
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Darien Planning & Zoning Commission Met October 7

Webp meeting41

City of Darien Planning & Zoning Commission met Oct. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

PRESENT: Lou Mallers – Chairperson, Michael Desmond, Robert Erickson, Hilda Gonzalez, Steve Hiatt, Julie Kasprowicz, Brian Liedtke, Ralph Stompanato

ABSENT: Bryan Gay

OTHERS: Joseph Hennerfeind-City Planner

Chairperson Lou Mallers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Darien City Hall, Council Chambers, 1702 Plainfield Road, Darien, Illinois. Chairperson Mallers declared a quorum present and swore in the audience members wishing to present public testimony.


A. Public Hearing PZC 2020-08– 338 Janet Avenue (Front and Interior Side Yard Setback Variations). Petitioner Sean Piazza seeks approval to vary Section 5A-7-2-6(A) of the City Zoning Code, that otherwise requires both a 35 foot front yard setback and a 10 foot interior side yard setback, for a garage and second story addition to the existing house at 338 Janet Avenue in Darien, Illinois.

Mr. Joe Hennerfeind, City Planner reported that the petitioner is proposing to construct a garage and second story addition to the existing house. He reported that presently a carport is present on the east side.

Mr. Hennerfeind reported that the property was developed and platted in the 1940s. He reported that there will be a 2.83-foot encroachment into the side yard setback and that the proposal was close to a minor variation and lesser process but that 2.5 feet is the cut off for a minor variation. He further reported that there is a floodplain on the east side and that staff requested the petitioner provide a topographical survey.

Mr. Hennerfeind reported that the City Engineer has reviewed the survey and the proposal does not affect the floodplain. He reported that the front yard setback is nominal and will encroach 1.56 feet. He reported that the proposal gives dimension to the front of the house with a bump out and a nicer look to the home. He further reported that staff reviewed the proposal and agrees that it is consistent with the homes in the area and that the petitioner provided the findings of fact and that this is not an atypical request.

Chairperson Lou Mallers questioned if the petitioner was a candidate for grandfathering. He complimented the petitioner on what he has done to the fireplace structure.

Mr. Hennerfeind reported that the setback is legal non-conforming and that it cannot go further without a variation.

Commissioner Steve Hiatt questioned if the petitioner had to get approval from the neighbors.

Mr. Hennerfeind reported that the petitioner does not have to get neighbor approval and that he has not received any calls or correspondence against the petitioner and there is no one in the audience.

Debra, the petitioner’s architect provided a brief overview of the project. She stated that the petitioner is looking to have more livable space. She also stated that the proposed elevation was submitted.

Mr. Hennerfeind reported that the floodplain runs between the two properties and it would be expensive if the neighbor wanted to build out to the west. He reported that the coverage for totality cannot cover more than 50% and that the proposal is close but within the requirements.

Commissioner Hiatt stated that the improvements are good for Darien and the homeowner.

Commissioner Hilda Gonzalez questioned if the east side trees will need to be trimmed.

The petitioner stated that the trees will not need to be touched.

Commissioner Bob Erickson stated that it is a wonderful addition.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment and Chairperson Mallers closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Hiatt made a motion and is was seconded by Commissioner Erickson approval of Hearing PZC 2020-08– 338 Janet Avenue (Front and Interior Side Yard Setback Variations). Petitioner Sean Piazza seeks approval to vary Section 5A-7-2-6(A) of the City Zoning Code, that otherwise requires both a 35 foot front yard setback and a 10 foot interior side yard setback, for a garage and second story addition to the existing house at 338 Janet Avenue in Darien, Illinois.


There was no correspondence.


Mr. Joe Hennerfeind reported that the Dunkin Donuts is coming along. There was some discussion regarding the brick wall look. Commissioner Steve Hiatt suggested maybe putting up some awnings to break up the wall. Mr. Hennerfeind reported that there will be a small awning above the window and a 4’ wall and water feature along with landscaping.


Mr. Hennerfeind reported that there is a proposal for 66-unit apartment building on South Frontage Road next to the hotel. He reported that this does not need to go through Planning & Zoning but the Municipal Services Committee.


Commissioner Erickson made a motion and is was seconded by Commissioner Desmond to approve the August 5, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes.

Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED 8-0.


Mr. Hennerfeind announced that the next meeting is scheduled for October 21, 2020. PUBLIC COMMENTS (On any topic related to planning and zoning)

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment. ADJOURNMENT

With no further business before the Commission, Commissioner Liedtke made a motion, and it was seconded by Commissioner Desmond. Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
