
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Du Page County Technology Committee Met Jan. 12

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Du Page County Technology Committee Met Jan. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


7:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Ashley Selmon at 7:31 AM.


PRESENT: Adams, Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: DiCianni

Conor McCarthy was present as a representative for Bob Berlin, State's Attorney. Mark Boggs was present as a representative for James Mendrick, County Sheriff.

Tony Manzzullo was present as a representative for Kathleen Carrier, County Recorder, and entered the meeting during item 3 - Chairwoman's Remarks.

Member Hart entered the meeting during item 3 - Chairwoman's remarks. Member Adams entered the meeting during item 8 - Discussion.


Chairwoman Selmon thanked the new members of the committee for being willing to serve on the committee. She commented that the Technology Committee has been essential to how the County has been able to function since March, getting staff set up to work remotely, noting that the IT department has allowed us to have the success we have had in the last year. She said she is honored to be chairing this committee and to be working with this group.




A. Technology Committee - Regular Meeting - Nov 24, 2020 7:30 AM


MOVER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Robert Berlin, State's Attorney

AYES: Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: Adams, DiCianni


A. Change Order -- TE-P-0254A-20 - Amendment to Resolution TE-P-0254-20 (County Contract 4868-0001-SERV), issued to Johnson Controls US Holdings LLC, to provide and install a clean agent fire suppression system for the IT data center, for Information Technology, to increase the contract amount by $6,675.00, resulting in an amended contract total of $163,625.00, an increase of 4.25% to add a fourth damper.

Member Henry moved, seconded by Member Hart, to combine and approve items 6A and 6B. Member Rutledge asked why the change order was needed for item 6A and if the item was missed on the bid. Don Carlsen, CIO, responded that this was an in-field change that the vendor realized after the fact, noting it was their error. Member Henry asked if it would have made a difference on who won the bid, to which Mr. Carlsen responded no.

On a roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


MOVER: Gwen Henry, Treasurer

SECONDER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

AYES: Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: Adams, DiCianni

B. Change Order -- Amendment to County Contract 4504-0001-SERV, issued to Kinsey & Kinsey, Inc., for professional services to build interfaces between the County's ERP system to benefit providers, for Information Technology, to extend the contract through February 28, 2021 and increase the contract amount by $1,400.00, resulting in an amended contract total of $17,850.00, an increase of 8.51%. The project was delayed due to communication delays with the medical benefits vendors.


MOVER: Gwen Henry, Treasurer

SECONDER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

AYES: Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: Adams, DiCianni


A. Budget Transfers -- Budget adjustment total of $26,603 from 1100-2900-50080 (Salary & Wage Adjustments) for the following: $17,160 to 1100-2900-50000 (Regular Salaries); $303 to 1100-2900-50010 (Overtime); and $9,140 to 1100-2900-51040 (Employee Med & Hosp Insurance), to cover the cost employee salaries and insurance for GIS, to close out FY2020.

Member Hart moved, seconded by Member Chavez, to combine and approve items 7A through 7C. On a roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


MOVER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Amy Chavez, District 5

AYES: Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: Adams, DiCianni

B. Budget Transfers -- Budget adjustment of $13,016 from 1000-1110-53250 (Wired Communication Services) to 1000-1110-53020(Information Technology Services), to cover the unbudgeted cost for Heartland Business Systems professional services to create a set of critical cyber security initiatives for DuPage County, to close out FY2020.


MOVER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Amy Chavez, District 5

AYES: Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: Adams, DiCianni

C. Budget Transfers -- Budget adjustment of $6,875 from 6000-1235-53020 (Information Technology Svc) to 6000-1235-54100 (IT Equip) to cover costs for additional cabling supplies needed in the jail for the VoIP system that were not originally included, to close out FY2020.


MOVER: Greg Hart, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Amy Chavez, District 5

AYES: Berlin, Carrier, Chavez, Eckhoff, Hart, Henry, Mendrick, Rutledge, Selmon, White

ABSENT: Adams, DiCianni


Member Adams entered the meeting.

A. County IT Overview

Mr. Carlsen discussed the Information Technology overview, as attached hereto.

Following the overview, Member Rutledge asked if, regarding the Chief Information Security Officer, there is someone within the current IT ranks that has the skill set that the County would look for to fill that position or if they would look outside. Mr. Carlsen said there is an IT employee who is currently working on their CISO certification, so there is a possibility that we could promote from within, but the position would be posted and other qualified applicants would be looked at as well. He said it is a very tough position to recruit for right now.

Member Chavez asked what the budget is for the website redesign and when it is expected to be back on the calendar. Mr. Carlsen responded there is no money set aside for it currently. He said that although there has been interest in it for the past three years, no funds have been available. He said Naperville redid their website for about $400,000 and is a similar size, so he is thinking it will be around the same for the County. He said they are considering splitting it over two budget years. Mr. Carlsen said he discussed the project with Chairwoman Selmon and if additional CARES funds become available, it may be possible to tie the website redesign to that because of the digital reach to the public, but it would be tough to do within the time constraints because of the size of the website and amount of work that would need to go into it. He reiterated that there is currently no budget for it currently but the committee should be aware that it is something we want to do and if funding becomes available this year that would be great, otherwise they would look into budgeting it for FY2022.


B. FY2020 Strategic Plan Year-End Report

Mr. Carlsen presented a year-end report of the FY2020 Strategic Initiatives. In addition to the four initiatives currently in place, he said staff would like to propose that the website redesign be added as a new initiative. Chairwoman Selmon commented that the pandemic has really highlighted the need for an improved website and reiterated Mr. Carlsen's comments on finding funding for it. Member Hart voiced his agreement and support towards the new website, adding that he would like it see it more search focused.

Member Adams asked how Tyler Technologies was chosen for the tax system and how the process is going, noting that the Circuit Court Clerk's office uses Tyler Technologies and has been struggling a bit with it. Mr. Carlsen asked Member Henry if she would like to discuss it. Member Henry said they have just begun the implementation and have just had the first couple of meetings. She said she is well aware of how it has worked and not worked in Lake and Cook Counties so they are paying close attention to that. She said it is quite a different program than the Clerk's office has so she is not sure it is comparable. She said she would keep Member Adams' office updated on its progress.

Chairwoman Selmon asked the committee if there were any objections to adding the website redesign as another strategic initiative. With no objection, she directed Mr. Carlsen and staff to move forward and update the committee as needed. Mr. Carlsen said senior staff is in the process of working on strategic initiatives with the County Board office and that he will report out to the committee quarterly.

Member Eckhoff asked if Tyler Technologies is being used by the County Clerk's office, to which Member Henry said yes. Member Adams said it is also being used by the Clerk of the Circuit Clerk. Member Eckhoff said that use by the Circuit Court Clerk was mandated by the Supreme Court, to which he voiced his opposition on the board floor. He and Member Adams discussed issues that they have encountered in Cook County using the Tyler Technologies system. Member Eckhoff said the vendor has been sued by multiple counties in multiple states.

Member Chavez asked if there has been any discussion about creating an app for the County website. Mr. Carlsen said there is an app in place that is a mobile version of the website, adding that staff would send the information out to the committee.







With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.