City of Wood Dale City Council met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
I. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (via Zoom teleconference) in accordance Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order regarding COVID-19: Mayor Nunzio Pulice, in accordance with the Meeting Notice for a Zoom Teleconference Meeting, called the Regular City Council Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m.
Upon roll call, the following were: Present: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley, and Woods Absent: Aldermen R. Wesley and Messina
Also Present: Mayor Pulice; City Clerk Curiale; Treasurer Porch; City Manager Mermuys; Police Chief Vesta; Legal Counsel Bond; IT Director Kace; Finance Director Wilson; Public Works Director Lange; Asst. Director of Public Works Garelli; AICP/CD Director Cage; Management Analysis Buggy; Marketing & Special Events Paplauskas
Whereupon the Mayor declared a quorum present.
***Alderman Messina entered the Zoom Teleconference at 7:32 pm
Alderman Susmarski made a motion, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve the Regular City Council Minutes of April 16, 2020, as presented. When the question was put, a voice vote was taken with all Aldermen voting Aye. Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
One citizen was in the audience via Zoom teleconference. No Citizens wished to be heard.
i. Citizens to be Heard
ii. Written Communiqués of Citizens to Be Heard
A. 2020 Prairie Fest :
As we are still in Phase 2 of the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan and it is not until Phase 5 that 50 people or more are permitted to meet, the current uncertainty of where we will be in the Phases by July, the health and safety of residents, volunteers and vendors, the Mayor questioned if there were any objections to cancel the 2020 Prairie Fest.
On a motion by Alderman Susmarski, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve cancelling the 2020 Prairie Fest.
When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski and E. Wesley
Nays: Alderman Woods
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
City Manager Mermuys added most of the surrounding communities have cancelled their Fireworks and summer events up through August 1, 2020. The City of Wood Dale is also canceling or postponing the City’s summer events up to August 1, 2020. Later this summer the City will revisit how things are going and then decide about events that are scheduled for after August 1, 2020.
City Manager Mermuys reported:
i. Stormwater Project Ward 2/3: The object of the City is provide a clear and full understanding of the scope of the project, and to that end the City has developed a project website of information where residents can view a full project presentation, submit feedback or questions and subscribe to updates once the project begins. Once construction begins the City will be rolling out a dedicated Twitter feed imbedded in the page that will allow residents to subscribe to receive live updates on the project. Visit the website at A mailer has also gone out to every resident containing all the information related to the Ward 2/3 Stormwater Improvement Project. Additional mailers will go out in future newsletters as the construction proceeds.
ii. City Manager Mermuys deferred to Police Chief Vesta. Police Chief Vesta asked residents to remember to lock their vehicles every night. Last night a few more vehicles that were unlocked had been entered. The Police Dept. has done a Social Media blitz regarding this through the City Facebook and in the City Newsletter and also a County-wide a reminder was made that crews have been coming into DuPage municipalities to steal and use these vehicles to commit crimes in other towns. The Chief again reminded all residents to please lock their doors every night and the Police Dept. will continue to send out reminders via Social media and the City Newsletter as well.
Mayor Pulice expressed concern to make sure that all residents parking on Potter are aware of the Ward 2/3 Stormwater Project. Director Lange stated he has been in contact with all the associations that will be impacted by the construction and will continue to do so for the duration of the project.
A. Omnibus Vote
i. A Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Wood Dale and the Wood Dale Fire Protection District #1 for Fire Equipment to Serve the City’s Development Area
ii. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Robinson Engineering for the Management of the Industrial Pretreatment Program for FY 2021 in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $123,000
iii. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Robinson Engineering for the 2020 Risk and Resiliency Assessment in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $37,300
The Mayor questioned if there were any objections to the Consent Agenda of Items 1 through 3. Hearing none and on a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Susmarski, to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried, approving the following items:
i. A Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Wood Dale and the Wood Dale Fire Protection District #1 for Fire Equipment to Serve the City’s Development Area
ii. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Robinson Engineering for the Management of the Industrial Pretreatment Program for FY 2021 in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $123,000
iii. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Robinson Engineering for the 2020 Risk and Resiliency Assessment in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $37,300
On a motion by Alderman E. Wesley, seconded by Alderman Woods, to approve the individual Items on the Consent Agenda, including Items 1 through 3. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
A. Planning, Zoning and Building Committee
No Report
B. Public Health, Safety, Judiciary and Ethics Committee
i. A Resolution Approving Professional Cleaning of City-Owned Facilities Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
On a motion by Alderman Sorrentino, seconded by Alderman Susmarski, to approve A Resolution Approving Professional Cleaning of City-Owned Facilities Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
C. Public Works Committee
i. A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-103-027- 0000
On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-103-027- 0000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
ii. A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-111-031-0000
On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16- 111-031-0000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
iii. A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-112-032-0000
On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-112-032- 0000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
iv. A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-113-034- 0000
On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16- 113-034-0000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
v. A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-114-022- 0000
On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16- 114-022-0000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
vi. A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16-115-021- 0000
On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Construction Easement
Located at Property Commonly Known As 301 S. Prospect Avenue PIN 03-16- 115-021-0000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
D. Finance and Administration Committee
No Report
A. Airport Noise Committee
No report
B. Stormwater Commission Report:
No report
X. APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS: May 7, 2020 - - $395,949.49_____________________________ On a motion by Alderman E. Wesley, seconded by Alderman Catalano, to approve the May 7, 2020 payment of the List of Bills, for the total amount of $395,949.49 for the following:
• General Fund $ 191,756.69
• Road & Bridge Fund $ 103.10
• Motor Fuel Tax Fund $ 10,623.03
• Tourism Fund $ 13,795.08
• Narcotics Fund $ 497.61
• TIF District #1 $ 1,400.00
• Capital Projects Fund $ 39,988.24
• Land Acquisition Fund $ -
• Commuter Parking Lot Fund $ 5,900.59
• Sanitation Fund $ 67,896.94
• Water & Sewer Capital Projects $ 2,032.44
• Water & Sewer Fund $ 61,955.77
• CERF $ -
• Special Service Area Fund $ -
Total of all Funds: $ 395,949.49
Total Number of Checks: 87
When the question was put a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski, E. Wesley and Woods
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Prior to Adjournment, Alderman Susmarski stated he had received 2 emails from 2 separate residents inquiring about why there is a use of the Northerly runways going over their houses when there is a lack of flights. Mayor Pulice told him to forward the emails to the Mayor and the City Manager and they will take care of getting them over to CDC.
On a motion by Alderman Susmarski, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to adjourn the Regular Meeting of May 7, 2020. When the question was put, all Alderman voting in the affirmative. Whereupon the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.