
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

March 2, 2022 eNews

Community awards graphic

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Contributed photo | dupagepolicyjournal.com

Community Awards Recognize Village Employee, Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year
Each year, Glen Ellyn honors its local achievements at the Community Awards celebration, presented by the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce. Part of this celebration are the announcements of Village Employee, Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year. The Village is pleased to recognize Rich Daubert, Professional Engineer as its Employee of the Year, Troy Bendoraitis as Police Officer of the Year and Patrick Ryan as Firefighter of the Year.
Rebuilding Our Downtown
Village to host public meetings for streetscape improvements project
The Village of Glen Ellyn's downtown streetscape project is set to begin March 14. Click here to read more. 
Two public information meetings will be held to address the project. 
Business Community Meeting - Monday, March 7 at 2 pm at the Civic Center (Zoom Link)
Resident Community Meeting - Tuesday, March 8 at 7 pm at the Civic Center (Zoom Link)
Roosevelt Road Hotel Properties Redevelopment Community Open House
Community Open House - March 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Links. 
The Village is conducting a multi-step public engagement process to gather input on the redevelopment of the recently acquired hotel properties on Roosevelt Road. Residents are invited to attend the Open House to learn more, share ideas and comment. 
Annual Historic Preservation Commission Awards
The Glen Ellyn Historic Preservation Commission supports homeowners and builders who help preserve our Village’s historic character. Nominations for the annual Historic Preservation Commission Awards are accepted January 1 through April 30 of each year. Learn more about the awards and submit a project for consideration. Click here for more information. 
Coffee with the Cops
Saturday, March 5, 8-10 am - Glen Ellyn Police Department
Once a month, the Chief of Police, the Deputy Chief of Police and Glen Ellyn police staff provide residents with the opportunity to interact with law enforcement personnel in a non-enforcement environment. Participants can talk about neighborhood issues, seek information on various police programs, and learn about specific police duties and responsibilities. 
March Blood and Food Drive
Help the community by donating at the upcoming Food & Blood Drive at Ackerman SFC.
Date/Time: March 29, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Ackerman SFC, 800 St. Charles Road
To sign up for the March blood drive, click here.
The Village is Hiring
The Village currently has multiple employment opportunities available, from full time positions to summer seasonal work. Some of these include Systems Engineer, Golf & Grounds Worker, Civil Engineer, Maintenance Worker, Plant Operator, and more.
Village Links Golf Course
2022 Season Information
Permanent Tee Times
The Tee Time Weighted Lottery will take place Wednesday, March 9. All fees from all four players must be paid by March 6 at 5 pm to be eligible.
Resident Cards
Renew your resident card! $10 pre-season discount expires March 15. ($20 regular rate)
COVID-19 News and Updates
Illinois Lifts Mask Mandate
Businesses may continue requiring masks for entry. 
With statewide COVID-19 hospitalization rates declining Illinois has lifted its mask mandate. However, many Glen Ellyn businesses may still choose to require masks for entry. The Village asks that you please respect everyone's choice and wear masks upon request. 
Mask requirements will also continue where federally mandated, such as on public transit and in high-risk settings including healthcare facilities and congregate care. 
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Village Board and Commission Meetings
For the most up-to -date information, please visit the Village's Agendas & Minutes page
3 - Community Relations Commission, 7 pm
8 - Fire and Police Commission, 3:30 pm
8- Capitol Improvements Commission, 7 pm
8 - Zoning Board of Appeals, 7 pm
10- Plan Commission, 7 pm
11 - Finance Commission, 7 am
14 - Village Board Meeting, 7 pm
15 - Environmental Commission, 7 pm
17 - Historic Preservation Commission, 7 pm
21 - Village Board Workshop, 7 pm
24 - Plan Commission, 7 pm
25 - Recreation Commission, 7 am
28 - Village Board Meeting, 7 pm
Upcoming Glen Ellyn Events
Kiwanis Club of Glen Ellyn Vidalia Onion Sale - 10 lbs for $12
Order now-March 13 for May delivery glenellynkiwanis.org
Kiwanis Club of Glen Ellyn Hanging Basket Sale
10" hanging baskets for $24 glenellynkiwanis.org

3 - Glenbard Parent Series: Beyond Behaviors: Using Brain Science to Understand Children's Anxiety Disorders and Other Behavioral Challenges  7 pm Zoom link here.
5 - Coffee with the Cops 8-10 am, Glen Ellyn Police Dept.  Click here for more
St. Paddy's Concert and Sing-Along 2 pm, Glen Ellyn History Center Tickets available at the door. Visit www.gehs.org
9 - Floral Symphony 7 pm, Glenbard South High School Click here for tickets
10 - Sip & Shop 5-8 pm, Downtown Glen Ellyn Click here for tickets
12 - Glen Ellyn Historical Society Presents the Life and Times of Designer Coco Chanel 2 pm, Glen Ellyn History Center Tickets available at the door. Visit www.gehs.org
17 - League of Women Voters Community Meeting - Voter Rights, Voter Suppression and Election Security 7 pm Register online.
535 Duane Street
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Phone: 630-469-5000
Village of Glen Ellyn | 535 Duane Street, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137