
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, September 13, 2024

Pritzker's proposal is a 2021 here-we-go-again budgeting, Grant says


Rep. Amy Grant | Facebook

Rep. Amy Grant | Facebook

Gov. Pritzker’s budget plan is a “2021 version of a here-we-go-again budgeting” according to State Rep. Amy Grant.

Grant said that the financial planning did not include reasonable blueprints on education funding, senior funding, and social funding.

“We are reducing scholarships to low-income students, it’s time to legislate.”

She also said that after Pritzker made “record-high spending in his first two state budgets, even adding to state debt during the pandemic, his proposal is out of balance by $1.6 billion. That means adding to the state’s $4.7 billion unpaid bill backlog, $4.3 billion in short-term debt, and $141 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.”

Grant said in a released statement that the governor did not say “how his budget works for the people who have been so wrecked by state government's response to COVID-19,” which was presented “after a year of business closures, job losses, IDES failure, and the tragic deaths of our veterans."

“At the end of the day, it is Illinois families that will be hurt the most by his reckless approach to governing and his failure to honor his commitments,” Grant remarked.

“His ‘pass my graduated income tax Constitutional Amendment or else’ rhetoric was a bullying tactic, according to the Wheaton Republican State Representative.