
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Du Page County Finance Committee Met November 10

Webp meetingroom05

Du Page County Finance Committee met Nov. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:


8:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Robert L. Larsen at 8:04 AM. 


PRESENT: Covert (Remote), DeSart (Remote), Eckhoff, Elliott (Remote), Hart (Remote), Healy,  Krajewski (Remote), Larsen, Noonan, Ozog (Remote), Puchalski, Renehan (Remote),  Rutledge (Remote), Selmon (Remote), Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni


No public comment was offered. 


Chairman Larsen welcomed the committee. The committee will continue to march toward  approval of the tax rolls, and be receiving good news on sales tax. 


A. CARES Act/Finance Update

Mary Catherine Wells, Deputy Chief Financial Officer gave the committee and update on CARES Act allocations. Most municipalities have submitted, while park districts and townships are slower to submit. Follow ups will begin next week. Any requests received will be examined for eligibility and moved forward to this committee and county board if appropriate. DuPage County has allocated more to their municipalities than any other county in the area. 

Mr. Jeff Martynowicz, Chief Financial Officer gave an overview of the latest sales tax numbers. Currently 4% under budget, better than expected. Committee members commended staff on their handling of the County's' finances during this pandemic. 

B. County Option Motor Fuel Tax Presentation

Mr. Chris Snyder, Director of Transportation presented a proposal to the committee on the county option motor fuel tax. Mr. Snyder is looking for policy direction from the board, if an ordinance should be brought forward to increase the motor fuel tax. After a spirited discussion, the consensus of the committee was to bring the ordinance forward to  the next meeting. Mr. Snyder will bring the ordinance to the Transportation committee  and then on to this committee and county board. 


A. Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Oct 27, 2020 8:00 AM

Due to a software glitch, minutes packet was included in the packet instead of the summary minutes. Pages 6-28 of the packet were approved. 


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: Sam Tornatore, District 1

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni


1. FI-R-0632-20 RESOLUTION -- Budget Transfers 11-10-2020 Budget Transfers Various  Companies and Accounting Units


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni


A. Finance - Larsen

Motion was made to amend the Ordinance to wave the first reading


MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3

SECONDER: Mary Ozog, District 4

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan,  Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

1. FI-O-0093-20 ORDINANCE -- AHAB-O-0031B-19- Second Amendment to AHAB O-0031A-19 To Approve an Amendment of Chapter 20, Article XV of The DuPage  County Code of Ordinances Regarding Regulation of Adult Entertainment Facilities


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Julie Renehan, District 3

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan,  Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

B. Technology - Hart

A motion was made to combine and approve Items 1-3 as presented. 


MOVER: Greg Hart, District 3

SECONDER: Sheila Rutledge, District 6

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

1. TE-P-0292-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to  Imaging Systems, Inc. d/b/a Integrated Document Technologies (IDT), for the annual  Hyland and CAPSYS Software Assurance maintenance of imaging systems for  various departments, for the period of November 27, 2020 through January 31, 2022,  for Information Technology, for a contract total amount of $49,267.49. Exempt from  bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 “Competitive Bids” (c) not suitable for competitive  bids – Sole Source. IDT is the OnBase approved provider for their products.

2. TE-P-0293-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to BDO USA LLP d/b/a SWC Technology Partners LLC, for the annual software maintenance of FireEye Security software for the period of December 10, 2020 through December 9, 2021, for Information Technology, for a contract total amount of $152,487.00, per lowest responsible bidder, bid #20-121-IT. This purchase also  moves our existing on-premises FireEye appliances to cloud based appliances. By moving to the cloud IT can better secure all of the laptops of employees working  remotely. (COVID Item)

3. TE-P-0294-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Carahsoft Technology Corporation, for the annual support and hosting of Agenda and Minutes Meeting Management System software and Civic Streaming for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, for a contract total amount of $41,132.45, per Cooperative Purchasing Agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint  Purchasing Act" Government Services Administration #GS-35F-0119Y.

C. Transportation - Puchalski

A motion was made combine and approve Items 1 and 2. 


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

1. DT-P-0290-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Leech Tishman Ruscaldo & Lampl, LLC, to provide Professional Legal Services to negotiate  Highway Authority Applications, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for  the period December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, for a contract total not to  exceed $40,000; Professional Services, not subject to competitive bidding per 55  ILCS 5/5-1022 (a); appointed as a Special Assistant State’s Attorney by the State’s  Attorney’s Office pursuant to DuPage County Code 2-300.1-111 (County to be  reimbursed 100% of incurred fees).

2. DT-P-0291-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Leech Tishman Ruscaldo & Lampl, LLC, to provide Professional Legal Services to assist with environmental issues, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $40,000; Professional Services, not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 (a); appointed as a Special Assistant State’s Attorney by the State’s Attorney’s Office pursuant to DuPage County Code 2-300.1-111.


Motion was made to combine and approve Items A and B.

A. FI-R-0618-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance & Appropriation of the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program State Grant FY21, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 21-251028, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1490, $346,142.


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

B. FI-R-0619-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the ILDCEO Community Services Block Grant PY20 Agreement No. 20-231028, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1650, $128,559


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

C. FI-R-0617-20 RESOLUTION -- Resolution to address any remaining/unused CRF Funds  after December 30, 2020, Company 1100, Accounting Unit 1213 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

D. FI-R-0623-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Downers Grove for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $125,960.00 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, Eckhoff, Hart, Krajewski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon

NAYS: DeSart, Elliott, Healy, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay 

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

E. FI-R-0624-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Burr Ridge for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $150,000.00 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3

AYES: Covert, Eckhoff, Hart, Krajewski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon

NAYS: DeSart, Elliott, Healy, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay 

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

F. FI-R-0625-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Villa Park for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible  expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $25,565.50 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Covert, Eckhoff, Hart, Krajewski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon

NAYS: DeSart, Elliott, Healy, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay 

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Motion to amend FI-R-0626-20 to $292,700.00


MOVER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

G. FI-R-0626-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Woodridge for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $350,000.00 (COVID ITEM)

As amended. 


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, Eckhoff, Hart, Krajewski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon

NAYS: DeSart, Elliott, Healy, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

H. FI-R-0631-20 RESOLUTION -- Resolution approving a grant agreement with Poised For  Success in the amount of $37,950.00 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Motion was made to combine and approve Items I through L

I. FI-R-0628-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the DuPage County Health Department for the reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $940,892.26 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

J. FI-R-0633-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for the reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total of amount of $49,641.50 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

K. FI-R-0622-20 RESOLUTION -- Approval of issuance of payments to small businesses and independent contractors through the Small Business Relief Grant Fund Program administered by Choose DuPage in the amount of $348,510.00 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

L. FI-R-0629-20 RESOLUTION -- Ratification of Emergency Procurement of Goods and Services. Total amount $327,185.74 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Motion was made to combine and approve Items M and N

M. FI-R-0620-20 RESOLUTION -- Placing Names on Payroll


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

N. FI-R-0630-20 RESOLUTION -- Correction of a Scrivener's Error on the Intergovernmental Agreement with 38 Park Districts for the CARES Act (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Motion was made to combine and approve Items O through T

O. FI-P-0295-20 Recommendation for a contract purchase order to Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc., (Safety National) to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance to the County and the Health Department. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020  to December 1, 2021 for Finance-Tort Liability, for a contract total amount not to exceed  $151,874.00. Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1)  (b).


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

P. FI-P-0296-20 Recommendation for a contract purchase order to Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc., (Freedom Specialty) to provide Employment Practices Liability Insurance for Finance-Tort Liability. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 to December 1, 2021, for a contract total amount not to exceed $47,916.00. Vendor selected  pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Q. FI-P-0297-20 Recommendation for the issuance of a contract purchase order to Mesirow  Insurance Services, Inc., (Beazley) to secure Cyber Liability Insurance for the County.  This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 to December 1, 2021 for Finance Tort Liability, for a contract total amount not to exceed $51,788. Vendor selected  pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

R. FI-P-0298-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Mesirow  Insurance Services, Inc., (Chubb) to provide Property Insurance for all County properties  including the Health Department, this contract also includes flood coverage insurance.  This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 to December 1, 2021 for Finance,  for a contract total amount not to exceed $250,794.00. Vendor selected pursuant to  DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog,  Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

S. FI-P-0299-20 Recommendation for approval of a contract purchase order to Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc., (Safety National & AWAC) for excess General and Automobile Liability Insurance for the County and the Health Department. This contract covers the period December 1, 2020 to December 1, 2021 for Finance-Tort Liability, for a contract total amount not to exceed $280,123.00. Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

T. 2020-260 Recommendation for a contract purchase order to Mesirow Insurance Services,  Inc., (Liberty Surplus) for Underground Storage Tank Insurance for the County. This  contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 to December 1, 2021 for Finance-Tort  Liability, for a contract total amount not to exceed $15,149.00. Vendor selected pursuant  to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Motion was made to combine and appove Items U though Z

U. FI-P-0300-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Yates  Enterprises, to furnish and deliver PPE equipment as needed for the County, for the period November 10, 2020 to October 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $1,339,000.00, per lowest responsible quote 20-108-OHSEM. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

V. FI-P-0301-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to W Diamond Group, to furnish and deliver PPE equipment as needed for the County, for the period November 10, 2020 to October 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $80,250.00, per lowest responsible quote 20-108-OHSEM. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

W. FI-P-0302-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to UniPak  Corporation, to furnish and deliver PPE equipment as needed for the County, for the  period November 10, 2020 to October 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $35,600.00, per lowest responsible quote 20-108-OHSEM. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

X. FI-P-0303-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Nextt Shield, to furnish and deliver PPE equipment as needed for the County, for the period November 10, 2020 to October 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $693,860.00,  per lowest responsible quote 20-108-OHSEM. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Y. FI-P-0304-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Hepsiba  Trading, to furnish and deliver PPE equipment as needed for the County, for the period  November 10, 2020 to October 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $48,000.00,  per lowest responsible quote 20-108-OHSEM. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

Z. FI-P-0305-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to DVL dba  MPGTandem, to furnish and deliver PPE equipment as needed for the County, for the  period November 10, 2020 to October 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $36,400.00, per lowest responsible quote 20-108-OHSEM. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni


Motion was made to receive and place on file Items A and B.


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Covert, DeSart, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

ABSENT: Chaplin, DiCianni

A. County Board

1. CB-R-0621-20 RESOLUTION -- 2021 County Board Meeting Schedule B. Payment of Claims

1. Payment of Claims -- 10/23/2020 Paylist

2. Payment of Claims -- 10/27/2020 Paylist

3. Payment of Claims -- 10/26/2020 Auto Debit Paylist

4. Payment of Claims -- 10/30/2020 Paylist



Member Elliott informed the committee that the schedule Technology committee meeting  scheduled for 9:00 AM was cancelled due to time constraints. Ms, Sheryl Markay will send out  a printed report updating the committee on the Veto session. 


Without further objection the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 AM
