
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Addison School District 4 Board of Education Met May 26

Webp meeting 05

Addison School District 4 Board of Education Met May 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

At its Regular Meeting, the Board of Education conducted the following business:

The Board approved the Minutes of the Regular Session Meeting of April 28, 2021.

The Board conducted a Public Hearing concerning the District’s e-Learning Plan.

The Board approved the Accounts Payable for the Month of May 2021.

The Board approved the Payroll for the Month of April 2021.

Communications/Public Participation on Agenda Items: None


Literacy Curriculum for Indian Trail Jr. High: Donna Haney, Asst. Superintendent for Teaching & Learning

• Mrs. Haney shared information on the Into Literature curriculum from Houghton Mufflin Harcourt. These materials were piloted this year and will be recommended for approval as an action item at tonight’s meeting.

• Into Literature’s materials are engaging and culturally relevant, can be personalized to support all students, and they’re flexible and connected.

• Before recommending this program, we listened to teacher and student feedback from the pilot, as well as checked references for other districts that are using the program.

• We will be offering teachers an introductory training in August with follow-up webinars and coaching throughout the year.

Student Council Recognition

• A video was shared that featured a sponsor and student representative, from each school, sharing what their club worked on this school year.

Committee Reports

LEND Meeting of May 21, 2021

• Mr. Williams shared that they discussed assessments.

• He reviewed several bills, including 654, which would require unstructured play time. The details and timing for this bill are in the process of being changed.

• They also adopted the budget, dues schedule, meeting dates, and new executive committee slate. Mr. Keeley will be serving on this committee.

Budget Committee Meeting of May 26, 2021

• Mr. Williams shared that the committee looked at new figures, compared to the March figures. The CPI will remain the same for 2022, but they anticipate it increasing in the future. They also factored in about $8 million in new federal relief funds. New expenses included increases to insurance rates.

• The tentative budget will be presented to the Board in June.

Administrative Reports:

Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Langton reported on the following:

• Mr. Langton thanked every employee for all their hard work during this challenging school year.

• Our commitment continues for 100% of our students to be in-person learning for the start of next school year. We will continue to monitor the guidelines and making decisions through the summer, to ensure that our schools are safe for all of our students to return in-person.

• We will be partnering with District 88 to provide a vaccination clinic for students 12 and over. The first dose will be on June 21 and the second dose will be on July 12. We will be receiving over 900 doses. As we learn more about the availability for the vaccine for students under 12, we will continue to be vigilant to try to make it available to our families.

• He shared an announcement of his June 30, 2022 retirement and his appreciation for the opportunity to work in our community for 26 incredible years! The board will be voting tonight on hiring an executive search firm.

• We received two FOIA requests and Chuck Wartman responded.

Assistant Superintendent for Business – Mr. Tim Keeley reported on the following:

• Mr. Dirck meets monthly with all principals and has used these meetings to coordinate the necessary packing and preparing for summer construction. He and his team are also planning out their summer projects on spaces not being renovated by ICI, including preventative maintenance, exterior lighting, painting, and custodial deep cleaning.

• We are nearing the kickoff of our 2021 summer renovations and will be updating doors and hardware across the district. We are excited to share the preliminary schematics with the Buildings and Grounds Committee at their June 14th meeting and thank all who have provided input into the design of our new Innovation Center!

• Our annual employee insurance open enrollment was a success.

• The Budget Committee convened tonight to receive an update on the development of next year’s tentative budget. We recently became aware of additional E-Rate funding through an Emergency Connectivity Fund set up by the feds. We are working with our E-Rate consultant to identify eligible expenditures that may be submitted under this new grant program.

• Once again, we will be making the necessary transfers of fund balance to fund future capital improvement projects. This will take place at the June Board of Education meeting.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning – Mrs. Donna Haney reported on the following:

• We are excited to share an update regarding our Summer School program. We have hired 46 teachers and paras to serve the 522 students that have enrolled in the program. There will be 74 Kindergarten Camp students attending Summer School at the Addison Early Learning Center. We will be using Scholastic LitCamp reading program and the Savvas enVision math program. Both the reading and math programs are aligned to the grade level standards and the teachers will be provided the curriculum for both content areas. Dual Language teachers will deliver their instruction in English and/or Spanish, depending on their grade level language allocation. Teachers will also use supplemental resources. Generally, there is a limit of 15 students per class in grades Kindergarten through 7th grade and 7 students per class in Pre-K.

• Indian Trail Summer Reading 2021 -Reading is the Ticket to Adventure: This year, we are utilizing several different titles. All students will have opportunities to extend their learning by participating in optional Meeting with Excellence activities. Summer Reading at Indian Trail was made possible through Title I funds. These books will be distributed during Chromebook drop-off in June.

Action Items:

• The Board accepted the resignation requests, as presented.

• The Board accepted the retirement request, as presented.

• The Board approved the employment and change of assignment requests, as presented.

• The Board approved the one-year administrator contract, as presented.

• The Board approved the Intergovernmental Agreement with District 88 for Director of Biliteracy, as presented.

• The Board approved the district’s e-Learning plan, as presented.

• The Board approved the Indian Trail Jr. High School’s ELA materials purchase, as presented.

• The Board approved the reappointment of the School Treasurer and renewed the Treasurer’s Bond, as presented.

• The Board approved the Resolution to Transfer Funds from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Capital Projects Fund, as presented.

• The Board approved the exterior painting bid, as presented.

• The Board approved the bleachers repair and replacement bid, as presented.

• The Board approved the data backup device renewal, as presented.

• The Board approved the board committee assignments, as presented.

• The Board approved the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) dues for 2021-2022, as presented.

• The Board approved the contract with IASB for Executive Search Services, as presented.

Discussion Items:

• The next Regular Board of Education Meeting is on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 – Indian Trail Jr. High Board Room at 6:00 p.m. Please note the earlier start time.

• Indian Trail Junior High School’s 8th Grade Promotional Exercise will take place on June 6, 2021 at Addison Trail High School at 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.

• The last day of classes for students in the 2020-2021 school year will be June 8, 2021.

• The Joint Annual Conference will be November 19-21, 2021 in Chicago.

• Mr. Wartman shared a 2021-2022 enrollment update.

• Mr. Wartman shared the Club/Activity Summary for the Year.

• Mr. Langton shared the Consolidated District Plan for 2022.

• Mr. Langton shared an update for the Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC).

• There were no Communications To and From the Board this month, in accordance to board policy 2:140.

Communications/Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items:

• Daniel Medina asked about if the vaccine will be mandatory for students to attend in person, once/if it’s available for students under 12 and if it was a mandate to attend in person for those over 12. Mr. Langton shared that the vaccine will not be mandatory for students to attend in person. But the State Board of Education states that there does not need to be a remote option for students who are eligible for the vaccine and are required to quarantine.

Miscellaneous Business: None

The Board of Education meeting officially adjourned at 8:31p.m.
