social media posts in January. The Public Relations report was included in the agenda packet.

8. Planning, Design, and Construction - Jeff Friant 

Receive the February 1, 2022 Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee meeting draft minutes

Kennedy summarized the information covered at the previous week’s PDC meeting regarding the Master Plan, which included 1) review and approval of the vendor for the sign attachments (to be installed by Park District staff); 2) identifying steps for development of the QR codes with the City and the Foundation; and 3) discussing minor modifications with the Foundation regarding their fundraising website so that donating to the 2031 Master Plan is an option for the “Donate” QR code. The QR code for “Learn More” or “Discover” will be directed to the City’s website, where the Master Plan is located. Once the codes are ready, they will be tested and should be on track and completed by the end of March.

An outline of a scope has been developed for an outside consultant to prepare communication materials. Joseph wants to build on the presentation that was made to the Chamber’s Young Professionals Network by Erickson and Holzhauer to include additional materials, leave behinds, and a video. They are seeking funds upwards to $15,000.00 and Cuff will be discussing at the next Riverwalk Foundation Board meeting for approval. They are currently working on a short list of firms. Discussion followed on possible existing drone footage with ERA, GRWA, or NCTV17. Holzhauer suggested contacting Ross Creative Works, as they have been capturing images on the Riverwalk over the past ten years. This was also recommended by Bartlett.

A Riverwalk 2031 Fundraising Committee will need to be developed, which will include a representative from the Riverwalk Foundation and from the Riverwalk Commission. The committee could consist of eight to twelve members and meet as frequently as they need to, pulling in additional volunteers. Kennedy is looking for suggestions for potential members.

Stibbe spoke of the importance of additional Park District staff as new projects are developed and asked for that to be considered by the Commission. He also suggested including a small maintenance facility with the development at the south extension. Novack discussed the maintenance agreement between the City and the Park District, noting that the City Council and Park District Board need to approve any additional costs associated with each addition to the Riverwalk.


Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, March 1, 2022, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, March 9, 2022, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, April 5, 2022, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL

Riverwalk Commission, April 13, 2022, 7:30 a.m.

Municipal Center Lunchroom, 400 S. Eagle St., Naperville, IL


A motion to adjourn was made by Novack and seconded by Stibbe. The meeting adjourned at 8:01 a.m. MOTION CARRIED
