
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, September 16, 2024

Ives: 'There’s fraud that happens that makes a difference in elections'

Jeanne ives

Jeanne Ives | File Photo

Jeanne Ives | File Photo

Former Republican House member Jeanne Ives claims election fraud is so rampant in Illinois it’s no great surprise that five individuals in DuPage County have been charged with casting votes on the behalf of the dead.

“I’m not surprised,” Ives told the DuPage Policy Journal. “So many people think that the rules don’t apply to them and it’s only a small cheat. They think, well, you know I didn’t live here. I only moved here two weeks ago, not 30 days, but I’m only voting once. The law says different.”

Ives sees the issue as being such a big problem in Illinois she recently launched the nonprofit Breakthrough Ideas, which was created to tackle election fraud and abuse.

“There’s fraud that happens that makes a difference in elections,” she added. “The fact that Bob Grogan lost by only 75 votes. I participated in his initial recount and it was more than 75 ballots that were missing judges’ initials and that’s a requirement for the ballot to count.”

Grogan, who served as DuPage County Auditor, is now seeking a full recount following his November re-election loss to Democrat William White. The next court date is scheduled for April 24.

“There’s plenty that needs to be investigated,” Ives said of the overall system. The voter rolls are a mess. There’s a lot of work to be done. I look forward to continuing to work for voter integrity.”