
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Casten calls critics of CRT 'right-wing fear mongers'


Rep. Sean Casten | Facebook

Rep. Sean Casten | Facebook

Congressman Sean Casten (D-Barrington) is under fire after launching a verbal assault on opponents of critical race theory (CRT).

In a video released by left-wing organization Now This, Casten said CRT opponents are “right-wing fear-mongers who are nothing but bullies” and are “afraid of facing hard truths and afraid of the will of the majority.”

Casten goes on to castigate critics as “snowflakes,” before saying, “The unfortunate truth is that every time we’ve moved a little bit closer to realizing Martin Luther King’s dream, it’s scared the dickens out of a certain subset of white men who are petrified to live in a world where they might be judged by the content of their character.”

Casten dismisses those opposed to CRT as nothing more than “right-wing fear-mongers who are nothing but bullies. Bullies, who like all bullies, are themselves deeply afraid. They’re afraid of facing hard truths and afraid of the will of the will of the majority.”

The controversy is hardly the first Casten has found himself at the center of in recent times.

Soon after former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain died of COVID, Casten tweeted “I'm truly sorry for Herman Cain's family. And I'm truly sad that Louis Gohmert got COVID. But I have absolutely no sympathy nor tolerance for people who are willingly not wearing masks that would protect others from the viruses they are carrying."

Former state Rep. Jeanne Ives, who was then challenging Casten in the 6th District had heard enough.

“Why don’t you stop the politics for one second, Sean,” she said. “Have some empathy. No one deserves to have their death politicized at the moment they die. Sean Casten has both a character problem and a Twitter problem.”