
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Mazzochi receives Farm Bureau's Friend of Agriculture award

State Rep. Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst) has been honored with the Friend of Agriculture award presented by the DuPage County Farm Bureau.

Mazzochi, who sits on the House’s Labor & Commerce and Appropriations-Capital committees, was presented the award by County Farm Bureau Director Kara Norton. Now in her second year of serving as the face of the 47th District, Mazzochi insists she was merely doing what needs to be done for the benefit of all.

“Illinois farmers and the agricultural products we produce make up an overwhelming portion of the state’s land and economy,” she said. “As a legislator, I recognize their important contributions to the state economy and am committed to supporting all small business owners in Illinois, especially our farmers.”

Mazzochi was also recently feted by the Illinois Manufacturer’s Association (IMA), which saluted her in its annual legislative report card in which they analyze votes in the General Assembly and “showcase the lawmakers supportive of Illinois’ manufacturing economy and those that vote against job creators.”

Mazzochi recently hosted a “Made in Illinois” Roundtable with state and local manufacturing representatives on National Manufacturing Day, where talks were held on the impact local manufacturers have on the state economy and resources were highlighted for those looking to secure a career in the industry.

“Manufacturing is a vital piece of Illinois’ economic engine and wherever possible we need to foster, not hamper, its growth,” Mazzochi added. “Illinois won’t be fiscally sound until we in Springfield embrace and encourage Illinois’ potential as an agricultural and manufacturing leader.”

Since the coronavirus hit, making the need for personal protection equipment and other essential supplies more need than ever, Mazzochi has filed House Bill 5788, which seeks to lure manufacturing to Illinois from abroad.