Veteran state Rep. Deanne Mazzochi (R-Morris) has grown tired of the way she feels Democrats do business in Springfield.
“We put provisions into our statutes to try to protect taxpayers, the body that we’re trying to regulate so that we don’t make rash decisions,” Mazzochi said during recent House floor debate where she called out Democrats for ignoring procedural rules in order to have their way.
“We are changing judicial circuits and subcircuits when the people that live in those districts, the judges, the state’s attorney haven’t asked for this,” she added. “Once again it appears that this is being done for crass, raw political power reasons not for policy reasons.”
Mazzochi has also been pushing the GOP’s Reimagine Illinois campaign, a movement to overhaul the state's ethics and business legislation.
Backed by the Illinois House Republican Caucus, the plan would enact such reforms as banning General Assembly members from lobbying and allowing citizens to easily introduce constitutional amendments.
“The House Republican platform is simple: Practice responsible fiscal leadership, grow jobs and opportunities for all, ensure public safety, and end the culture of corruption which will make achieving the first three pillars much easier,” Mazzochi said on her Facebook page March 26.
Thus far, Republican lawmakers have introduced more than 80 pieces of legislation in connection with the plan. Illinoisans can sign a petition if they agree with the plan.
“Let’s end the culture of corruption in Illinois by eliminating conflicts of interest, removing partisan politics from drawing legislative boundaries and giving citizens more control of their government,”Mazzochi said in her post. “It’s time to #ReimagineIllinois. These proposals focus on four key principles that will help make Illinois the best place to live, work, and raise a family.”
In a recent study conducted by the University of Illinois-Chicago, Illinois ranks as the second most corrupt state in the country.