
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Docket for Thursday, March 3, 2022

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Contributed photo | www.dcba.org

Contributed photo | www.dcba.org

2022 DCBA Mega Meeting - Our annual Mega Meeting will be taking place , March 4th, and Friday, March 11, 2022.  This year, the Mega Meeting will feature five CLE topics, including a special session on practice before the Supreme Court of the United States and the annual State of the Courthouse address. 
Mega Meeting Sponsorships are available now which include recognition on all promotion and program materials and multiple opportunities to mingle with attendees.  Contact Robert atrrupp@dcba.org. 

Click Here to Sign up for the Mega MeetingBar Foundation Update

DBF Board Opens Nominations - The Board of Directors of the DuPage Bar Foundation invites DCBA Members from all membership categories (Attorney, Judicial, Affiliate and Legal Community) to consider self- nomination to join the DBF Board. This body is responsible for annual fundraising and awarding community grants, scholarships, and assistance to DCBA members in need. The application for self-nomination is linked below and must be returned by April 18, 2022, to DBF President-Elect, Jodi Henninger at henninger@ccmlawyer.com. Applications will be reviewed by the DBF Board of Directors and new members selected by May 3, 2022. All new Directors will be installed at and are expected to attend the DBF Annual Meeting taking place at noon on June 20, 2022, at the Bar Center, health regulations permitting.

2022 Grant Application Period Opens - DBF facilitates the administration of justice by inviting grant submissions once a year. In 2021, DBF awarded grants to: CASA of DuPage, DuPage County Probation Department (Specialty Courts), Family Shelter Service, Farmers & Landscapers Advocacy Project, HOME DuPage, NAMI of DuPage and Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI). Completed application packets are due April 22, 2022, and grants will be awarded in early May. 

2022 DBF Scholarship Program Seeks Applicants - The DBF promotes the study of law through its administration of an annual scholarship program. The DBF Board awards these scholarships annually to law students who have completed one full semester (24 hours) of law school and reside in or have an established connection to DuPage County. A screening committee will personally interview most applicants. Last year, five students were awarded $12,000.  Applications are due April 25, 2022, for awards in June. 

Self-Nominate for the DBF Board Download 2022 Grant Application Here Download the 2022 Scholarship Application HereJudges' Nite the Movie PART 2 - We all know that sequels are always better! Don't miss the April 8, 2022, Premier Party in person or online. Tickets are now available online and a sellout is all but guaranteed. Purchase your tickets today for viewing at Studio Movie Grill with food, drinks, and fun, or plan to join us from the comfort of your home. Sponsorships and Program Advertising are also now available with all proceeds going to support of DuPage Legal Aid. Click the button below or contact the DCBA office for more information. 

Purchase Tickets Here Sponsorship and Advertising Information HereSelf-Nominate for Section and Committee Leadership - If you are willing to assist with the work of planning and leading the DCBA Sections, Divisions or Programs closest to your area of practice and interests, we need to hear from you! Please visit our website and complete our brief survey. On this survey, you will indicate the Section(s), Division(s), or Program(s) that are of interest to you. You will also be asked to indicate if you are willing to serve as the Vice Chair for the year ahead (then Chair in the 2023-2024 year), or if you are just interested in serving on the group's leadership council, supporting the Chair and Vice Chair in their planning work throughout the year.

We are also looking for self-nominations for the position of Associate Counsel. This position assists the General Counsel in providing legal advice and representing the Association in such legal matters as shall be assigned. Please contact Rick Veenstra directly at rick@rjveenstra.com if you are interested in volunteering for this role. 

Complete an Online Nomination FormUpcoming CLE - Join our, Business Law Section, March 8, 2022, from Noon - 1:00 p.m. for their discussion "Judges Panel: Litigation Trends Regarding Transactional Work." During this discussion, attendees will understand the current trends, pitfalls and issues regarding transactional work that is being litigated is important to attorneys, regardless of whether you only litigate, only provide transactional services to your clients, or whether you do both. This presentation will address current trends and issues that judges are dealing with here in DuPage County in an effort to provide insight to attorneys as to the potential pitfalls to avoid. Click the button below to register for the program and watch for new programs to be announced every week in this newsletter. Be sure to log into your DCBA account before registering for a CLE program to avoid being charged a $40 fee.

Register for Business Law CLE HereMarch Unwind - Come Unwind with us on St. Patrick's Day, Thursday, March 17, 2022, at Weber Grill in Lombard. Our special guests of the night will be those that attended the 2022 Mega Meeting. Enjoy complimentary beverages and appetizers from our Unwind host, OVC Online Marketing for Lawyers. Socialize with our attorneys and judges outside the courtroom. Network and make meaningful connections to help grow your business.

RSVP HereOffice Closing, Law Books for the Taking - The numerous law books that line the shelves at 127 W. Willow (630-682-3388) are looking for a new home! If you are interested, please stop by to see what is available, or contact Frank Jeffers at frankejeffers@yahoo.com. Bookshelves come with the books.

2022 DCBA Election Notice - This April, the DuPage County Bar Association will elect a Third Vice President, three (3) Directors and one (1) New Lawyer Director (in practice seven years or less as of July 1, 2022). Any DCBA member who is interested in running for any of these positions should file his or her nominating petition package along with other requirements, with Executive Director of the DCBA no earlier than March 1 nor later than 5 p.m. March 31, for the upcoming 2022 elections. Please send application to rrupp@dcba.org once completed. Click the button below for the petition package and more information. 

Download Petition Package Here Make Your Appointment Here

Consider the DCBA Docket for your announcements and advertising! If you would like to advertise your services or firm news in the Docket, contact the DCBA at (630)-653-7779.

Upcoming Events

Please remember to sign in to your DCBA account before registering for an event or purchasing tickets to take full advantage of member rates and benefits. 

March 3

Paralegal Division CLE - A Conversation of the George Floyd Case and Its Resulting Impact on Social Justice and Civil Rights Reform - Noon - 1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 4

MCLE Mega Meeting Day One - Noon - 4:30 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 8

Business Law MCLE - Litigation Trends Regarding Transactional Work - Noon - 1:30 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 9

Immigration Law MCLE - Push in Flight - Noon - 1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 10

Real Estate MCLE - What is Title Underwriting? - Noon - 1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

DuPage Justinian Society of Lawyers St. Joseph's Day Dinner - 5:30 p.m. - Clara's Restaurant, Woodridge, IL 60517

March 11

State of the Courthouse Address - Noon - 12:30 p.m. - link will be provided by email

MCLE Mega Meeting Day Two - 12:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 14

Intellectual Property MCLE - From Mom's Basement to Madison Square Garden: How intellectual Property Levels Up Esports - Noon - 1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 15

Family Law MCLE - Divorce Mortgage Planning - Better Outcomes for Divorcing Clients - 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

 March 17

Labor & Employment Law MCLE- Interplay Between FMLA and Other Employment Laws - Noon - 1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March DCBA Unwind - Weber Grill, Lombard - 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

March 22

Law Practice Management & Technology Section MCLE  - PDF Essentials for Lawyers- Noon -  1:00 p.m. - link will be provided by email

March 24

2022 Joint Lawyers Lending a Hand / DuPage Employee Competitive Blood Drive - 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Courthouse Parking Lot

Our Platinum Corporate Sponsors

DuPage County Bar Association

126 South County Farm Road 

WheatonIL 60187-4597


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