
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, May 17, 2024

Op-Ed: Make Sure Your Judicial Vote Counts This November

Vote 08

With Illinois’ judicial system back in full swing, we need to consider the long-term planning of our courts.

COVID-19 has caused the courts to quickly rearrange its practices in order to continue hearing cases and administer justice. On top of these changes, we have a judicial election in November.

We must consider the makeup of judges who will be leading DuPage County courts in the near future. It is crucial that our bench represents fair, committed and respected judges who follow the law.

Judicial elections are often overlooked but judges make decisions which impact people’s lives every day. I encourage you to thoughtfully consider which judges you will be voting for on the ballot. Every vote counts, and it is important we elect judicial candidates who have the experience and integrity which DuPage County deserves.