
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, January 17, 2025

ICYMI: Ives Appears on National News to Discuss Police, Protests and Politics

Issued the following announcement on Sept. 2.

On Monday, Jeanne Ives, candidate for Congress (IL-06) joined One America News Network to discuss the unrest across the nation and what’s on voters minds in a suburban district located about 30 minutes from Chicago on the eastern edge and about 30 mins from Kenosha on the northern edge. 

Watch the clip here.

Soundbites included:

On Defund the Police:

“People in the Sixth District do not want to Defund the Police “one bit. They want to Defend the Police. And in Illinois, FOIA card requests are up 500%, these are first time gun owners and women in many cases.” 

About the Race:

“People are really afraid of the Democrat agenda. No pun intended, but they have completely unmasked themselves [over the past 2 years]. no one is buying [the Democrat idea that people just need to] pay more money for some government program they know is not going to work. People want to keep local control. And It scares the hell out of people in the suburbs when they see federal intervention in terms of zoning, housing decisions, policing decisions and over taxation.”

What’s on Voters Minds:

“Jobs and the economy always rank really high. And they do not trust the Democrats on this. And they shouldn’t. And, of course, tied closely to that is their healthcare. Most people get healthcare from their jobs. And Illinois has had devastating unemployment numbers. Between COVID and the lawlessness and the looting. We’ve seen – wholesale – businesses saying, ‘I cannot open up again. That’s in the suburbs and Chicago. And that scares people when they have massive property tax bills to pay in this state. They want a growing economy, above all else. But they also know, a growing economy is not possible unless we control our streets. And become – again – a country of law & order. Where everybody is treated equally under the law. You cannot have a thriving economy, without law and order. That is job number one when Republicans take over Congress.”

Original source can be found here.