
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

Sean Casten Voted to Give Nancy Pelosi Your Vote

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Issued the following announcement on May 18.

Sean Casten voted with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on a slate of rules changes that include allowing lawmakers to cast votes by proxy. The proxy vote resolution passed 217-189 on a party line vote, after negotiations failed to produce a bipartisan agreement. 

The new rule takes effect immediately, and allows absent lawmakers to designate a colleague to vote on House floor matters on the member’s behalf.

To be clear, Sean Casten voted in favor of Congressmen being allowed to stay home for the rest of the year, but still get paid. And he can now hand over his power to someone else, like Nancy Pelosi – who was not elected by the people of IL-06, so she can vote for him on any measure in his absence. 

“Sean Casten voted to give away your vote to Nancy Pelosi,” said Jeanne Ives, candidate for Congress (IL-06).  Sean Casten expects nurses and hospital staff to go to work and risk their lives, but Casten votes so he can  stay home. Business owners have worked their whole lives only to see the fate of their lives’ work placed in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, but Casten votes to turn over his vote to someone else. Workers would love to have a job to go to each day, but Casten voted to let someone else do his job. 

“Leaders don’t stay home, while other people’s lives and livelihoods are on the line. Leaders act with courage for the people who have entrusted them with their power and position. Sean Casten can show up to vote – he just doesn’t want to. In November, we will find out if IL-06 wants to show up for Sean Casten.” 

Original source can be found here.