
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, May 6, 2024

Durkin: 'Governor, not only did you sell out, but you lied'


Rep. Jim Durkin | repdurkin.com

Rep. Jim Durkin | repdurkin.com

House Republican Floor Leader Jim Durkin (R-Chicago) has joined his Republican colleagues condemning Gov. J.B. Pritzker over what they see as him misleading voters about redistricting legislative maps.

“J.B. Pritzker promised to veto any maps drawn by legislators or politicians, but with no fanfare Gov. Pritzker broke that promise and signed the legislative maps, even though yesterday he told reporters he was undecided and hadn't reviewed the maps,” Durkin said in a video posted to YouTube. “Gov. Pritzker, you sold out. You sold out independents, you sold out Republicans and you sold out Democrats to the partisan Democrat Machine, which has destroyed Illinois. And Governor, not only did you sell out, but you lied.”

While a gubernatorial candidate, Pritzker vowed to veto any map drawn by politicians or crafted along partisan lines.

“In Illinois, when you're the governor, your words mean something,” Durkin said. “Gov. Pritzker himself has repeatedly stated that he supports the independent commission. So then why, Governor, did you sign these partisan maps?”

Durkin charged Democrats have gone above and beyond to block all reforms aimed at empowering an independent commission to handle the job of map drawing.

“Unfortunately, Speaker Madigan and now Speaker Welch cut backroom deals behind locked doors to pick their voters, entirely circumventing the democratic process,” he said. “And yes, you heard me, Speaker Madigan. This is right out of the playbook. They, the Democrats, including Gov. Pritzker, ensured as little time as possible would be allowed for public comment.”

Republican lawmakers insist the final maps were introduced less than 24 hours before it was time to take a vote.

“Finally, they passed it in the 11th hour, citing an end-of-June deadline that we all know is fake,” Durkin said. “Now, their sole goal, let's be perfectly honest, their sole goal throughout this process was to retain control of Springfield, to keep the stranglehold on Illinois.”

Durkin charges voters never had a chance to be heard on the issue.

 “Gov. Pritzker refused to hear the voices of people telling them that this was a bad idea,” he said. “Countless advocacy groups feel the same way. Governor, by signing this bill, you have turned your back on millions of Illinoisans who are desperately seeking honesty in government.”