Ty Smith | YouTube
Ty Smith | YouTube
Fox News host Tucker Carlson is willing to go to extremes to stop critical race theory in its tracks.
“How widespread is it?” Carlson asked during a recent broadcast. “Well, we can't really be sure until we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers, until we finally get a civilian review board in every town in America to oversee the people teaching your children, forming their minds – and let's hope we get both of those very soon. We know that these ideas, this poison, has made it all the way to expensive private schools in central Ohio.”
Branding the teachings, “civilization-ending poison,” Carlson recently showed a YouTube clip of a black father protesting at an Illinois District 87 school board meeting.
Radio host Ty Smith recently castigated the theory as "more than BS," arguing that an "overwhelming majority of Americans" think that "this is insane" and "you should judge people by what they do, not on the basis of their skin color."
In footage shown by Carlson, the father told board and audience members “You are going to deliberately teach kids that this white kid right here has got it better than you because he's white? You are going to purposefully tell a white kid, 'oh the black people are all down and oppressed?' How do I have two medical degrees if I'm sitting here oppressed?”
Smith added he achieved it all with “no mom or dad in the house,” working his way through college as he moved from one phase to the next.
“You going to tell me that somebody that looked like all you white folks kept me from doing that,” he said. "Are you serious?”
Education Week defines CRT as a concept that is more than 40 years old with the core idea that “race is a social construct.”
It also purports that racism is embedded in legal systems and policies, as opposed to simply being the end result of individual biases and prejudices.
Several media outlets have reported the teachings have already been outlawed in such states as Tennessee and Idaho.