
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Du Page County Finance Committee met June 9


Du Page County Finance Committee met June 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


8:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Robert L. Larsen at 8:00 AM.


PRESENT: Chaplin (Remote), Covert (Remote), DeSart (Remote), DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott (Remote), Hart, Healy, Krajewski (Remote), Larsen (Remote), Noonan, Ozog (Remote), Puchalski, Renehan (Remote), Rutledge, Selmon (Remote), Tornatore, Zay 




Chair Larsen noted the challenges that we are currently facing. Several discussions of economic issues are on the agenda this morning.

A. Discussion on Budget Calendar

Budget workshops were discussed. These meetings could take place prior to when the Chairman's budget is presented and then again after. Suggestions were made about setting budget priorities and then having departments work on their budget. It was outlined how many budget presentations occur in committees. It was also noted that presentations are not the same as participation. A request was made to have the differences in dollar amounts between the budget requests and the budget that is actually passed presented to the committee.

B. Reorganization Plan - Facilities Management

Facilities Management is requesting a reorganization plan be approved. It represents a net savings to the County by eliminating three positions and adding two other positions. The result is a savings in salary and benefits. This plan accomplishes adding several new functions. It includes the addition of the grounds division, the construction of the Du-

Comm building, and the assumption of the maintenance duties of the election warehouse. It also restructures the power plant employees to address the loss of many years of experience from retirements in the past year. It accommodates increased administrative oversight for the new divisions. It provides succession planning for key positions that are nearing retirement. It addresses long term inequities in the department. It also creates both entry level and supervisory positions at the power plant. It touches seven current employees and six other empty positions.

C. Equity Adjustment - Sheriff's Office

Sheriff Mendrick explained the compression issue in his department, most of which was addressed last year. By hiring in court security at nearly half the cost of sworn deputies, he is able to use that money to address inequities in pay in his department. The numbers presented create an 8% differences between deputies, sargents, and lieutenants, so that supervisors are not making less than those they supervise. The adjustments in the crime lab are based on comparable job market rates, although these rates are still lower. The committee discussed the timing of the request, the recent unrest seen in DuPage County and the Sheriff was invited to give an after action report to the committee.


A. End of Year Report FY19

Jeff Martynowicz, the new Chief Financial Officer, introduced himself to the committee. He covered the budget policies and compared the general fund revenue and expenditure figures. Nick Kottmeyer, Chief Administrative Officer, gave a Cares Act Fund update. He noted that of the funds allocated to DuPage County, $20.5 million is earmarked for capital projects for health and safety. $7.0 million will go toward the small business relief grant program. Approximately 1 million of that is on today's agenda. To date the county has spent $0.8 million on goods and services related to COVID. Mr. Kottmeyer enumerated additional places this money could be used.


Act Local Government Program

Sheryl Markay, Chief Policy and Program Officer, discussed the allocation of funds from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), part of the Coroavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Illinois General Assembly set aside $250 million to be distributed to the 97 other counties in the state that did not receive a direct allocation. She explained some of the rules how this money may be spent. Staff is looking for direction from the board on how the money should be shared with 32 municipalities, 13 fire departments, fire districts, and townships. It was suggested that there be a special call meeting scheduled to allow more time to discuss how to allocate this money and how to meet all the criteria.



MOVER: Julie Renehan, District 3 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


A. FI-R-0380-20 RESOLUTION -- Budget Transfers 6-9-20 Budget Transfers Various Companies and Accounting Units


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


A. Health & Human Services - DiCianni

1. HHS-P-0128-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Allsteel c/o Midwest Office Interiors, to furnish and deliver office furniture to be configured to provide social distancing newly constructed workstations for the Housing & Self-Sufficiency and Intake & Referral Staff in Community Services, for a contract total amount not to exceed $28,695.89, per National IPA joint purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 “Governmental Joint Purchasing Act” . Grant funded.


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2 

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. Judicial/Public Safety - Eckhoff

1. JPS-P-0163-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Dr. Tara Fullmer, to provide and complete comprehensive evaluation of offenders that are referred by the court, for Probation & Court Services. The hourly rate for this contract is $45.00 per hour, for the period June 13, 2020 through June 12, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $90,000.00. Other Professional Services not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section2-300.4-108 (1) (b)


MOVER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4 

SECONDER: Sean T. Noonan, District 2 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. Public Works - Healy

1. PW-P-0162-20 Agreement between the County of DuPage, Illinois and Carollo Engineers, Inc. for Details of the SCADA Master Plan Implementation Owner's Advisory for Procurement and Engineering Services during construction for the upgrade of the control systems for Public Works and Stormwater Management for the period of June 9, 2020 through November 30, 2022, for a total contract amount not to exceed $330,800 .Professional Services (Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors) vetted through a qualification based selection process in compliance with the Illinois Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/et. seq. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Healy, District 5 

SECONDER: Peter DiCianni, District 2 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. Stormwater - Zay

1. SM-P-0161-20 Recommendation for approval of a contract renewal with the Illinois and School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education (SCARCE) for Professional Youth-Based Water Quality Education Services for Stormwater Management from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for a contract amount not to exceed $75,000.00, per renewal of RFP#19-057-SW


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. Transportation - Puchalski

Transportation items 1 through 5 were combined and approved.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

1. DT-R-0338-20 RESOLUTION -- Awarding Resolution issued to Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc., for the Lisle Township 2020 Road Maintenance Program, Section 20- 04000-01-GM, for an estimated Township cost of $802,855; Per low bid.

2. DT-P-0160-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to AT&T Corp., to provide telecommunication services, as needed for the Division of Transportation owned traffic signals, for the period August 1, 2020 through July 21, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $45,000; Per renewal option under RFP 17-002-LG, second of three options to renew.

3. DT-P-0159-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Genuine Parts Company, d/b/a NAPA Auto Parts, to furnish and deliver automotive repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period July 20, 2020 through July 19, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $150,000; Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (NJPA/ Sourcewell).

4. DT-P-0158-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Snap-on Incorporated, d/b/a IDSC Holdings LLC, d/b/a Snap-on Industrial, a Division of IDSC Holdings LLC, to furnish and deliver Snap-on tools and diagnostic equipment, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the four (4) year period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2024, for a contract total not to exceed $100,000; Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (NJPA/ Sourcewell).

5. Change Order -- DT-P-0004A-15 - Amendment to resolution DT-P-0004-15, issued to Santacruz Associates, Ltd., for Professional Right-of-Way Negotiation Services, as needed for the Division of Transportation, to increase the funding in the amount of $15,000 and extend the contract completion date through June 30, 2021, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $105,000, an increase of 16.67%.


A. ETS-R-0042-20 Resolution to adopt the Agreement between the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County and the County of DuPage to provide reimbursement to DuPage ETSB with federal CARES ACT funds. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: Tim Elliott, Sean T. Noonan 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


A. FI-R-0373-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of additional funding and extension of time for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) COMED Rate Relief Program Grant FY19 Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1500, $25,000.


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. FI-R-0374-20 RESOLUTION -- Resolution approving a grant agreement with Metropolitan Family Services through the "CARES ACT" Coronavirus Relief Fund in the amount of $178,000. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. FI-R-0376-20 RESOLUTION -- Placing Names on Payroll

Member Zay left the room.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5 

SECONDER: Donald Puchalski, District 1 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Tornatore 

NAYS: Selmon 


D. FI-R-0377-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the DuPage County Health Department for the reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: Julie Renehan, District 3 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. FI-R-0379-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the DuPage County Health Department for the reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total of amount of $335,547.60 (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

F. FI-R-0378-20 RESOLUTION -- Approval of issuance of payments to small businesses and independent contractors through the Small Business Relief Grant Fund Program administered by Choose DuPage in the amount of $1,089,402.00 (COVID ITEM)

Member Krajewski supported the program, he requested that the vote be taken on the small businesses, and vote separately on the non-profits. The non-profit status was discussed.

Motion to Amend and Approve FI-R-0378-20 - new amount $1,089,402.00

Member Zay motioned to amend this item. The Auditor found one business that was not in DuPage County so it had to be removed from the original list, and one additional business was added to the list bringing the new total to $1,089,402.00.


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

Motion to Fund the Non-Profit Entities on FI-R-0378-20


MOVER: Brian J. Krajewski, District 3 

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5 

AYES: DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay NAYS: Chaplin, DeSart, Krajewski, Ozog, Renehan 

ABSENT: Covert

G. FI-R-0381-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of an agreement between DuPage County Fair Association and County of DuPage for the use of the DuPage County fairgrounds for emergency COVID-19 services (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


Payment of claims and grant proposal notifications were combined, accepted and placed on file.


MOVER: James Zay, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5 

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

A. Payment of Claims

1. Payment of Claims -- 05/22/2020 Paylist

2. Payment of Claims -- 05/29/2020 Paylist

3. Payment of Claims -- 06/02/2020 Paylist

B. Grant Proposal Notifications

1. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 048-20 FY2021 Tobacco Grant - U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services - Illinois Department of Human Services - Sheriff's Office - $4,400.00

2. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 031-20 – Illinois Department of Transportation – FY2021 Statewide Planning Resources Grant: Establishment of a transit service plan for the Willowbrook Corners area in southeast unincorporated DuPage County - $50,000.

3. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 047-20 – U.S. Department of Transportation - 2020 National Infrastructure Investment (BUILD) Grant: Fabyan Parkway Corridor Reconstruction Project - $13,540,160.00


Member Renehan request that if non-profit entities are eligible for the small business grant, then this information be on the Choose DuPage website. Greg Bedalov from Choose DuPage explained the non-profit information is part of the guidance document. He stated the non-profit information will be added to the website. Member Renehan also requested the ability to see staff during these remote meetings. Member Krajewski requested more small business payments be processes as quickly as possible.



Without objection the meeting was adjourned at 10:34 a.m.




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