
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Villa Park Board met May 27

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Village of Villa Park Board met May 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Public participation is invited on each agenda item prior to the Board's deliberation. When called upon, please approach the microphone and state your name and the address where you live. Kindly limit your remarks to three (3) minutes.

Next Ordinance No.: 4154 

Next Resolution No.: 20-35

1. Call to Order - Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Comments on Agenda Items

The Village appreciates the public's patience and cooperation during these very trying times as communities across the globe attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Social distancing has been recommended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Village remains committed to a transparent and open government. Participation in this meeting is encouraged in any of the following ways:

1 - Email your questions to Village Manager Keehner in advance of the meeting at rkeehnerjr@invillapark.com. Manager Keehner will read the comments into the public record at the appropriate time. Please make sure to include "Read into Public Record" in the subject line of your message. 

2 - Watch the meeting live on YouTube by following the Village of Villa Park, or on the Government Access Channel (Comcast Channel 6, and AT&T Channel 99) 

3 - If members of the public are interested in attending in person, and are symptom free, social distancing will be utilized to mitigate the community spread of disease. However, per Governor Pritzker's Executive Order No. 10, all gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited. Therefore, attendance will be monitored at the door. 

4 - Those individuals choosing to attend the meeting in person will be required to adorn a proper face covering.

4. Ordinances

4.a. Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving Outdoor Restaurant Service and Alcoholic Liquor Sales During Phase III of the Governor's The Villa Park Village Hall is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. An elevator is operational at the north side entrance to the Village Hall during normal work hours and also during evenings. Individuals with special needs are requested to contact the Village's Compliance Officer at (630) 834-8500 so that reasonable accommodations can be made for those persons.

Restore Illinois Plan in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

To assist the Village of Villa Park's dine-in restaurants and still abide by social distancing guidelines imposed by Governor JB Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-33, Phase III of the Restore Illinois Plan allows certain restaurants to temporarily offer off-premises (outdoor) dining until restaurants are allowed to operate indoors at full capacity. Outdoor seating arrangements, especially at places where alcohol is served, is in conflict with certain provisions of Village Code. This ordinance temporarily modifies some of the restrictions imposed by Village Code, which will allow certain businesses to resume civic operations during Phase III of the Restore Illinois Plan and the COVID-19 pandemic.

4.b. Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Establishing Temporary Executive Powers Pursuant to Chapter 8, Article III, Sections 8-301 - 308 of the Villa Park Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-1-6 of the Illinois Municipal Code, and 20 ILCS 3305-11 of the Illinois Emergency Management Act

It is the policy of the Village of Villa Park that the Village be prepared to address any emergency. Therefore, in response to the significant outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, pursuant to Chapter 8, Article III Sections 8-301 – 8-308 of the Village of Villa Park Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-1-6 of the Illinois Municipal Code, and 20 ILCS 3305-11 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, it is necessary and appropriate to authorize the Village President to exercise extraordinary power and authority, by executive order, during this state of disaster/emergency to ensure that the effects of COVID-19 are mitigated and minimized and that residents and visitors in the Village remain safe and secure.

This ordinance extends the Temporary Executive Powers contained in Ordinance 4150, approved by the Village Board on May 18, 2020, until such time that the Village Board can reconvene in an open meeting. 

5. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

The Village appreciates the public's patience and cooperation during these very trying times as communities across the globe attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Social distancing has been recommended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Village remains committed to a transparent and open government. Participation in this meeting is encouraged in any of the following ways:

1 - Email your questions to Village Manager Keehner in advance of the meeting at rkeehnerjr@invillapark.com. Manager Keehner will read the comments into the public record at the appropriate time. Please make sure to include "Read into Public Record" in the subject line of your message. 

2 - Watch the meeting live on YouTube by following the Village of Villa Park, or on the Government Access Channel (Comcast Channel 6, and AT&T Channel 99)

3 - If members of the public are interested in attending in person, and are symptom free, social distancing will be utilized to mitigate the community spread of disease. However, per Governor Pritzker's Executive Order No. 10, all gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited. Therefore, attendance will be monitored at the door. 

4 - Those individuals choosing to attend the meeting in person will be required to adorn a proper face covering.

6. Adjournment

Next Meeting is June 8, 2020
