
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees met July 27

Webp meeting 07

Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees met July 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call to Order

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call

D. Audience Participation

1. Historic Preservation Commission Chairman Tim Loftus will present the 2019 Historic Preservation Awards.

2. Open:

The Illinois General Assembly passed Senate Bill 2135 on May 23, 2020, which was signed by the Governor on June 12, 2020. Senate Bill 2135 (now Public Act 101-0640) amends the Open Meetings Act and allows the Village Board to participate electronically in Board meetings when it is not feasible due to a disaster such as COVID-19. To participate in this meeting at the appointed date and time, please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82635415398?pwd=UjNXZFZsanMzVjVFN1lJclUzbEx3QT09. Village of Glen Ellyn

In lieu of participating in the electronic meeting, the public may also complete a public comment form which will be read into the record during the meeting. This form can be found at www.glenellyn.org/publiccomment. Members of the public are welcome to speak or submit public comment forms on any item not specifically listed on tonight's agenda for up to (3) three minutes. For those items which are on tonight's agenda, the public may speak up to (3) three minutes on those items or may submit public comment forms which will be read into the record during that agenda item.

E. Consent Agenda - The following items are considered routine business by the Village Board and will be approved in a single vote in the form listed below:

Motion to approve the following items including Payroll and Vouchers totaling $4,609,574.31. These agenda items have been reviewed by the Management Team & Village Attorney and are consistent with the Village's Purchasing Policy (Trustee Fasules)

1. Total Expenditures (Payroll and Vouchers) - $4,609,574.31

2. Accept the Bond Recordkeeping Report for 2019 (Finance Director Coyle)

3. Ordinance No. 6791, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 5347 Granting Approval of a Special Use Permit for the Jewel-Osco Located at 599 Roosevelt Road (Community Development Director Springer)

4. Ordinance No. 6792, An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning Property Located at 2S611 S. Park Boulevard (Proposed Address: 715 S. Park Boulevard) Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 (Community Development Director Springer)

5. Ordinance No. 6793, An Ordinance Granting Approval of Zoning Variations and Exterior Appearance of a 4-Unit Attached Single Family Development to be located at 403-407 Duane Street (Community Development Director Springer)

6. Resolution No. 20-16, A Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code as required by I.D.O.T. for Calendar Year 2019 in the Amount of $760,262.91 for the Expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax Funds (Public Works Director Hansen)

7. Approve Emergency Sanitary Sewer Service Relocation Work at 417 N. Main St. by John Neri Construction Company and Russ’s Plumbing in Respective Lump Sum Amounts of $18,500 and $22,685, for a Total Lump Sum Amount of $41,185 to be Expensed to the Parking Fund (Professional Engineer Daubert)

8. Motion Pursuant to Section 1-10-7 of the Glen Ellyn Village Code to Adopt Competitive Bidding Procedures of the Sourcewell Purchasing Program and Approve the Purchase of (2) 2020 John Deere 6500A E-Cut Fairway Mower from Reinders of Mundelein, Illinois through the Sourcewell Purchasing Program in the amount of $64,999.60 to be Expensed to the Village Links/Reserve22 Fund (General Manager Vesevick)

F. 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Presented by Finance Director Coyle)

(Trustee Fasules)

1. Finance Director Christina Coyle and Jamie Wilkey from Lauterbach and Amen, LLP will present the December 31, 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

2. Motion to accept the Village's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2019

G. Annexation and Subdivision of the Property Located at 2S780 State Route 53 and 22W151 Butterfield Road (Presented by Community Development Director Springer) (Trustee Enright)

1. Motion to open the public hearing to consider an annexation agreement for the property located at 2S780 State Route 53 and 22W151 Butterfield Road

2. Motion to close the public hearing to consider an annexation agreement for the property located at 2S780 State Route 53 and 22W151 Butterfield Road

3. Ordinance No. 6794, An Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement for the Property Located at 2S780 State Route 53 and 22W151 Butterfield Road

4. Ordinance No. 6795, An Ordinance Approving a Minor Subdivision and Associated Variances from the Glen Ellyn Subdivision Regulations Code for a New Gas Station with a Car Wash and a new Quick Service Restaurant with a Drive-Thru to be Located at 2S780 State Route 53 and 22W151 Butterfield Road

H. Exterior Appearance Application for the BP/TRIO Gas Station, Convenience Store, and Car Wash located at 339 Roosevelt Road (Presented by Community Development Director Springer) (Trustee Enright)

1. Ordinance No. 6796, An Ordinance Denying the Exterior Appearance Application for the BP/TRIO Gas Station, Convenience Store, and Car Wash located at 339 Roosevelt Road

I. CARES Act Intergovernmental Agreement (Presented by Village Manager Franz) (Trustee Christiansen)

1. Motion to Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in DuPage County Local Government COVID-19 Reimbursement Program

J. Reminders

1. A Special Village Board Workshop is scheduled for Monday, August 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM.

2. A Village Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

K. Other Business

L. Motion to adjourn to Executive Session for discussion concerning pending litigation matters pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C)(11) without returning to open session thereafter.
