
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

March 23, 2022 eNews

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Contributed photo | dupagepolicyjournal.com

All Downtown businesses are open during construction. 15-minute parking spaces have been posted in the Civic Center and Main Street parking garages for short-term carry-out access.
Village News and Information
Affordable Housing Needs Assessment
Affordable or attainable housing can be defined many ways and incorporates workforce housing, senior housing, and other housing categories. The Village currently exceeds the minimum threshold of affordable housing required by the state’s Affordable Housing Planning and Appeals Act. However, there still may be housing gaps at different price points to make housing available to residents looking to downsize as well as workforce housing, which helps sustain our local economy. 
In order to determine the amount of affordable housing that exists within the Village, as well the types, location and price points, on Monday, March 14, the Village Board approved the hiring of a consultant team to prepare an affordable housing needs assessment. SB Friedman and The Lakota Group were selected to lead the effort as they have significant experience preparing such plans for other communities.  
The consultants will evaluate many data points and engage the public in a variety of ways to identify any local housing challenges, if there is a need for affordable housing in the Village, and if so, what types of housing are needed and where.  
Community Development Office Closed Part of Today
Please note: The Community Development office will be closed March 23 from 12-2:30 pm and will reopen 2:30-3:30 pm. Phone lines will be closed from 12:30-2:30. 
Hydrant Flushing to Begin
Each spring, all hydrants connected to the Village’s drinking water system are flushed. This program helps to ensure the operability of each hydrant while helping to maintain water quality by cleaning out any particulate matter that may have accumulated in the water main lines. During or immediately after flushing, water discoloration may occur. If this is noticed, refrain from using water for 15-20 minutes to allow any suspended particulates to settle back out and then try running cold water only to clear the lines inside your home.
Yard Waste & Weekly Composting Resumes
Yard and leaf waste collection occurs every Monday, April through November of each year. The program will resume Monday, April 4. Weekly curbside composting also resumes. 
March Blood and Food Drive
Help the community by donating at the upcoming Food & Blood Drive at Ackerman SFC.
Date/Time: March 29, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Ackerman SFC, 800 St. Charles Road
Vehicle Sticker Renewals
The Village of Glen Ellyn requires that residents purchase and display a vehicle sticker for each vehicle that is registered under a Glen Ellyn address. Stickers expire each year on April 30. New stickers can be purchased online, through the mail or in-person at the Civic Center. Renewal notifications will be mailed in early April. 
Reduced Pressure Zone Testing Reminder
Lawn sprinkler systems will be starting up soon. Residential backflow preventers may be found on lawn irrigation systems, wet fire protection systems, hot water heating (boiler) systems, swimming pool fills, water features, etc. Backflow preventers may also be found or required if there is another water source on the site such as a well, pond, river, etc. . Backflow preventers are the property of the water customer and the responsibility lies with the customer for required annual testing and maintenance. Residents must contract with a certified tester to perform the required annual tests and any necessary repairs. Most plumbing contractors and irrigation firms are certified to test backflow preventers. For questions, please contact Public Works at (630) 469-6756.
The Village is Hiring
The Village currently has multiple employment opportunities available, from full-time positions to summer seasonal work. Some of these include Director of Food & Beverage, Finance Director, Human Resources Director, Mechanic, Civil Engineer and more. 

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Village Board and Commission Meetings
For the most up-to -date information, please visit the Village's Agendas & Minutes page

23 - Environmental Commission, 7 pm
24 - Plan Commission, 7 pm
25 - Recreation Commission, 7 am

7- Community Relations Commission, 7 pm
8 - Finance Commission, 7 am
11 - Village Board Meeting, 7 pm
12 - Fire and Police Commission, 3:30 pm
12 - Capitol Improvements Commission, 7 pm
12 - Zoning Board of Appeals, 7 pm
14 - Plan Commission, 7 pm

Upcoming Glen Ellyn Events

23 - Glen Ellyn Historical Society: Barn Quilts - Following the Trail, 7 pm Zoom link
24 - Eco Lecture: Shedding Light on the Dark, 6:30 pm, Spring Ave. Rec. Center More information
25 – Friday Night Bingo Drop-In, 6 pm - 8 pm, Ackerman SFC More information
25 - RUNA in Concert, Award Winning Celtic Roots Music, 7 pm Tickets & Information
29 - Community Blood & Food Drive, 9 am-3pm Ackerman SFC More information

1 - Park District’s Friday Night Senior Bingo, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., Ackerman SFC
2 - Coffee with the Cops, 8-10 am, Police Department
5 - Glen Ellyn Woman's Club Meeting, 1 pm, Glen Ellyn History Center
8 - Park District’s Friday Night Senior Bingo, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., Ackerman SFC
8 - Park District’s Adults-Only Egg Hunt, 8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Lake Ellyn Boathouse
9 - Park District’s Volunteer Workday, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Benjamin Gault Sanctuary
9 - Park District’s Hopper Cottontail Hoppy Party, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Ackerman SFC
14 - Glenbard Parent Series: New Science to Decode Teen Behaviors.. Noon Zoom7 pm Zoom
15 – Park District’s Friday Night Senior Bingo, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., Ackerman SFC
16 - Tea with the Trustees, 9-11 am, Police Department
16 - Egg Hunt & Story, 9:30-11:30 am, Southminster Church
Kiwanis Club of Glen Ellyn
Vidalia Onion Sale
10 pounds for $12.00
Order now through April 22, 2021 for delivery May 6/7:
Hanging Basket Sale
Beautiful 10" hanging basket of various kinds for $24.00 each
Order now through April 22, 2021 for delivery May 6/7: (We will fill as inventory permits)

535 Duane Street
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Phone: 630-469-5000
Village of Glen Ellyn | 535 Duane Street, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137