
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Durkin questions Pritzker's trustworthiness


Rep. Jim Durkin | Facebook

Rep. Jim Durkin | Facebook

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin said that he was saddened to hear the budget proposal presented by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

“I am disheartened by the budget proposal that violates the agreement that he and I made just two years ago.”

He referred to the different bipartisan business reforms that were passed in 2019 in which Durkin said were enthusiastically supported by the governor.

Durkin emphasized that retailer discounts, Blue Collar Jobs Act, Invest in Kids programs, and other reforms and programs are important to Illinois businesses and families.

The House Republican Leader said that the governor promised: “not to eliminate nor destroy the Invest in Kids program.”

“Now, here we are,” Durkin said, “two years later, Gov. Pritzker wants to call these programs loopholes.”

“These are not loopholes,” he said. “They are incentives to grow jobs and educate our children. There is a difference between loopholes and incentives. Incentives are what create jobs, grow our families, and keep our families in Illinois. Loopholes on the other hand are what tycoons used to avoid paying taxes in Illinois.”

Durkin further questioned the governor’s trustworthiness. “He’s going back on his words. Can he be trusted?”

“This is a very difficult time for me to be able to understand how to cooperate with this governor. When he is going back on an agreement, he is going back on his word.”

The budget plan according to him should be “fair and one that the citizens desperately need during this difficult year. Fair and balanced and not one that is made up of smoke and mirrors.”