Du Page County Health & Human Services Committee met July 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
9:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Peter DiCianni at 9:32 AM.
PRESENT: DeSart (Remote), DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan (Remote), Tornatore
County Board Member Sheila Rutledge was in attendance and County Board Member Liz Chaplin attended remotely via Zoom.
Member Tornatore so moved to allow committee members Dawn DeSart and Julie Renehan to particpate remotely. Member Larsen seconded. All ayes on a voice vote, motion passed.
State's Attorney Lisa Smith read the electronically submitted public comments from individuals below, all in regards to Health and Human Services Committee Chairman, Pete DiCianni.
Shirley Freda
Jeremy Reed
Sheila Evans
Natalie Beglen
M Bennett
Kathleen Irion
Elizabeth Albert
Chair DiCianni responded to the public comments, stating he did not ask anyone to leave our town. The video put out indicates that Elmhurst is an inclusive community that embraces everyone, including black, white, Latino, gay, and that is what they have on video. The made up “leave our town” is false and they have no video that indicates that. I appreciate those remarks. I did have a mask at the event. This was not a protest, rather a celebration of our law enforcement and first responders. Unfortunately, it was met with protest and the courtesy that was given to this group of not having a venue that had a protest but giving them a forum. Our venue which was permitted and sanctioned by the City of Elmhurst, unfortunately was met with the protest. When they came with megaphones, that is when my mask came off. I had to try to express to them that I was challenged with their obscenities, calling all of our police officers bastards. They could not seek common ground with us. My passion got to me and I apologize for that. But I do not apologize for standing up for the men and women in blue that protect our community and this county.
As County Board Member Sheila Rutledge and I discussed, and with this Sunday's Chicago Tribune front page feature regarding the need for blood due to Covid, we are working with a group called Vitalant, which is a very big blood donor within the county and state. We are looking to do something potentially with the Addison Township to see if we can do a blood drive and eventually an antibody testing. Likely, with Chairman Cronin's permission, I would like to put a subcommittee together on this issue, to include member Rutledge, and hopefully Member Puchalski from District One and Member Tornatore, the head of the health department. Until a vaccine is in place, according to medical professionals I have spoken with, positive antibody blood can be a very big help with the fight of Covid. Regardless of the antibody, the need for blood due to the shortage is extremely high. I have reached out to several members of the Addison Township, Supervisor Reboletti, who's very embracive and will lend us his facility at the Township if necessary, and I will be working with Mayor Veenstra. I wanted to give everyone a heads up that I do take this very seriously. This is a big issue between the shortage of blood and lack of a vaccine. I feel it is important we establish something The east side of the county where we have high incidents of Covid like Addison and Bensenville, and areas that have a high population of Latinos, very similar to Italians that live very close in proximity, have driven the Covid numbers up high. Hopefully we can get some nice blood donations and antibody blood which can be very helpful to those dealing with the serious effects of Covid.
Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Jun 2, 2020 9:30 AM
The need to approve all items via a roll call vote due to the passing of Illinois State Bill SB2135 was discussed. Assistant State's Attorney, Lisa Smith, stated if a physical quorum was present at the meeting, the committee could proceed as usual and roll call votes on every approval was not necessary.
MOVER: Sam Tornatore, District 1
SECONDER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
A. CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval
Items 6.A.1. through 6.A.3. were combined and approved.
Member Renehan asked about the prior allocations to some earlier recipients of the Human Services Grant Fund (HSGF) monies. Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, responded that originally due to the Covid-19 pandemic, emergency appropriations were granted to Catholic Charities and PADS out of funds they would have received from the HSGF. As these were determined to be clearly eligible activities to charge to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), the allocations were paid to the agencies out of the CRF to make the HSGF whole again. Ms. Keating will follow up with Jeffrey Martynowicz, Chief Financial Officer, to see if any additional board action is required to send the funds back to the HSGF.
MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6
SECONDER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
1. FI-R-0404-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of the Emergency Solutions Grant – Covid-19 Response (ESG-CV), Agreement No. E-20-UW-17-0002, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1470, $1,031,548
2. HHS-R-0401-20 RESOLUTION -- Allocation of $1,000,000.00 County Funding to Human Service Agencies - Human Services Grant Fund (HSGF) - 2020
Member Renehan asked about the prior allocations to some earlier recipients of the Human Services Grant Fund (HSGF) monies. Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, responded that originally due to the Covid-19 pandemic, emergency appropriations were granted to Catholic Charities and PADS out of funds the agencies would have received from the HSGF. As these were determined to be clearly eligible activities to charge to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), the allocations were paid to the agencies out of the CRF to make the HSGF whole again. Ms. Keating will follow up with Jeffrey Martynowicz, Chief Financial Officer, to see if any additional board action is required to send the funds back to the HSGF.
3. Change Order -- HHS-P-0047A-20 - Amendment to Resolution HHS-P-0047-20 (County Sub-grantee Contract 4426-0001 SERV) Issued to Catholic Charities Hope House to assist 80 homeless residents with temporary housing and case management services and support the Back to School Fair, as well as provide re-housing assistance, hotel expenses, food, and other basic needs items due to the COVID-19 pandemic, under the Community Services Block Grant for the period of January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020, to increase contract by $85,000, resulting in an amended contract total of $145,000 an increase of 141.67%. (COVID ITEM)
B. CS Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval
2020-134 Recommendation for approval of a contract to SoloProtect US, LLC, to provide lone worker safety devices to Community Services' Case Management staff, including training and monitoring services, for the period July 29, 2020 through July 28, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $7,120.80, pricing in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 “ Government Joint Purchasing Act”, GSA Contract # 47QSWA19D007T
Member Larsen asked if this service was Covid-19 related. Ms. Keating explained that the service has been in place for a couple of years and is related to personal safety and not Covid-19 exposure. She added that this service had been vetted through the States Attorney's office regarding security protocols to the county.
MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6
SECONDER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
7. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - MARY KEATING CDC Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval
Items 7.1. and 7.2. were combined and approved.
MOVER: Dawn DeSart, District 5
SECONDER: Julie Renehan, Vice Chair
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
1. HHS-R-0068-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of the Revision to the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) HOME investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs utilizing Waivers and Suspensions of the HOME Program Requirements in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic and Reprograming of CDBG and HOME funds. (COVID ITEM)
2. HHS-R-0402-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of a Scrivener’s Error on Modification Two Agreement Page One under Resolution # HHS-R-0627- 16.
A. DuPage Care Center Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval
Items 8.A.1. through 8.A.3. were combined and approved.
MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6
SECONDER: Sam Tornatore, District 1
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
1. HHS-R-0403-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for approval of an Internship Affiliation Agreement between the County of DuPage and Indiana University for the Establishment of a Learning Site at the DuPage Care Center.
2. HHS-P-0185-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to The American Bottling Company dba Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, for canned and bottled beverages for the cafes on County Campus, for the period July 30, 2020 through July 29, 2021, for a contract not to exceed $50,900, per renewal under lowest, responsible bid #18- 122-GV, second of three (3) one-year optional renewals.
3. HHS-P-0186-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Professional Clinical Laboratories dba PCL Alverno, for patient laboratory services for the DuPage Care Center, for the period August 22, 2020 through August 21, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $31,000.00 under renewal, per Proposal #P17-136-GV, third and final option to renew.
B. DuPage Care Center Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval
Items 8.B.1. and 8.B.2. were combined and approved.
MOVER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4
SECONDER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
1. 2020-135 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to First Biomedical, Inc. dba Infusystem, Inc., for rental of infusion pumps, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021, for a contract not to exceed $7,000.00, per renewal under low quote #Q17-201-GV, third and final option to renew.
2. 2020-136 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Alco Sales & Services Co., for wheelchair parts, supplies and accessories for the DuPage Care Center, for the period August 6, 2020 through August 5, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $10,000.00, per renewal under lowest, responsible quote #17-098- GV, second and final of two (2) one (1) year optional renewals.
Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 057-20 LIHEAP HHS CARES Act Grant FY21 - Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Community Services - $1,403,964 (COVID ITEM).
MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6
SECONDER: Sam Tornatore, District 1
AYES: DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Larsen, Renehan, Tornatore
Review of Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Plan
Member Eckhoff left the meeting out at 9:55 AM.
Member Renehan asked about the prior allocations to some earlier recipients of the Human Services Grant Fund (HSGF) monies. Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, responded that originally due to the Covid-19 pandemic, emergency appropriations were granted to Catholic Charities and PADS out of funds the agencies would have received from the HSGF. As these were determined to be clearly eligible activities to charge to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), the allocations were paid to the agencies out of the CRF to make the HSGF whole again. Ms. Keating will follow up with Jeffrey Martynowicz, Chief Financial Officer, to see if any additional board action is required to send the funds back to the HSGF.
Mary. Keating thanked the County Board for the $7,000,000 from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) for various programs to assist residents and nonprofits in DuPage County.
Ms. Keating gave a presentation detailing the guidelines and ideas regarding the $7,000,000 to Community Services, outlining timelines and eligibility. As Community Services spends the next weeks developing their systems and coming up with agreements, she wants to be united with County Board on how we envision utilizing these funds.
The presentation is attached hereto and made part of the minutes packet.
Ms. Keating would like to allocate $3,000,000 for rental assistance, reaching out immediately to tenants and landlords that have pending evictions related to Covid to provide assistance and avoid evictions and these cases going to court. Staff are working with the clerk’s office for contact information and are requesting the chief judge’s permission on that today.
Working with several nonprofits as listed in the presentation, Ms. Keating learned that centralized intakes to handle the demand of available resources has not been effective. The agencies are working together, trying to develop a decentralized, measured, intake system that can handle the demands of the requests and be consistent for all. As they continue to develop the eligibility and documentation requirements, they will try to reduce the complexity and length as with other grant applications. Ms. Keating will bring the process to the County Board in August.
Member Tornatore asked about the 15% administration fee, feeling it was high. For perspective, Ms. Keating stated that other federal grants provide the following for us to administer programs.
ESG - 10%
CSBG - 16%
CDBG - 20%
HOME - 25%
Some of the agencies had stated they could not administer the program without administration fees. Ms. Keating added this assistance will be intended for short term, three to six months assistance and not provide longer term case management.
Member Larsen left the meeting at 10:05 AM.
Member Tornatore asked about the agencies ability to apply for projected expenses. He stated that at County Board discussions, municipalities will be required to provide receipts for expenses and the process should remain consistent. Ms. Keating replied that this will be a two-step process, first for the immediate need of expenses already incurred, and next the determination of what level of funding we can provide moving forward. Advancements are not unusual with other grants based on agencies specific and defined demonstration of long- term needs, such as staffing.
Ms. Keating stated she is proposing the Northern Illinois Food Bank (NIFB) receives the largest allocation as they supply over 50 smaller agencies in the county, the majority being food pantries of the townships, nonprofits, churches, and houses of worship. The three additional allocation designees are the three largest food pantries in the county, serving the largest numbers of individuals. Besides food and other commodities for clients, the agencies will be able to use the funding for additional equipment for food storage and for additional staffing to handle the additional clients.
Member Tornatore asked about a coordination of benefits to the agencies to avoid overlap of benefits. Ms. Keating answered the food pantries utilize the NIFB, which supplies commodities at significantly reduced prices due to their volume purchasing. The food pantries may still need to supplement their purchases with other funds and food rescues.
The Dupage Foundation is DuPage’s community foundation. They have already solicited for private funds to assist nonprofits with Covid response. They have made about $400,000 in grants to nonprofits. About $85,000 would be eligible under our primarily IT and PPE reimbursement program. Mary would like to reimburse for these expenses to allow them to use the money to assist nonprofits with noneligible Covid needs.
Member DeSart had previously requested funds be available for pharmacy coverage for newly uninsured individuals. The DuPage Health Coalition manages the Access DuPage program, which provides primarily pro-bono care and pharmacy coverage. Their expectation of growth of newly uninsured individuals is approximately $160,000 annually.
Ms. Keating and Lisa Schvach, Executive Director of Worknet DuPage, discussed rental assistance to recently unemployed residents seeking to increase job skills. Some rental assistance would be beneficial; historically, individuals with low paying jobs will take another similar job in order to pay the rent and not develop a new career path training.
Ms. Keating concluded that she would like to be able to revisit the appropriations in the future and if necessary, come before the County Board to move funding from one source to another.
Member DeSart asked Ms. Keating if she has any knowledge of when the homeless shelters would be opening their doors to new clients. Ms. Keating replied that she was meeting with PADS in the afternoon to discuss their re-opening and she would send Member DeSart an update. Ms. Keating added that Community Services has been assisting recent homeless individuals with hotel costs using emergency funds. She encouraged Ms. DeSart to have her constituents contact our Intake & Referral department.
Corona Virus Relief Fund (CRF) Allocations Presentation
Member Renehan stated the committee did not discuss the two options on the agenda for the HSGF. Ms. Keating said the recommendation to approve option one included all 56 agencies that clearly showed a direct benefit to DuPage County residents. Five of the agencies were missing some documentation but due to the additional challenges the agencies were facing this year they were awarded funds since they are agencies that we have previously financed. Member Renehan replied that she understood the decision but would like the committee to have further conversation regarding the HSGF recipients in the future.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:24 AM.