County of Du Page Emergency Telephone System Board met March 10
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by Chair Greg Schwarze at 9:00 AM.
Chairman Schwarze opened the meeting by reading the Illinois Attorney General’s “Guidance to Public Bodies on the Open Meetings Act during the COVID-19 Pandemic” preamble.
PRESENT: Schwarze, Franz (Remote), Andalcio (Remote), Bilodeau (Remote), Eckhoff (9:01 AM), Kramer, Renehan (Remote), Schar (Remote), Tegtmeyer (Remote), Temes, Tillman (Remote)
ABSENT: Maranowicz (Excused)
Linda Zerwin Matt Theusch Eve Kraus
Jerry Furmanski (Remote) Kris Cieplinski (Remote)
Mike DiGiannantonio (Remote)
Adam Johnson, Chief Deputy Clerk
Paul Bruckner
Gwen Henry - County Treasurer (Remote)
Bill Hayden - Village of Addison (Remote)
David Jordan - County IT (Remote)
The following individual submitted public comment:
Chief Keith Krestan - Lisle Woodridge Fire District - Record of attendance only Member Eckhoff entered the meeting at 9:01am.
Chairman Schwarze noted there is a presentation on radio replacement by Chief Connolly and Director Hayden with the importance of updating the interoperable radios. Also on the agenda is the policy regarding the membership of the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC).
There were no Members' remarks.
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D and E. Member Renehan motioned, seconded by Member Tillman. On roll call, motion carried.
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D and E. A motion was made by Member Renehan, seconded by Member Tillman. On roll call, motion carried.
A. Monthly Staff Report
1. 20-21-20 Monthly Report for March 10 Regular Meeting.
MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3 SECONDER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. 20-21-17 ETSB Revenue Report for March 10 Regular Meeting for Fund 5820/Equalization.
MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3 SECONDER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee - Regular Meeting - Feb 1, 2021 9:00 AM
MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3 SECONDER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. ETSB - Emergency Telephone System Board - Regular Meeting - Feb 10, 2021 9:00 AM
MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3 SECONDER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. 20-21-21 Statewide 9-1-1 Annual Report to the General Assembly
MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3 SECONDER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
A. Payment of Claims
1. 20-21-18 Payment of Claims for March 10, 2021 for FY20 - Total for 4000-5820 (Equalization): $823,998.11.
MOVER: Dan Bilodeau, Sheriff's Office Rep SECONDER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
MOVER: Michael Tillman, Emergency Services Rep SECONDER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4 AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. ETS-R-0022-21 Awarding Resolution to Rave Mobile Safety d.b.a. Rave Mobile Safety PO 921013 to incorporate a new contract for the second year renewal of Smart911 services. (Total amount: $119,200)
MOVER: Brian Tegtmeyer, DU-COMM Rep SECONDER: Delores Temes, ACDC Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
MOVER: Delores Temes, ACDC Rep SECONDER: David Schar, Chief AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
Ms. Zerwin mentioned the considerable efforts of Ms. Kraus in the finalizing of the services of the contract because of consolidation. The Board received a supplemental memo regarding this time which states the renewal will net a savings of about $32,000 a year.
MOVER: Delores Temes, ACDC Rep SECONDER: David Andalcio, Public Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
MOVER: David Andalcio, Public Rep SECONDER: Erik Kramer, Deputy Chief Addison FPD AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. ETS-R-0020-21 Resolution to approve access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System talk groups pursuant to Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Ineroperable Radios System (DEDIRS), as requested by Kane County Emergency Communications (KaneComm).
Ms. Zerwin noted this item was recommended for approval by PAC March 1 as amended to add DU ACDC1, remove DU DC FIRE 1 and DU DC FIRE 2, and amend their DU DC FIRE OPS request to include DU FIRE OPS 1-7 (adds DU FIRE OPS 6).
MOVER: Erik Kramer, Deputy Chief Addison FPD SECONDER: Delores Temes, ACDC Rep AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
MOVER: Delores Temes, ACDC Rep SECONDER: Erik Kramer, Deputy Chief Addison FPD AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. 20-21-22 Policy Advisory Committee Membership and Policy
Chairman Schwarze reviewed the current status of the Policy Advisory Committee
(PAC). He then asked Ms. Zerwin for her comments. She referenced a memorandum regarding the history of the PAC as an adopted policy, not part of the IGA. Now that this is a two PSAP system, there are recommendations for the representation and makeup of the PAC. Ms. Zerwin reviewed the initial recommendation of one fire, one police, and one PSAP representative from each PSAP and their respective terms. The draft policy discussed the role and duties of the PAC, the procedure, and standardization goals.
Chairman Schwarze noted the terms of the committee Members are all currently expired. His recommendations were to increase the membership of the committee from five to six as outlined in the draft policy. The Members would have two year terms but staggered with two Members having one-year terms within the first year so they do not expire at the same time.
A discussion ensued regarding the PSAP representative and how that person might be determined. Chairman Schwarze pointed out the PSAP representative would have to have decision making authority within the committee and to speak on behalf of their PSAP. There was a suggestion to appoint the PSAP Directors and they could designate a representative to attend in their place.
Vice Chairman Franz questioned the ETSB flow chart and vetting of information as it comes through. Ms. Zerwin replied, the referenced chart was how the flow is today. There was discussion of operations and what information from the various groups would flow through the PAC. If there are operational issues coming up through the Focus Groups to the PAC, the flow chart would be amended to reflect this.
The position of the PAC Chair was questioned, whether it would come from one of those six Members, or a seventh Member from the ETS Board to act as Chair. Chairman Schwarze replied that person would be appointed by him, as Chairman of the ETSB, out of the six Members.
Ms. Zerwin pointed out that the policy includes the position of the Executive Director as a non-voting Member. She also questioned if there would be a Finance Group and whether it would report directly to the ETS Board, and believed it should not come up through the PAC.
The timeline of the approval of the policy was discussed. The policy would be not approved at this meeting as there was no resolution attached to it. Vice Chairman Franz believed there was no rush and it should be sent to the PSAPs and disseminated to their members for input. Chairman Schwarze stated the replacement of the interoperable radios was a huge issue that needed to be addressed sooner rather than later and while time could be taken to expand roles, he did not want to lose the focus of the radios.
Ms. Zerwin said the draft would be reworked and sent out for feedback within the next five to seven days. She stated, this was a working board and it is the assumption that any information that needs to be taken back to an association would be the duty
of the respective Member, that information received would be distributed through the Member.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Franz, seconded by Member Kramer, to table the policy until the April 14 meeting when it would be brought forward with a resolution.
MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair SECONDER: Erik Kramer, Deputy Chief Addison FPD AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
1. 20-21-23 FY21 Principle Goals and Objectives
Chairman Schwarze stated that being new to the board, he came up with a generic list of principles which were narrowed down after speaking with Vice Chairman Franz and Executive Director Zerwin. He read the four goals and said he would ask for a motion to accept them but asked for any discussion first.
Member Tillman questioned Goal 1.2 and the identification of payment by June 1. Chairman Schwarze responded, this was in regards to the $1M payment in the budget for distribution to the PSAPs. Member Tillman questioned this item further due to the language being considered in the rewrite of the Emergency Telephone System Act. He understands the intent to offset some of the PSAPs’ costs, and asked for Ms. Zerwin’s insights into if the language were put into the bill and if the bill were approved, how would that affect the intent of this item. Ms. Zerwin replied, it was still under discussion at the State level. She reviewed that information and how it applies to DuPage ETSB as well as other ETSBs within the state. The intent of the language is that however it is disbursed, that the costs be allowable under surcharge. If the funds are disbursed, they would be earmarked for an allowable cost and used dispatch personnel as an example for the IGA. There was a brief discussion regarding the guidelines and how they would be worked into the IGA.
There were further comments regarding DuPage ETSB’s official position and lobbying for wording and flexibility within the bill, funding disparities within the various ETSBs, and what the surcharge is being utilized for. This is a complex issue the State Advisory Board and State Administrator are addressing. SAB meeting notes have been distributed by Ms. Zerwin as this language is discussed. Chairman Schwarze inquired into lobbying on behalf of ETSB issues. Ms. Zerwin explained ETSB is prohibited from spending surcharge on a lobbyist so there is no contract. Depending on the legislative issues within the County, the County lobbyists know the
ETSB stance on an issue and can address questions if asked by member of the General Assembly. There was discussion that allowable costs are also under discussion by the FCC and that the State 9-1-1 Administrator is following that activity.
Member Eckhoff suggested the three County Board Members, along with Ms. Zerwin, talk to the County Board Chair and Vice Chair before the IGA is brought forward so there is a consensus prior to requesting County Board approval.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Franz, seconded by Member Eckhoff, to approve the 2021 Goals and Objectives. On roll call, motion carried.
MOVER: Mark Franz, Vice Chair SECONDER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4 AYES: Schwarze, Franz, Andalcio, Bilodeau, Eckhoff, Kramer, Renehan, Schar, Tegtmeyer, Temes, Tillman ABSENT: Maranowicz |
Ms. Zerwin had nothing beyond what was reported in the monthly report. She stated, going forward, the replacement of the DEDIRS portable and mobile replacement discussion would be a separate item on the agenda.
9. DEDIRS PORTABLE AND MOBILE RADIO REPLACEMENT Chairman Schwarze announced the presentation by Deputy Chief Connolly and PAC Chairman Hayden. Ms. Zerwin explained Chief Connolly was at a fire scene and would not be able to present. She suggested the fire report be presented next month and there were no objections. PAC Chairman Hayden talked about the police survey, that it is due back from agencies March 18. He said the PAC shares a sense of urgency to get the radio replacement project done, they are aware of the legislation, the number of radio repair tickets is increasing, and that the radios are the lifeline of the men and women at the scenes. He stated Member Schar had done a fabulous job on the survey itself. It is about 16 questions in length and focuses on material review about encryption and other opinion questions. He wrapped up that this is about sworn personnel only. Member Schar had nothing further to add other than they look forward to receiving the results of the survey to speak intelligently about the project.
Member Kramer said he could go over the information with the Board, but preferred Deputy Chief Connolly present their findings. The fire survey is 100% complete, but it was a large project and a lot of information was collected from the survey. Member Kramer was available to answer any questions, the Board had none.
There was no old business.
There was no new business.
Chairman Schwarze announced an executive session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(8) to discuss system security and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.
Before the Board went into executive session, Deputy Chief Connolly joined the meeting. Chairman Schwarze informed him the Board opted to move the presentation to next month and inquired if this would be an inconvenience to DC Connolly. DC Connolly replied that would be fine and he would make sure there were no fires that day to which the Board laughed. Chairman Schwarze thanked him for his flexibility and stated he looked forward to the presentation next month.
At 10:03am, the Board took a short recess before convening in executive session.
A. Minutes
B. Security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment; to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (8)
C. Personnel Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (1)
D. Pending Litigation Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11)
At 10:47am, the Board reconvened into regular session. There was no action referred from executive session.