
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 9, 2025

DuPage Election Commission refuses to confirm accuracy of DuPage voter rolls; 20,000 voters in question

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The DuPage County Clerk Election Division has denied a Freedom of Information Act requests for data that would help assess the accuracy of DuPage County’s voter rolls.

John Morrisey, York Township trustee, said 20,000 voters, or around three percent of the voter roll, may be improperly registered in the county.

Morrisey said he merely wants to expose the flawed voter rolls, not to see "voters purged” prior to the election or for anyone who provides proof of residence to be allowed to “same-day register” and vote. 

“My only concern is to maintain voter integrity,” Morrisey told the DuPage Policy Journal.  

While improperly registered voters may be open the election to fraud, Morrisey said any such behavior would be limited and he does not anticipate any voting anomalies that would swing election in DuPage County. 

In fact, the data Morrisey requested assists in get out the vote operations for political parties.

Having data available on who has and who has not voted as well as who is voting early is important for get out the vote efforts for political parties in general in addition to limiting opportunities for fraud. 

In order to properly handle the data, Morrisey said the Election Division could bring on temporary workers to assist in ensuring voter data is properly examined and processed.

“They can man up,” Morrisey said. “It is going to cost money, but I would think the county clerk who is in charge of the election commission would be more interested in maintaining voter integrity.”

Morrisey’s suggested steps to prevent spoiled ballots and elections challenges include noting returned applications in voter files and allowing voters to provide proof of address where needed or register as a same-day voter. 

Morrisey said he remains concerned but has no interest in pursuing legal action.