
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ives concedes: 'We did not run from this struggle'

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Jeanne Ives has conceded in the Illinois 6th Congressional District race. Ives, a former GOP legislator, garnered 46.5% of the vote with 167,629 votes.

"My team fought hard, but in the end the power of the opposition was too great. It is somewhat unclear to me what lies ahead for Illinoisans," Ives said in a message to followers the morning of Nov. 4.

Democratic incumbent Sean Casten gathered 51.5% of the vote with 184,809 votes.

“My campaign took up the cause of freedom, prosperity and peace. We gave voters a clear choice between my opponent who will raise taxes and grow government, and my belief that more taxes will solve nothing. The contrast was clear,” Ives said.

One of her focal points in the closing weeks of the election was the current struggle between Illinois' tens of thousands of restaurants and Gov. J.B. Pritzker. 

Pritzker effectively shut down indoor dining for all restaurants statewide today. 

“We have created a situation in which a handful of people can – literally – decide which businesses win and which lose; they can decide to educate your children – or not; they even can dictate which among us are essential and which are not,” Ives said.  

Just prior to the election, Ives had brunch at Kai's Steak and Seafood, which remained opened in defiance of Pritzker's orders.

Ives thanked the small donors who made up 90% of her campaign base and reiterated her belief in conservative principles. 

“The foundation of the Republican Party has been freedom, smart government and equality under the law,” Ives said. “My campaign believed in those principles and fought hard for them. We did not run from this struggle. Our party should welcome the contrast between our defense of liberty, diversity of thought, and peaceful discourse with the Democrats’ reckless spending, division and increasingly violent pursuit of a radical agenda.”