
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met May 18

Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met May 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to order, roll call

2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2020 Finance & Policy Committee meeting

3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee

4. Discussion of accounts payable

5. Consideration of an Ordinance amending certain provisions of Chapter 11 of the Village Code regarding fees. 

6. Consideration to accept the proposal of a one year contract extension of Bid #19-3-1 for asphalt milling and disposal to Du-Kane Asphalt Company of Addison, IL in the not to exceed amount of $40,000.00; funding in account #100.2520-4180.

7. Consideration to accept the proposal of a one year contract extension of Bid #19-3-2 for the 2020 purchase of hot mix asphalt and milling disposal to Du-Kane Asphalt Company of Addison, IL in the not to exceed amount of $275,000.00; funding in account #100.2520-4206.

8. Consideration of a Resolution approving the first amendment to the NORCOMM Master Services Agreement between NORCOMM Public Safety Communications Inc. and the Village of Addison.

9. Audience participation

10. Executive Session if needed

11. Other business, at the discretion of the Chairman

12. Adjournment
