
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Hadiya Afzal, Sean Casten Represent the Extremism of DuPage County’s Democrat Party

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Issued the following announcement on Aug. 27.

Hadiya Afzal, a Democratic Party nominee for DuPage County  Board (District 4), was forced to step down yesterday after tweeting a video of a police officer in Portland being struck in the face with a projectile thrown from a crowd of rioters. Afzal captioned the video “I’ve been watching this on repeat for fifteen minutes and laughing every single time.”

Jeanne Ives, candidate for Congress (IL-06), said in a statement: “Once again, Congressman Sean Casten – who represents most of DuPage County – is AWOL when members of his party should be held accountable. He said nothing about Afzal’s disgusting comments. He has refused to call for the resignation of Speaker Madigan in light of a Federal Investigation into bribery charges. When Joe Biden’s role in the illegal unmasking of General Michael Flynn was revealed, Casten said nothing. When allegations of sexual assault were levied against his endorsed candidate for President, Casten said nothing. When a Democrat state representative staged a mock assassination of the President at a fundraiser, Casten said nothing.” 

It should be noted that Casten and Afzal are both members of the new Democrat Party that swept into DuPage in 2018 with the help of the far-Left organization Indivisible DuPage. Like Afzal, Casten has his own record of intemperate comments. Like Afzal, Sean Casten uses hate to misdirect people’s attention away from his assaults on our freedoms and free enterprise system. Unlike Afzal, Casten has received no scrutiny from the media nor has he faced any accountability from his peers.

When asked to identify a leader he looks to for guidance, Sean Casten selected a virulent, profane bigot named Dan Savage who has called evangelical Christians “pieces of sh*t” and said of Republicans, “I wish they were all f**king dead.”

Sean Casten doesn’t disavow such language, he doubles down on it as he did when he compared the President of the United States to Osama bin Laden.

Just last month, Congressman Sean Casten, in an interview with supporters on discussing environmental and racial justice, stated, “The first places to fall are the places white, wealthy people move away from…”  

In the another interview with Indivisible DuPage, Casten bragged about using his Twitter account to cyberbully his political opponents and implied that his GOP opponents were Nazi sympathizers

And in the same weekend, Casten put out a tweet likening those who disagreed with him politically to traitors and Indivisible DuPage called all Republicans “killers.” 

It is clear Sean Casten, Hadiya Afzal and the Indivisible DuPage movement that supports their campaigns are not interested in making America better. They are only interested in making it bitter. And the liberal Chicago and suburban press have given Casten and Afzal a pass by not reporting on their hateful, divisive comments.

“My husband and I raised our family in DuPage County for nearly 30 years,” Ives continued. “Reasonable people can disagree on policy and politicians but there can be no disagreement over the disgusting nature of those remarks. This is a nice, neighborly community, with safe streets and good schools. I spent almost 2 years on Wheaton City Council and 6 years in the state legislature standing up for the families and businesses in DuPage County – against both parties – to keep DuPage a safe, thriving and peaceful community. Sean Casten, Indivisible DuPage and Hadiya Afzal represent the extremism of DuPage County’s Democrat Party. But do they represent our community? Is this hate and animosity really the new DuPage County? We will find out in November.”

Original source can be found here.