City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met July 28.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order – Welcome Bill Cavanaugh to Commission
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Public Comment (5 minutes Please)
A. For members of the public joining the meeting virtually, please identify yourself by providing your name and address prior to making your comments.
IV. Demolition Salvage Presentation – Justin Lucas Restore Services
V. Budget Report
VI. Other Reports
A. Recycling Reports
B. Adopt-a-Highway Report
C. Arbor Day Report
D. Native Plant Day Report
E. IPP Clean-up Report
VII. Upcoming Projects
A. Monthly Electronic Recycling (August Crew Chief: )
B. Adopt-a-Hwy (8/ /20)
C. Paper Shredding Event (10/31/20)
VIII. Unfinished Business
A. “Nurses Closet”
B. New Green Strategic Plan recommendations
C. Solar Work Shop
D. Honorary Ideas (Mert, Howard & Phil)
IX. New Business
A. EIC Elections
B. EIC Annual Report
C. Funding for EIC events
X. Adjournment