
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Mazzochi wants to ‘end the culture of corruption in Illinois’


Rep. Deanne Mazzochi (R-Westmont) backs the Reimagine Illinois plan. | File Photo

Rep. Deanne Mazzochi (R-Westmont) backs the Reimagine Illinois plan. | File Photo

Rep. Deanne Mazzochi (R-Westmont) supports a plan that asks Illinoisans to reimagine their state government void of political corruption.

Launched by the Illinois House Republican Caucus, the Reimagine Illinois platform says it will increase economic growth and encourage investment in Illinois. 

The philosophy claims the misuse of funds and misallocation of resources has resulted in rising property and income taxes, as well as less money for vital services including ones affecting veterans and the education system.

“The House Republican Platform is simple: Practice responsible fiscal leadership, grow jobs and opportunities for all, ensure public safety, and end the culture of corruption which will make achieving the first three pillars much easier,” Mazzochi said on her Facebook page March 26.

The Reimagine Illinois plan would hold lawmakers accountable, ban General Assembly members from lobbying, enable all legislators to vote on a bill, and allow citizens to easily introduce constitutional amendments. Illinoisans can sign the petition if they agree with the plan.

“Let’s end the culture of corruption in Illinois by eliminating conflicts of interest, removing partisan politics from drawing legislative boundaries and giving citizens more control of their government,”Mazzochi posted. “It’s time to #ReimagineIllinois.”

More than 80 pieces of legislation have been introduced by the House GOP as part of Reimagine Illinois.

“These proposals focus on four key principles that will help make Illinois the best place to live, work, and raise a family,” Mazzochi said in another social media post. “These are bipartisan, commonsense proposals.”

A study by the University of Illinois-Chicago ranks Illinois as the second most corrupt state in the country.