
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

D94 Community eNewsletter - Volume 9, Issue 26


The Squad provides great support with an exuberant cheering section at Wildcat sporting events.
  Parents - interested in candid photos of your child?
  • We contract with Lifetouch to take candid photos of school events throughout the year. You may purchase copies of these photos directly from Lifetouch - here's how:
  • Visit https://lifetouch.curatorpost.com
  • Create an account using school code "wcc0" (that's a zero)
  • Start shopping for photos of your student!
Friday, March 4
County-wide Institute Day
Upcoming Calendar - See all events at www.d94.org/calendar
  • March 1
  • Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting 7 PM
  • Livestream link
  • Choral Festival 7 PM
  • Wildcat Booster Club Meeting 7 PM, Activity Center, Entrance H
  • March 3 - Winter Band Concert 7 PM
  • March 4 - No School - County-wide Institute Day
  • March 7 - Late Start Day
  • 0 Hour begins at 9:20; 1st Hour begins at 10:00 a.m.
  • Buses will run on this schedule
  • March 12 - Pancake Breakfast 8-11 AM, Commons, sponsored by Music Boosters
  • March 15 - Board of Education Regular Meeting 7 PM
WCCHS Transition team members (from l) Isaac Spear, Jen Walker, Katie Sullivan, Lucia Carlos and Laurie Majchrowski celebrate their nomination for the Illinois State Board of Education’s Those Who Excel program last spring. Not pictured is Allie Torres.
Transition Team Receives State Board Award
The Special Education Transition Team at West Chicago Community High School has earned the Illinois State Board of Education’s highest honor in the Those Who Excel Awards, Award of Excellence, for creating the WeGo Tees in-school business with their students last year. 
The WCCHS Transition Team consists of teachers Katie Sullivan and Jen Walker; Speech/Language Pathologist Allie Torres; and Personal Care Assistants/Job Coaches
Lucia Carlos, Laurie Majchrowski, and 
Robotics Team Earns Rookie Sensation Award
The Robotics Team attended their regional tournament this past Saturday at Kankakee HS finishing up their rookie season. They won 4 of their 5 qualifying matches and made it into the elimination rounds for the tournament. They lost to the 1st seeded alliance in eliminations. 
But, they came home with the Rookie Sensation award!
Robotics Team members are: Grayson ArendtJudith BenitezAidan DaguroEftihia GiannoudakosGurshan GillJerry GuerreroMilagros MendezBenjamin MohaiDominik MohaiJack Riconosciuto, and Neeraj Vangara.
The team is coached by LRC Director Carol Naughton.
Athletic Dept. Earns Safe Sports School Award
West Chicago High School is the recipient of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Safe Sports School award for its high school athletics program. The award champions safety and recognizes secondary schools that have met the recommended standards to improve safety in sports. The award reinforces the importance of providing the best level of care, injury prevention, and treatment.
Pierre Baldwin 8th at State Wrestling Tournament
Congratulations to WE-GO wrestler Pierre Baldwin on his top 8th place finish at the IHSA State Tournament last weekend. 
Pierre finished his senior year with a record of 40-7. Throughout his high school career, Pierre compiled 116 varsity wins, was a 3 time state qualifier placing top 12, 6th and top 8. Thank you Pierre for your dedication to the wrestling program. 
Girls Wrestling: 3 Making History at State Tournament
Congratulations to our first ever IHSA Girls Wrestling State Qualifiers who left for the state tournament on Feb. 24: Charlene BahnflethJayden Huesca Rodriguez, and Isabella Lopez. These girls are making history in the sport's first official season and have already shown they are some of the best in the state. Wish them luck! 
Dance Production Tryouts March 2, 4-7:30 PM
Dance Production tryouts for the 2022-2023 school year will be next Wednesday, March 2nd 4:00pm-7:30pm in the dance studio. 
Do you like to dance? Jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, musical theater, and more? Would you like to be able to dance everyday in PE? Then DANCE PRODUCTION is the class for you!
To see what the final product of being in dance production looks like, check out our 2020 show. To learn more about what dance production is, please join our dance production information classroom using the classroom code: sfist5a 
Questions? Contact Ms.Covella at jcovella@d94.org.
Prom Details Announced
Spring will be here before you know it and that brings on Prom season!
Prom 2022 will be held on Friday, April 22 at the Field Museum in Chicago. Transportation via coach buses is included in the ticket price of $125 per person. Tickets will be sold April 5, 6, 7 and 8 from 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. in the Student Activity Center.
From the Nurse's Office
Dear Wildcat Parents/Guardians:
Since 02/20/2022 D94 has had 1 positive case this week. If you have any questions, please contact the Health Office.
In order to return to school after a positive result, you DO NOT need to test negative. If your student tests positive, they will need to be excluded for 5 days and feel better in order to return. 
If students do have symptoms, in order to return to school they will need to have a negative COVID test. We are still offering the option to test your student, if symptomatic, while in school. Use of the BinaxNOW test is completely voluntary and is not required. Parents wishing their child to have this option must log into their PowerSchool account to complete the consent survey. You can find the survey in your parent PowerSchool account under BinaxNOW Testing Survey. If you need help accessing your PowerSchool account please contact Beth Schuck (bschuck@d94.org) or for Spanish Janette Hernandez (jhernandez@d94.org)  
Please do not send your student to school if they have any of the following symptoms:
Fever (100.4 or higher), new onset of moderate to severe headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, muscle or body aches from unknown cause.
We need everyone's help to keep all our Wildcat Staff and Students safe and healthy.  
If you have any questions about whether or not your student should be attending school, please contact the Health Office:
630-876-6245 Nurse Page
630-876-6246 Nurse Cathy
630-876-6469 (Mrs. Mendoza Spanish)
Spring Sports Registration Hurry! Season begins 2/28
Registration for spring sports is now open!
Spring teams:
Baseball, Softball, Girls Soccer, Badminton, Boys & Girls Track, Boys Volleyball, Boys Tennis.
Please check with your coach for information on 1st day of practice/tryout.
Activity Buses Run Monday Through Thursday
Beginning February 14, students may now stay after school for clubs and activities, sports, tutoring, or meeting with a teacher, and have a way to get home! 
Activity buses will run after school Monday through Thursday, leaving from Entrance B at 4:30 p.m. 
There is no cost for this service. 
Bus routes are posted at www.d94.org/bus.
Nominations Open for Distinguished Alumni Award
This award is given with great care to those West Chicago Community High School graduates who have made exceptional contribution in their field of endeavor and their service to humanity, contributions that exceed the boundaries of career and inspire others to dream and achieve.
Know a graduate of WCCHS who could be considered for this award? Nominate them today at www.d94.org/distinguishedalumni.
Kirk Johnson, Class of 1998, WeGo Places Podcast
Another great WeGo Places alumni podcast for your listening pleasure! Join WCCHS teacher Brian Turnbaugh as he interviews Kirk Johnson, Class of 1998, Founder of the List Project/Best Selling Author.
Who might you know that we interviewed? Check out lots of wonderful interviews with former WeGo Wildcats with amazing careers at www.d94.org/wegoplaces.
Have a suggestion for a future interview? Contact teacher Brian Turnbaugh at bturnbaugh@d94.org.
5Essentials Parent Survey Open Through March 11
West Chicago Community High School would love to hear from YOU!
You have been invited to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. The information you provide will help guide improvement as we strive to inspire each student to realize their potential through the education and opportunities we provide at West Chicago Community High School. Your participation in this survey is voluntary but crucial. We can’t receive results from 
Encuesta para padres de 5Essentials ahora abierta
¡La Escuela Preparatoria de West Chicago (Community High School) desea escucharlos!
Quedan ustedes invitados a llenar la Encuesta de Padres de Familia de las 5 Esenciales de Illinois (5Essentials Parent Survey). La información proporcionada nos ayudará a guiar las mejoras en nuestros esfuerzos por inspirar a los estudiantes a realizar su potencial por medio de la educación y las oportunidades que 
Summer Driver's Education Registration Filling Up Fast
Summer Driver's Education registration is now open. For more information or to register: www.d94.org/summerdriversed
The student or parent must turn in applications to Ms. Cuautle in person, in the Student Activity Center before or after school or during the student’s lunch hour. Please do not mail the application or give it to any other staff member. 
Applications will be due by Wednesday, May 19th
Emergency School Closing Information
It's that time of year! Community High School District 94 notifies parents of school closing or the use of E-Learning Days in a variety of ways including phone, text, email, our website and through the Emergency Closing Center that feeds information to radio and television stations.
Details can be found at www.d94.org/schoolclosing. Phone numbers and email addresses are pulled from student information in PowerSchoolso be sure your information is up to date.
WCCHS Social Emotional Support Web Page
The members of the Student Services Department recognize how difficult this time has been on our students, families, and members of our feeder communities.
With that in mind, we would like to share our social emotional support page which has a myriad of mental health resources for students, parents, and teachers.

Information for Parents of Students with Disabilities:
From Our Community Partners
FREE programs for WCCHS parents from the 
Glenbard Parent Series:

Check out this video preview:
Helping Students Learn to Live Above the Circumstances
Thurs. Feb. 24 at Noon and 7 PM
Javier Sanchez
Through comedy, spoken word poetry, and powerful stories, Javier reminds audiences that their personal power to change their lives and the world around them starts with the choices they make. Young people gravitate toward, respond to, and are willing to learn from and work with the adults they feel truly care about them. Before the learning and development process can begin, it is vital to establish a culture of care within our homes, schools, programs, and communities. In his presentations, Javier will inspires adults to walk away with a new or renewed passion for youth engagement while providing tools and resources that are immediately applicable, engaging, relevant, and fun. 
Children's Resilience
The Importance of Everyday Interactions
Tuesday, March 1 at 7 PM
Dr. Junlei Li & Dr. Dana Winters
The power of human relationships comes from simple, ordinary moments of interactions. When we recognize what a human interaction can be and can do, we can understand how each of us have opportunities to connect, reciprocate, include, and support other human beings. In this interactive presentation, participants will explore what’s rich and powerful about even small and brief moments of human interactions. Junlei Li is a senior lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He previously served as the Co-Director for Early Learning and Children’s Media at the Fred Rogers Center. Dr Winters is the Executive Director of the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media, She seeks to apply and advance the legacy of Fred Rogers in serving children and their helpers. 

Check out this video preview: https://youtu.be/8V83QJHCnP 
Check out this video preview: 
Beyond Behaviors: 
Using Brain Science to Understand Children's Anxiety Disorders and Other Behavioral Challenges
Thursday March 3 at 7 PM
Mona Delahooke
This Internationally known pediatric psychologist will present an updated, integrated mind/body approach to solving anxiety disorders, school refusal other behavioral challenges, and developmental differences respectfully and successfully. Dr. Delahooke describes behaviors as the tip of the iceberg – important signals that we should address by seeking to understand a child’s individual differences. She seeks to reframe our understanding of these behaviors by integrating perspectives from child development, brain science, mental health, and child and parent experiences to guide participants towards insight and compassionate approaches that are respectful of neurodiversity.
Here are the tools needed to reduce behavioral challenges, and promote psychological resilience and satisfying, secure relationships. Her just released book is Brain-Body Parenting: How to Stop Managing Behavior and Start Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids 
Conversations You Need to Have by Age 14 (15, 16 and 17)
Wednesday, March 16 at Noon & 7 PM
Michelle Icard
Because of their developmental need to figure out who they are as individuals at the onset of adolescence- a break-down in communication is often a first step in this process – just when kids need the most guidance. Here is a model for overcoming your language obstacles with a new language and a new approach! Icard will guide parents of tweens and teens past their fears and challenges around covering “the important stuff” with their kids and into a confident position to have meaningful conversations where their kids will actually engage. In addition to learning general “Dos and Don’ts” for communicating successfully with increasingly resistant adolescents, we will get into the specifics of what parents need to know on certain hot topics.  

Ballet, Tacos & Show Fundraising Event
Bring your family & friends! 
Purchase tickets of 2 for $75 or a table of 8 for $250.
Dinner includes: Chips & Guacamole, Taco Tray & Dessert
Tickets will go live Monday, February 28th via Eventbrite. 
For more information please contact Maggie Vazquez at 630-440-6294 or vazquezm@wego33.org.
This is a fundraising event for Leman’s Ballet Folklorico. 
Proceeds will go to student end of year celebration, props and student supplies. 

Have a question? Want to suggest an eNewsletter topic?
Contact Communications Coordinator 
Becky Koltz | 630-876-6215 | bkoltz@d94.org
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Community High School District 94 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Community High School District 94 | 326 Joliet St.West Chicago, IL 60185