
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Residential Enews- March 11, 2022


In 1833 three Meacham brothers, Silas, Harve and Lyman arrived in what we know today as Bloomingdale. That spring they began farming approximately 1200 acres, with the intent that their families could flourish here.  Other early pioneers followed with the same goal and together they grew the town of Meacham Grove. 
In 1845, Bloomingdale became the third town platted in the newly founded DuPage County. At this point, the town‘s development began in earnest as the settlers created roads, formed churches, established schools, began businesses and farmed the land. Unfortunately, the population never surpassed 400 until 1950 as the community remained largely agricultural. 
In the early 1920s the ‘northeast section of town,” Roselle, became independent and incorporated as a village. That sidetracked the course of Bloomingdale’s growth. There is much that happened in Bloomingdale since 1833 which has brought us to the successful village we know today. 
Time Change & Time to Change the Batteries
Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 2:00 AM. When changing the clocks forward an hour this spring, remember that this is also a great time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. 
Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every 7 to 10 years. It is state law in Illinois to have operational smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
Humanitarian Efforts for Ukraine
The escalating conflict in Ukraine is hitting home for residents who have close ties to the eastern European country. As the crisis has continued to devastate, many people are looking for ways to help. 
You can view some options to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine by clicking here.
Be Sure You Know Who is at Your Door
When watching the evening news, you hear the stories about con artists working different scams. There have been reports of people who pose as solicitors or people who need to gain entry to your home for various reasons. The guise would be used to enter a home or yard and distract the homeowner while an accomplice runs in and grabs anything of value, from jewelry and cash to electronics and other personal belongings that can be taken quickly. 
We would like to remind you:
  • Do not let anyone into your house who comes by unsolicited, offering to do work on or around your house or asking to check water lines. 
  • If workers come to your home and advise you that you need repairs, request to see their license to work in the Village of Bloomingdale. 
  • If someone comes to your door, verify their identification and purpose. Write down their name and call the company first if there are any questions. All Village of Bloomingdale Water Department and Public Works employees have identification indicating their identity. Call the police if you feel uncomfortable or if a village employee or inspector cannot produce the appropriate identification. 
  • Keep all doors and windows locked at all times – even if outside gardening. Carry a cordless phone with you (even outside) so you can contact the police if needed. 
  • Door-to-door solicitors should not approach a residence displaying a NO SOLICITORS decal. These decals are free and available at the Village Hall front desk.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Police Department at 630-529-9868.
38th Annual Student Art Show at the Park District Museum
Students from surrounding schools, kindergarten through high school, proudly display their latest artwork for family and friends. Their free-spirited creativity in painting, sculpture, ceramics and photography delights all visitors. The highly-popular show is a great introduction for young artists, some of whom have exhibited as students and returned years later to exhibit again. Viewing continues until Saturday, March 26th.
Museum Hours During Exhibits:
Wednesday 5-8PM
Thursday 12-4PM
Saturday 12-4PM
Admission: $1/residents, $2/non-residents, $.50/seniors
The Bloomingdale Park District Museum is located at 108 Bloomingdale Road.
Officer Sean Lahvic's last day with the Bloomingdale Police Department was March 10th. He has been here since January 3, 2017 and has been a great asset to our community. We wish Officer Sean Lahvic and his family the best as they relocate to Florida. 
Thank you for your dedication and for being of service.
CCSD93 Kindergarten Registration
If you live in CCSD93's boundaries and your child will be five years old by September 1, 2022, please visit www.ccsd93.com/kindergarten to begin the registration process.
Township Electronic Recycling
An Electronic Recycling Program will be available to all DuPage County residents at no cost on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 from 8:00 AM to 12 PM at the Bloomingdale Township Highway Department, 6N030 Rosedale Ave.
Tax deductible fee applies for all CRT, Flat Screens, Projection TVs and Monitors.
For more information and questions, please go to the DuPage County Recycling page.
Resources & Happenings
Bloomingdale Golf Club’s in-house caterer, Catering with Elegance, is offering its Haddock Fish FryFriday, March 4th through April 15th, they will be offering a curbside service only fish fry. See below image for complete menu or click here.
Please call the following number to place your order: 630-529-3380.
There are several local scholarship opportunities available for Bloomingdale college-bound students.
To view more information about each scholarship opportunity, please click here
The Bloomingdale Police Department is hosting their next responsible alcohol service (BASSET) training class at the Police Department on Wednesday, March 23rd at 5:00 PM in the Police Training Room.
This training session runs for approximately four (4) hours and the cost to attend is $40.00. There is no charge for employees from non-profit organizations to attend.
The Bloomingdale Area Women in Business (BAWIB) will award one $1,000 scholarship to a woman who is looking to improve herself professionally .
Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 25, 2022.

The Village of Bloomingdale is currently seeking applicants:
To learn more about these positions please visit Employment Opportunities. 
CHARACTER COUNTS! Award Nominations
If you know an individual who lives, works or attends school in Bloomingdale who displays one or more of the Six Pillars of Character, you are encouraged to nominate them for this award by completing and submitting a nomination form. Nomination forms can be found on the Bloomingdale CHARACTER COUNTS! website. The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2022.
DuPage County is offering LIHWAP
This is a one-time water and wastewater assistance for those that are facing the threat of disconnection, have already been disconnected or have past due balances over $250. 
Requests for assistance can be made by calling (630) 407-6500 or by email
The Coupon Corner is available all month long at www.BloomingdaleChamber.com. You can access the coupons any time.
Any questions regarding service, new cart delivery and/or size delivered should be directed to S.B.C. Waste Solutions at 312-522-1115, email at residential@sbcwastesolutions.com or through their online customer service form.
Bloomingdale account holders who are age 65 and older can apply for a Senior Discount through SBC’s secure online portal @ https://www.sbcwastesolutions.com/senior-discount/or by mailing a copy of your driver's license, & verification of your occupancy, such as a water bill or property tax bill to: Bloomingdale Senior Discount, 2401 Gardner Road, Broadview Il, 60155.
CHARACTER COUNTS! Thought for the Day
"Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well." ~Jack London
Connect With Us
Village Of Bloomingdale | 201 South Bloomingdale Road, Bloomingdale, IL 60108