
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Residential Enews- August 12, 2021

Citizen police academy cpa 2020

Contributed photo | www.villageofbloomingdale.org

Contributed photo | www.villageofbloomingdale.org

Village of Bloomingdale issued the following announcement on Aug. 12

Coffee For Champions

The 18th annual #CoffeeforChampions (formerly known as "Cop on a Rooftop") fundraiser for the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics will be hosted at Dunkin' Bloomingdale-200 E Lake St. 

Bloomingdale Police Officers unite with the Lake Street Dunkin' staff to support the Special Olympics' program and to recognize its athletes. From 5:00 a.m. to Noon on Friday, August 20, the officers will take part in a rooftop sit-in greeting the customers of the Bloomingdale Lake Street Dunkin' and encouraging donations for Illinois Special Olympics

Each guest who makes a donation to the Torch Run will receive a coupon for a free donut; Guests donating $10 or more will receive a Law Enforcement Torch Run travel mug (while supplies last) and a coupon for a free medium hot coffee.
The goal is to reach pre-pandemic record of raising $871,000 here in Illinois.

We hope to see you there to help the Bloomingdale Police Department support the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois and don't forget to look up!
Electrical System Improvements on Glen Ellyn Rd.

The Village of Bloomingdale has received a permit application from Commonwealth Edison Company for electric system improvements on Glen Ellyn Road between Army Trail Road and Carriage Way.

The work that Commonwealth Edison is performing will be to install new switches and transformers as well as smart grid equipment that will help to improve system reliability and reduce the duration of outages during system interruptions. The smart grid technologies allows for more rapid isolation of cable faults, reduces the number of customers having a service interruption, and reduces the duration of power outages.

Commonwealth Edison has indicated that work is planned to begin during the week of August 30th and will take approximately 3 weeks to complete. This work is all on the existing overhead cable system within the project limits. Motorists can expect some daytime lane closures or reductions during the construction activity.  

If you need additional information about this project, you should contact the project engineer for Commonwealth Edison, KDM Engineering at 312-763-2198.
Citizen Police Academy 2021-Registration Now Open

The Bloomingdale Police Department is once again hosting the Citizen Police Academy Program for its community members. The Citizen Police Academy has been a natural step from the Neighborhood Watch Program to enhance the lines of communication with individuals who live and/or work in Bloomingdale, by providing an insight into police work procedures. The eleven-week program will consist of a series of instruction and discussion to provide an overview of various areas of law enforcement.

The classes will be held on Wednesday evenings in September, October, and November, each for a three hour interval (6:30-9:30 PM), during which police officers instruct on the following topics: Department Organization, Testing Process, Building Tour, Adult and Juvenile Criminal Law and Procedures, Traffic Stops and Radar Enforcement, Accidents/Crash Reports, D.U.I. Procedures, Use of Force/Liability, Defensive Tactics, Firearms Safety, Interviewing/Interrogation overview, and K-9 Demonstration. 

If you are interested in participating for the Citizen Police Academy or for further information, please contact Sue Osicek at (630) 529-9868.
Relay For Life Luminaria Event

Light up your community and honor every life touched by cancer. Dedicate a Luminaria to a loved one lost, someone currently battling, or anyone who has overcome cancer. When you attend a Relay event, you’ll see the Luminarias decorated with names and sometimes messages to the people they’re dedicated to.

When you make a donation for a Luminaria it helps fund the American Cancer Society’s mission to help save lives.

New this year To Honor our First Responders (Fire, Police, Nurses, Doctors, Paramedics etc) and Military. If you note in your luminaria purchase that they are a first responder or military, an American Flag with their luminaria bag to honor their service.

For more information, please go to the Relay For Life website.

Amazing Feats Come from Big Hearts-5K Race to Stop Hunger

The 7th Annual Race To Stop Hunger is Coming to the old Indian Lakes Golf Course on Saturday, August 28, 8:00 AM In-Person (and Virtual). 100% of proceeds goes to feeding children!  Come as an individual or Create a team of friends, co-workers, neighbors and enjoy the morning while raising money for a great cause.

Questions, please contact Race Director, Nancy: racetostophunger@gmail.com

Resources & Happenings

Bloomingdale Church’s Food Pantry, located at 264 Glen Ellyn Rd, is a volunteer-led team that functions completely from donated items and funds. The pantry is open on Saturdays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM.
Please email foodpantry@bloomingdalechurch.org for more information.

The August Edition of the Village Almanac is available for viewing online. 

Click Here to view.

More information and vendor applications are available by clicking on the “Community” tab on the Village of Bloomingdale website and then go to “Septemberfest”.
Volunteers are needed from 9-11 PM for assistance with cleanup. For more information contact Cindy Allston at cindy@bloomingdalechamber.com 

The Bloomingdale Public Library will not be hosting an in-person Volunteer Fair this year, however, the entire community is invited to take part in Volunteer Month this August!
For more information and a list of participating groups, please view the event flyer

Coupon Corner
Sponsored by
Bloomingdale Chamber
Any questions regarding service, new cart delivery and/or size delivered should be directed to S.B.C. Waste Solutions at 312-522-1115, email at residential@sbcwastesolutions.com or through their online customer service form.

Bloomingdale account holders who are age 65 and older can apply for a Senior Discount through SBC’s secure online portal @ https://www.sbcwastesolutions.com/senior-discount/, or by mailing a copy of your driver's license, & verification of your occupancy, such as a water bill or property tax bill to: Bloomingdale Senior Discount, 2401 Gardner Road, Broadview Il, 60155.

CHARACTER COUNTS! Thought for the Day

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” — George Bernhard Shaw