
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Du Page County Board met April 14

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Du Page County Board met April 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


10:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Daniel J Cronin at 10:10 AM.


Member Zay led the pledge of allegiance.



Chairman Cronin and Member Puchalski were present in the boardroom. All other County Board members attended via teleconference.

PRESENT: Chaplin (Remote), Covert (Remote), DeSart (Remote), DiCianni (Remote), Eckhoff (Remote), Elliott (Remote), Hart (Remote), Healy (Remote), Krajewski (Remote), Larsen (Remote), Noonan (Remote), Ozog (Remote), Puchalski, Renehan (Remote), Rutledge (Remote), Selmon (Remote), Tornatore (Remote), Zay (Remote), Cronin



Good morning. We are conducting this meeting remotely to accommodate the public health need for social distancing and work at home requirements, as part of DuPage County’s COVID-19 response. I want to thank our IT department, Don Carlsen, Wendi Wagner and staff for testing and making this “Zoom” meeting platform work for our purposes.

Since we last met, our Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has collected more than 165-thousand pieces of personal protective equipment and distributed it to first responders and healthcare workers. We thank our business partners, schools, and private citizens who donated these important items that protect those on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle. Many, many folks are pitching in, any way they can. High school students, including those from Downers Grove and Timothy Christian School in Elmhurst are making face shields in their Innovation & Design Labs for physicians and healthcare workers. Timothy Christian school also converted part of its space to become an emergency daycare center for the nurses, doctors and essential employees of Elmhurst Hospital. Our community has enthusiastically embraced the Amazon Wish List items needed to enrich the lives and brighten the days for our DuPage Care Center residents. Community Services and Transportation workers have been pitching in to assist homeless residents and to deliver meals to Seniors. And Choose DuPage delivered spring floral arrangements to DuPage Care Center employees to show how much we appreciate them. I am so proud of the way our community has come together to support these efforts...big or small...every action is significant and has impact. Thank you.

That is the heartening news in the midst of this unprecedented public health fight. But, too many families in our County face uncertainty, suffer anxiety and heartbreaking loss as a result of COVID-19. I also ask the community to come together to honor and support families who are grieving. There IS something we can do to minimize the damage done by this virus. I repeat my plea for folks to adhere to the public health guidelines. The experts tell us we are in the height of COVID activity this month. So, it matters more now, perhaps, than ever. Please, observe social distancing, stay home and we will get through the worst of this.

On today’s agenda you will find the two resolutions in support of DuPage PADS and Catholic Charities, which are providing emergency housing for the unsheltered homeless population in DuPage. I thank Mary Keating, Community Services Director for coordinating with the charities. I ask for your support for this resolution providing safety net services for the neediest in our County.


Josee B - DuPage County nursing home and COVID-19 CDC guidance

The following individuals submitted public comment regarding chicken keeping in DuPage County:

Sandra Pufahl

Billy Joe Mills

Jacob Cynamon-Murphy

Wayne Enerson - DuPage County Board employee compensation Bonnie Grabenhofer - Waiver of real estate tax late fees

Theresa Termine - DuPage County real estate taxes

Mantia Cotromanes - DuPage County real estate taxes

Charles Gerut - DuPage County primary election

Greg Werfel - Submission form was sent without comment 7. CONSENT ITEMS

A. County Board - Regular Meeting - Mar 10, 2020 10:00 AM

B. County Board - Regular Meeting - Mar 24, 2020 10:00 AM

C. Payment of Claims -- 03/24/2020 Paylist

D. Payment of Claims -- 03/27/2020 Paylist

E. Payment of Claims -- 03/31/2020 Paylist

F. Payment of Claims -- 04/03/2020 Paylist

G. Payment of Claims -- 04/07/2020 Paylist

H. Wire Transfers -- 04/08/2020 Wire Transfer Co 1100

I. Consent Item -- County Clerk Financial Report - March 2020

J. Consent Item -- Consent Items 4-14-20


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski,

Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


Committee Update

A motion was made by Member Larsen and seconded by Member Zay to combine items A through C. The motion carried on voice vote all "ayes."

A. FI-R-0315-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the ILDCEO Community Services Block Grant PY20 Agreement No. 20-231028, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1650, $25,000

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage heretofore accepted and appropriated the ILDCEO Community Services Block Grant PY20, Company 5000 Accounting Unit 1650 pursuant to Resolution FI-R-0041-20 for the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage has been notified by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (ILDCEO) that additional grant funds in the amount of $25,000 (TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100) are available to be used immediately to fund the Community Services Block Grant PY20 Technology Initiative; and

WHEREAS, no additional County funds are required to receive the additional funding; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of the additional funding does not add any additional subsidy from the County; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage finds that the need to appropriate said additional funds creates an emergency within the meaning of the Counties Act, Budget Division, (55 ILCS 5/6-1003).

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the additional funding in the amount of $25,000 (TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100) is hereby accepted; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the additional appropriation on the attached sheet (Attachment) in the amount of $25,000 (TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100) be made and added to ILDCEO Community Services Block Grant PY20, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1650 and that the program continue as originally approved in all other respects; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should state and/or federal funding cease for this grant, the Health and Human Services Committee shall review the need for continuing the specified program and related head count; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the Health and Human Services Committee determine the need for other funding is appropriate, it may recommend action to the County Board by Resolution.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. FI-R-0324-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Illinois Department of Human Services Supportive Housing Grant PY20, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1760, $21,420

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage heretofore accepted and appropriated the IDHS Supportive Housing Program Grant PY20, Company 5000 Accounting Unit 1760 pursuant to Resolution FI-R-0273-19 for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage has been notified by All Chicago Making Homelessness History (All Chicago) the fiscal agent for IDHS that additional grant funds in the amount of $21,420 (TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100) are available to assist people experiencing homelessness with emergency lodging; and

WHEREAS, no additional County funds are required to receive the additional funding; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of the additional funding does not add any additional subsidy from the County; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage finds that the need to appropriate said additional funds creates an emergency within the meaning of the Counties Act, Budget Division, (55 ILCS 5/6-1003).

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the additional funding in the amount of $21,420 (TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100) be and is hereby accepted; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the additional appropriation on the attached sheet (Attachment) in the amount of $21,420 (TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100) be made and added to IDHS Supportive Housing Program Grant PY20, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1760 and that the program continue as originally approved in all other respects; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the Director of Community Services is approved as the County’s Authorized Representative; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should state and/or federal funding cease for his grant, the Health and Human Services Committee shall review the need for continuing the specified program and related head count; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the Health and Human Services Committee determine the need for other funding is appropriate, it may recommend action to the County Board by Resolution.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. FI-R-0316-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Aging Case Coordination Unit Fund PY20 Agreement No. CCUT200253 and ESS2002002, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1720, $252,301

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage heretofore accepted and appropriated the Aging Case Coordination Unit Fund PY20, Company 5000 Accounting Unit 1720 pursuant to Resolution FI-R-0339-19 for the period October 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage has been notified by the Illinois Department on Aging (IDOA) that additional grant funds in the amount of $252,301 (TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONE AND 00/100) are available to be used for one-time Emergency Assistance Services and Enhanced Technological Resources in response to the COVID-19 crisis; and

WHEREAS, no additional County funds are required to receive the additional funding; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of the additional funding does not add any additional subsidy from the County; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage finds that the need to appropriate said additional funds creates an emergency within the meaning of the Counties Act, Budget Division, (55 ILCS 5/6-1003).

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the additional funding in the amount of $252,301 (TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONE AND 00/100) is hereby accepted; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the additional appropriation on the attached sheet (Attachment) in the amount of $252,301 (TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONE AND 00/100) be made and added to the Aging Case Coordination Unit Fund PY20, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1720 and that the program continue as originally approved in all other respects; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should state and/or federal funding cease for this grant, the Health and Human Services Committee shall review the need for continuing the specified program and related head count; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the Health and Human Services Committee determine the need for other funding is appropriate, it may recommend action to the County Board by Resolution.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. FI-R-0317-20 RESOLUTION -- Allocation of $50,000 in County Funding to DuPage Pads for immediate COVID-19 Response

WHEREAS, the County Board authorized funding of $1,000,000 in the FY20 budget for supporting various agencies that provide human service programs which meet a legitimate County statutory purpose; and

WHEREAS, the threat of COVID-19 has caused a homeless shelter provider - namely DuPage Pads- to close their congregate sites; and

WHEREAS, this provider has provided their homeless clients with hotel stays; and

WHERAS, this provider has incurred additional expenses related to providing client hotel stays including client shelter, food and additional staff salaries; and

WHERAS, the county wishes to provide financial support to this provider to assist with the cost of client hotel stays and associated service costs;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County awards $50,000 in funding to DuPage Pads to be spent during the period of April 14, 2020 - November 30, 2020.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Community Services notify the agency involved and establish any appropriate processes for funding distribution, program monitoring and program evaluation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of the Department of Community Services is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement pursuant to this resolution; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be distributed to the Auditor, Treasurer, Finance Department, Community Services Department, and one copy to the County Board.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. FI-R-0320-20 RESOLUTION -- Allocation of $35,000 in County Funding to Catholic Charities Diocese of Joliet for immediate COVID-19 Response

WHEREAS, the County Board authorized funding of $1,000,000 in the FY20 budget for supporting various agencies that provide human service programs which meet a legitimate County statutory purpose; and

WHEREAS, the threat of COVID-19 has caused a homeless shelter provider - namely the Hope House operated by Catholic Charities Diocese of Joliet - to close their congregate site; and

WHEREAS, this provider has provided their homeless clients with hotel stays; and

WHEREAS, this provider has incurred additional expenses related to providing client hotel stays including client shelter, food and additional staff salaries; and

WHEREAS, the county wishes to provide financial support to this provider to assist with the cost of client hotel stays and associated service costs;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County awards $35,000 in funding to Catholic Charities Diocese of Joliet to be spent during the period of April 14, 2020 - November 30, 2020.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Community Services notify the agency involved and establish any appropriate processes for funding distribution, program monitoring and program evaluation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of the Department of Community Services is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement pursuant to this resolution; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be distributed to the Auditor, Treasurer, Finance Department, Community Services Department, and one copy to the County Board.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: Sadia Covert, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

F. FI-R-0322-20 RESOLUTION -- Placing Names on Payroll

WHEREAS, the DuPage County Board heretofore adopted a position classification and Pay Plan for all County employees.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the names as specified below be placed on the regular or temporary payroll at the salaries, classifications, and with the effective date as more particularly set forth below:



FINANCE 1000-1150

Effective May 4, 2020

Hedy Salgado, Budget Analyst

Class 1364, Range 311 at $55,000 per year

SHERIFF 1000-4410

Effective April 6, 2020

Bridget Rukavina, Deputy Sheriff

Class 2233 at $57,275 per year



Effective April 15, 2020

Erluis Quinto, Cellular Telecommunications Specialist

Class 1473, Range 210 at $55,000 per year, from

Class 1461, Range 209 at $49,419 per year




Effective May 4, 2020

Meghan Reese, Intake/Adoption & Client Services Coordinator

Class 2319, Range 109 at $16.10 per hour

CARE CENTER 1200-2025

Effective March 30, 2020

Cristita Barboza, Dining Services Worker

Class 4237, Range 106 at $10.92 per hour

Effective April 6, 2020

Anam Fatima, Dining Services Worker

Class 4237, Range 106 at $10.92 per hour

CARE CENTER 1200-2035

Effective March 30, 2020

Ulysses Barboza, Housekeeper I

Class 4210, Range 106 at $10.92 per hour

CARE CENTER 1200-2050

Effective March 31, 2020

Beth Bryant, Certified Nursing Associate

Class 4111, Range 108 at $13.70 per hour

CARE CENTER 1200-2100

Effective March 30, 2020

Salvatore Aurelio, Cook

Class 4234, Range 108 at $33,000 per year


PUBLIC WORKS 2000-2665

Effective April 15, 2020

Shannon McNelis, Engineering Technician

Class 5121, Range 210 at $52,000 per year


PUBLIC WORKS 2000-2555

Effective March 16, 2020

Brandon Gottardo, Intern

Class 9170 at $13.00 per hour

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be directed to transmit copies of this resolution to the Auditor, Treasurer, Finance Department, Human Resources Department, and one copy to the County Board.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

G. FI-R-0321-20 RESOLUTION -- Budget Transfers 4-14-20 Budget Transfers Various Companies and Accounting Units

WHEREAS, it appears that certain appropriations for various County

companies and accounting units are insufficient to cover necessary expenditures for the balance of the 2020 fiscal year; and

WHEREAS, it appears that there are other appropriations within these

companies and accounting units from which transfers can be made at the present time to meet the need for funds; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the attached transfers be made within the indicated companies and accounting units.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

H. FI-R-0298-20 RESOLUTION -- Revision to Personnel Budget - County Sheriff

WHEREAS, the DuPage County Board has approved personnel budgets for all County departments; and

WHEREAS, there are times when it is necessary to revise those budgets to insure efficient and effective County operations.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Personnel Budget for the County Sheriff be revised to reflect the addition of:


50000 (10) Court Security Officers

Budgeted Salary - $37,502.40, each

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be directed to transmit copies of this resolution to the County Board and the Human Resources Department.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

I. FI-O-0033-20 ORDINANCE -- Determining the Compensation of Members of the DuPage County Board

WHEREAS, Section 2-3008 of the Counties Code authorizes the County Board to determine the method of compensation of its members and to determine their salary; and

WHEREAS, the County Board has previously determined that the salary paid to its members shall be computed on an annual basis; and

WHEREAS, the Local Government Officer Compensation Act provides that whenever the compensation of elected officers of units of local government is fixed by that unit of local government, such compensation shall be fixed at least 180 days before the beginning of the terms of the officers;

WHEREAS, the County Board has from time-to-time provided by ordinance that its members may participate in additional non-salary employee benefits as part of their compensation; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that the annual salaries of the members of the County Board shall be and hereby are determined and become effective on the dates as follows:

Effective December 7, 2020

Effective December 6, 2021

$52,102 (0%)

$52,102 (0%)

and further;

BE IT ORDAINED, that in addition to the salaries fixed by this Ordinance, each member of the County Board, in his or her discretion, may participate in any employee benefit or other form of compensation authorized by law or by the County Board; and further;

BE IT ORDAINED, that the Chairman of the County Board shall cause this Ordinance to be prominently available on the County’s website along with full and complete descriptions of any other form of compensation which the General Assembly or the County Board has made from time-to-time available to members of the County Board.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: Elliott, Hart

J. FI-O-0034-20 ORDINANCE -- Determining the Compensation of Various DuPage County Elected Officials

WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 4 of the Illinois Constitution defines the

Auditor, the Coroner, and the Recorder of Deeds as County Officers; and

WHEREAS, Division 4-6 of the Counties Code authorizes the County Board to determine the compensation of County Officers; and

WHEREAS, Division 4-6 of the Counties Code further provides that the Auditor, the Coroner and Recorder shall, in addition to the compensation provided by the County Board, receive an additional award or stipend payable by the State of Illinois, separate and apart from of the compensation of such officer as set by the County Board, as payment for the duties such officer must, by law, render to the State; and

WHEREAS, the Local Government Officer Compensation Act provides that whenever the compensation of elected officers of units of local government is fixed by that unit of local government, such compensation shall be fixed at least 180 days before the beginning of the terms of the officers; and

WHEREAS, Section 27.3(a) of Clerk of Courts Act authorizes the County Board to determine the compensation of the Clerk of the Circuit Court; and

WHEREAS, Section 27.3(d) of the Clerk of Courts Act further provides that in addition to the compensation provided by the County Board, the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall receive an award from the State for the additional duties imposed by Sections 5-9-1 and 5-9-1.2 of the Unified Code of Corrections, Section 10 of the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Act, Section 16-104a of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and other laws; and

WHEREAS, the County Board has from time-to-time provided by ordinance that the elected officers for whom it determines the compensation may, in their discretion, participate in additional non-salary employee benefits as part of their compensation.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE DUPAGE COUNTY BOARD, that the County-portion of the salaries of the following County Officers shall be and hereby are determined as follows:


FY 2021

FY 2022

FY 2023

FY 2024

County Auditor









County Coroner









County Recorder









and; further

BE IT ORDAINED, that the County-portion of the salary of the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be and hereby is determined as follows:


FY 2021

FY 2022

FY 2023

FY 2024

Circuit Court Clerk









and; further

BE IT ORDAINED, that in addition to the salaries fixed by this Ordinance, each elected officer may, in his or her discretion, participate in any employee benefit or other form of compensation authorized by law or by the County Board; and further;

BE IT ORDAINED, that the Chairman of the County Board shall cause this Ordinance to be prominently available on the County’s website along with full and complete descriptions of any other form of compensation which the General Assembly or the County Board has made from time-to-time available to elected officers.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

K. FI-P-0111-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Alexian Brothers Ambulatory Group d/b/a Alexian Brothers Medical Group to provide health related services, to include drug screens, physicals, TB tests, chest x-rays and random drug and alcohol breath screens. This contract covers the period of July 18, 2020 through July 17, 2021 for Human Resources, for a contract total amount of $26,596.00, per low bid 19- 053-HR.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Finance Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Alexian Brothers Ambulatory Group d/b/a Alexian Brothers Medical Group, to include drug screening, physicals, TB tests, chest x-rays and random drug and alcohol breath screens, for the period July 18, 2020 through July 17, 2021, Human Resources.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County contract covering said, to include drug screening, physicals, TB tests, chest x-rays and random drug and alcohol breath screens, for the period July 18, 2020 through July 17, 2021, Human Resources, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to Alexian Brothers Ambulatory Group d/b/a Alexian Brothers Medical Group, 2601 Navistar Drive, Lisle, IL 60532 for a contract total amount of $26,596.00, per lowest responsible bid #19-053-HR.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

L. Change Order -- Recommendation for approval of an amendment to Resolution 19-20- 243, for purchase order number 2081-0001 SERV for change order number six (6), for a contract issued to Laner Muchin, LTD., to provide professional legal services for tort liability employee practice liability cases and increase the encumbrance $50,000, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $125,000, an increase of 66.67% and resulting in a cumulative increase of 733.33%

WHEREAS, Resolution 19-20-243 was approved and adopted by the DuPage County Board on November 30, 2019; and

WHEREAS, the Finance Committee recommends Change Order number (six) 6 to increase the encumbrance $50,000.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $125,000.00, an increase of 66.67% and resulting in a cumulative increase of 733.33% and to provide professional legal services for tort liability employee practice liability cases.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board adopts the Change Order number (six) 6 to amend contract number 2081-001 SERV, issued to Laner Muchin, LTD, to provide professional legal services for tort liability employee practice liability cases, to increase the encumbrance $50,000.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $125,000.00.


MOVER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


Committee Update

A. DC-O-0029-20 ORDINANCE -- Z19-079 – ORDINANCE – Kolar: To approve the following zoning relief: Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years. (York/ District 2) ZHO Recommendation to Approve The County Board discharged the Development Committee and this matter was brought directly to the County Board for Consideration.

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on December 4, 2019 and March 11, 2020 in the DuPage County Administration Building, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois at 2:30 P.M. before the DuPage County Zoning Hearing Officer and notice of said hearing was duly given; and

WHEREAS, a petition was presented at this hearing requesting the following zoning relief:

Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years, on the property hereinafter described:


WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above requested zoning petition presented at the above hearing and at the recommendation meeting held on March 11, 2020 does find as follows:


A. The Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years.

B. The Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated that the existing shed has been in existence prior to when petitioner purchased the subject property in October 2019, and that the subject shed has been on the subject property for over fifty (50) years.

C. That petitioner testified that the subject shed is used to store household accessory equipment, such as lawn and gardening tools.

D. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated that a Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years, does not have any impact on adjacent properties and roadways, does not impact on drainage, and does not impede ventilation and light to the subject property or adjacent properties.




 Z19-079 Kolar


Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years.









District 2



0-5 DU AC


0.42 acres (18,295 sq. ft.)


Well and Sewer


Daily Herald: November 20, 2019


 Wednesday, December 4, 2019, continued to March 11, 2020



 No Objections.


 Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.


 No Objections.


No Comment.

Public Works:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter/ “We havewater available in the general area.”


Village of Lombard:

“1S481 School Street is in our planning boundary. We have no comments at this time.”

City of Oakbrook Terrace:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.

Village of Oak Brook:

No Comment.

Village of Downers Grove:

“The Village of Downers Grove has no comments on this item.”

Village of Villa Park:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.

York Township:

No Comment.

Township Highway:

No Objections.

York Center Fire Dist.:

No Objections.

Sch. Dist. 45:

No Comment.

Forest Preserve:

No Comment.






Front Yard:

30 FT



Int. Side Yard:

3 FT



Int. Side Yard:

3 FT



Rear Yard:

3 FT






Existing Use





0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC


School Street and beyond R-2 SF RES


0-5 DU AC

WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above and at the recommendation meeting held on March 11, 2020, recommends to approve the following zoning relief:

Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years.

Subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z19-079 Kolar dated December 4, 2020.

2. That the Conditional Use zoning relief shall expire after ten (10) years from the date of approval of the subject zoning relief by the DuPage County Board or upon one of the following circumstances, whichever shall come first:

a. The structure or use is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty or act of God to the extent that the cost of restoration for the above ground portion of the building, structure, or use to the condition it was prior to the destruction or damage exceeds fifty percent (50%) or more of its replacement value.

b. The structure is voluntarily removed.

3. That the petitioner maintains the existing landscaping and fencing around the perimeter of the subject property.

4. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

ZHO Recommendation to Approve

WHEREAS, the County Board discharged the Development Committee and this matter was brought directly to the County Board for Consideration.:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that the following zoning relief be granted:

Conditional Use to allow existing shed to remain less than 3 feet from rear property line (approximately 0.5 feet), where it has existed for at least 5 years, on the property hereinafter described:


The Zoning Relief is subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z19-079 Kolar dated December 4, 2020.

2. That the Conditional Use zoning relief shall expire after ten (10) years from the date of approval of the subject zoning relief by the DuPage County Board or upon one of

the following circumstances, whichever shall come first:

c. The structure or use is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty or act of God to the extent that the cost of restoration for the above ground portion of the building, structure, or use to the condition it was prior to the destruction or damage exceeds fifty percent (50%) or more of its replacement value.

d. The structure is voluntarily removed.

3. That the petitioner maintains the existing landscaping and fencing around the perimeter of the subject property.

4. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that should any section, clause or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a certified copy of this Ordinance be transmitted by the County Clerk to the DuPage County Finance Department; DuPage County Auditor; DuPage County Treasurer; Paul J. Hoss, Zoning; State's Attorney's Office; DuPage County Health Department; DuPage County Division of Transportation; ANDREW AND MARLA KOLAR, 1S481 SCHOOL STREET, LOMBARD, IL 60148; and Township Assessor, York Township, 1502 S. Meyers Road, Lombard, IL 60148.


MOVER: Sam Tornatore, District 1

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. DC-O-0030-20 ORDINANCE -- Z20-001 – ORDINANCE – Bachorz: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback. (Addison/ District 1) ZHO Recommendation to Approve

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on March 4, 2020 in the DuPage County Administration Building, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois at 3:30 P.M. before the DuPage County Zoning Hearing Officer and notice of said hearing was duly given; and

WHEREAS, a petition was presented at this hearing requesting the following zoning relief:

Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback, on the property hereinafter described:


WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above requested zoning petition presented at the above hearing and at the recommendation meeting held on March 4, 2020 does find as follows:


A. The Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback.

B. That petitioner testified that he purchased the subject property approximately three (3) years ago.

C. That petitioner testified that he seeks the subject zoning relief in order to park his two (2) vehicles on the driveway, within the first thirty (30) feet/ front yard setback.

• Furthermore, that petitioner testified that the only area to park on the subject property is on the subject driveway, as the previous owners remodeled the subject home and transformed the previous attached garage into living space.

• That petitioner testified that due to this remodel, there is no garage on the subject property, causing him to park his vehicles on the driveway, within the first thirty (30) feet/ front yard.

D. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a practical difficulty and unique circumstance in carrying out the strict letter of regulations of the Zoning Ordinance for a Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback, as the subject property does not have a garage and that the previous owners remodeled the home to transform the previous garage into living space.

E. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated that a Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback, does not have any impact on adjacent properties and roadways, does not impact on drainage, and does not impede ventilation and light to the subject property or adjacent properties.




Z20-001 Bachorz


Variation to allow the required parking spaces on thedriveway, within the 30’ front yard setback









District 1



0-5 DU AC


0.42 acres (18,295.2 sq. ft.)


 Well and Septic


Daily Herald: February 14, 2020


March 4, 2020



No Objections.


Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.


No Objections.


No Objections.

Public Works:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.


City of Wood Dale:

No Comment.

Village of Bensenville:

No Objections.

Village of Itasca:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.

Village of Elk Grove:

No Objections.

Addison Township:

No Comment.

Township Highway:

No Comment.

Wood Dale Fire Dist.:

No Comment.

Sch. Dist. 7:

No Comment.

Forest Preserve:

 “The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County staff has reviewed the information provided in this notice and due to the sizable distance between the subject property and Dist






Front Yard:

30 FT

Within the first 30 FT

Within the first 30 FT




Existing Use





0-5 DU AC


Foster Avenue and beyond R-3 SF RES


0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC

EastCity of Wood Dale


City of Wood Dale

WestCatalpa Avenue and beyond R-3 SF RES


0-5 DU AC

WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above and at the recommendation meeting held on March 4, 2020, recommends to approve the following zoning relief:

Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback.

Subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z20-001 Bachorz dated March 4, 2020.

2. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

3. That in conjunction with the submittal of a building permit the developer provides a landscape plan showing partial landscape screens around the perimeter of the development.

4. That the property be developed in accordance with all other codes and Ordinances of DuPage County.

ZHO Recommendation to Approve

WHEREAS, the County Board discharged the Development Committee and this matter was brought directly to the County Board for Consideration.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that the following zoning relief be granted:

Variation to allow the required parking spaces on the driveway, within the 30’ front yard setback, on the property hereinafter described:


The Zoning Relief is subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z20-001 Bachorz dated March 4, 2020.

2. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

3. That in conjunction with the submittal of a building permit the developer provides a landscape plan showing partial landscape screens around the perimeter of the development.

4. That the property be developed in accordance with all other codes and Ordinances of DuPage County.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that should any section, clause or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a certified copy of this Ordinance be transmitted by the County Clerk to the DuPage County Finance Department; DuPage County Auditor; DuPage County Treasurer; Paul J. Hoss, Zoning; State's Attorney's Office; DuPage County Health Department; DuPage County Division of Transportation; SYLWESTER BACHORZ, 6N379 CATALPA AVENUE, WOOD DALE, IL 60191; and Township Assessor, Addison Township, 401 North Addison Road, Addison, IL 60101.


MOVER: Sam Tornatore, District 1

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. DC-O-0031-20 ORDINANCE -- Z20-003 – ORDINANCE – Olympia: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room. (Downers Grove/ District 3) ZHO Recommendation to Approve.

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on March 11, 2020 in the DuPage County Administration Building, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois at 2:30 P.M. before the DuPage County Zoning Hearing Officer and notice of said hearing was duly given; and

WHEREAS, a petition was presented at this hearing requesting the following zoning relief:

Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room, on the property hereinafter described:



WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above requested zoning petition presented at the above hearing and at the recommendation meeting held on March 11, 2020 does find as follows:


A. The Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room.

B. That petitioner testified that they seek the subject zoning relief to remove an existing deck and build a four-season room in the same location as the existing deck.

C. That petitioner testified that they have lived at the subject property for approximately 32 years.

D. That petitioner testified that in order to attach a four-season room to the existing home the only location for the proposed addition would be on the southwest corner of the home, as there is no other reasonable access point into the existing home.

• Furthermore, that the existing home was built closer than thirty (30) feet to the corner side property line and that any addition to the house would require a Variation.

E. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a practical difficulty and unique circumstance in carrying out the strict letter of regulations of the Zoning Ordinance for a Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room, as the existing home was built closer than the required thirty (30) feet from the corner property line and that the only reasonable access point into the existing home is on the southwest corner of the existing house.

F. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated that a Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room, does not have any impact on adjacent properties and roadways, does not impact on drainage, and does not impede ventilation and light to the subject property or adjacent properties.




Z20-003 Olympia


Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room








Downers Grove S

District 3



 0-5 DU AC


.25 acres (10,890 sq. ft.)


Water and Sewer


Daily Herald: February 26, 2020


March 11, 2020




No Objections.


Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.


Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.


No Objections.

Public Works:

No Objections.


Village of Woodridge:

No Comment.

City of Darien:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.

Downers Grove Township:

No Comment.

Township Highway:

No Objections with the concept of the petition. Additional information may be required at time of permit application.

Darien-Woodridge Fire Dist.:

No Objections.

Sch. Dist. 133:

No Comment.

Forest Preserve:

No Comment.






Front Yard:

30 FT



Int. Side Yard:

10 FT



Corner Side Yard:

30 FT



Rear Yard:

25 FT




LocationZoningExisting Use




0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC


Westminster Drive and beyond R-3 SF RES


0-5 DU AC


Dunham Drive and beyond R-3 SF RES


0-5 DU AC


Village of Woodridge


Village of Woodridge

WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above and at the recommendation meeting held on March 11, 2020, recommends to approve the following zoning relief:

Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room.

Subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z20-003 Olympia dated March 11, 2020.

2. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

3. That in conjunction with the submittal of a building permit the developer provides a landscape plan showing partial landscape screens around the perimeter of the development.

4. That the property be developed in accordance with all other codes and Ordinances of DuPage County

ZHO Recommendation to Approve

WHEREAS, the County Board discharged the Development Committee and this matter was brought directly to the County Board for Consideration.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that the following zoning relief be granted:

Variation to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30’ to approximately 20’ for a new four-season room, on the property hereinafter described:


The Zoning Relief is subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z20-003 Olympia dated March 11, 2020.

2. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

3. That in conjunction with the submittal of a building permit the developer provides a landscape plan showing partial landscape screens around the perimeter of the development.

4. That the property be developed in accordance with all other codes and Ordinances of DuPage County

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that should any section, clause or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a certified copy of this Ordinance be transmitted by the County Clerk to the DuPage County Finance Department; DuPage County Auditor; DuPage County Treasurer; Paul J. Hoss, Zoning; State's Attorney's Office; DuPage County Health Department; DuPage County Division of Transportation; ODONNELL S. OLYMPIA 10S628 DUNHAM DRIVE, DOWNERS GROVE, IL 60516; and Township Assessor, Downers Grove Township, 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515.


MOVER: Sam Tornatore, District 1

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

 D. DC-O-0032-20 ORDINANCE -- Z20-011 – ORDINANCE – Herman: To approve the following zoning relief: Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house. (Milton/ District 4) ZHO Recommendation to Approve

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on March 11, 2020 in the DuPage County Administration Building, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois at 2:30 P.M. before the DuPage County Zoning Hearing Officer and notice of said hearing was duly given; and

WHEREAS, a petition was presented at this hearing requesting the following zoning relief:

Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house, on the property hereinafter described:


WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above requested zoning petition presented at the above hearing and at the recommendation meeting held on March 11, 2020 does find as follows:


A. The Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house.

B. That petitioner testified they seek the subject zoning relief for a proposed two (2) detached car garage, as the subject property was built without a garage.

C. That petitioner testified that they have lived at the subject property since September 2018.

D. That petitioner testified that floodplain is located on the subject property and that in order to build a detached garage, the proposed garage would need to be located outside of the floodplain, in front of the front wall of the house.

E. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated evidence for a practical difficulty and practical hardship in carrying out the strict letter of regulations of the Zoning Ordinance for a Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house, as there is floodplain located on the subject property and that in order to build a detached garage, the proposed garage would need to be located in front of the front wall.

F. That Hearing Officer finds that petitioner has demonstrated that a Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house does not have any impact on adjacent properties and roadways, does not impact on drainage, and does not impede ventilation and light to the subject property or adjacent properties.




Z20-011 Herman



Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house.









District 4


R-4 SF Res

0-5 DU AC


.40 acres (17,424 sq. ft.)


Water and Sewer


Daily Herald: February 26, 2020


March 11, 2020



No Objections.


No Objections.


Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter.


No Objections with the concept of the petition. Additional information may be required at time of permit application. (See attached documentation)

Public Works:

No Objections.


Village of Glen Ellyn:

No Comment.

Village of Glendale Heights:

No Comment.

Village of Lombard:

“1N475 Main Street, Glen Ellyn is outside of our planning boundary and therefore we have no comments.”

Village of Carol Stream:

Our office has no jurisdiction in this matter/ “No Comment”

Milton Township:

No Comment.

Township Highway:

No Objections with the concept of the petition. Additional information may be required at time of permit application.

Glen Ellyn Fire Dist.:

No Comment.

Sch. Dist. 41:

No Comment.

Forest Preserve:

No Comment.






Front Yard:

30 FT



Int. Side Yard:

3 FT



Int. Side Yard:

3 FT



Rear Yard:

3 FT






Existing Use





0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC




0-5 DU AC


Main Street and beyond R-4 SF RES


WHEREAS, the Zoning Hearing Officer, having considered in relation to the above and at the recommendation meeting held on March 11, 2020, recommends to approve the following zoning relief:

Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house.

Subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z20-011 Herman dated March 11, 2020.

2. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

3. That in conjunction with the submittal of a building permit the developer provides a landscape plan showing partial landscape screens around the perimeter of the development.

4. That the property be developed in accordance with all other codes and Ordinances of DuPage County.

ZHO Recommendation to Approve

WHEREAS, the County Board discharged the Development Committee and this matter was brought directly to the County Board for Consideration.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that the following zoning relief be granted:

Variation to allow a detached accessory building (detached garage) in front of the front wall of the house, on the property hereinafter described:


The Zoning Relief is subject to the following conditions:

1. That the property be developed in accordance with the petitioner’s site plan made part of Zoning Petition #Z20-011 Herman dated March 11, 2020.

2. That the owner/developer is to apply for and receive a Building Permit for all construction and/or excavation that occurs on the property.

3. That in conjunction with the submittal of a building permit the developer provides a landscape plan showing partial landscape screens around the perimeter of the development.

4. That the property be developed in accordance with all other codes and Ordinances of DuPage County.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the County Board of DuPage County, Illinois that should any section, clause or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a certified copy of this Ordinance be transmitted by the County Clerk to the DuPage County Finance Department; DuPage County Auditor; DuPage County Treasurer; Paul J. Hoss, Zoning; State's Attorney's Office; DuPage County Health Department; DuPage County Division of Transportation; ROBERT HERMAN, 1N475 MAIN STREET, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137; and Township Assessor, Milton Township, 1492 N. Main Street, Wheaton, IL 60187.


MOVER: Sam Tornatore, District 1

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


Committee Update

A motion was made by Member DiCianni and seconded by Member Renehan to combine consent items 1 through 4. The motion carried on voice vote all "ayes."

A. Consent

1. Consent Item -- Kronos, Inc. 4060-0001 SERV - Replacement Workforces Tele Time IP Base System (clock in time) for the DuPage Care Center, reopen and extend contract through November 30, 2020, as new phone system is not in place as of yet.

2. 2020-76 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Performance Health, for a Metron Elite Electric Parallel Bars, 10' Bariatric Motorized Height & Width adjustments with installation services, for the DuPage Care Center Physical Rehabilitation Department, for the period April 8, 2020 through November 30, 2020, for a contract total amount not to exceed $10,147.41, per low quote #20-026-CARE.

3. 2020-77 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Kopon Airdo Attorney At Law, for legal services to represent the DuPage Care Center with issues as needed, for the period March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $20,000.00, per other professional services.

4. 2020-78 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Smith Technologies, LLC dba QS1 Data Systems, for software and software maintenance for the QS1 Data System in the Pharmacy at the DuPage Care Center, for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $22,000.00, also to include miscellaneous other charges as necessary, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 (c) not suitable for competitive bidding, Sole Source. (Maintenance of QS1 Data System at the Care Center)


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2

SECONDER: Julie Renehan, District 3

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. HHS-R-0285-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of a HOME Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) Funds Program Agreement between DuPage County and Warrenville Horizon Limited Partnership – Warrenville Horizon Senior Living Community – In the Amount of $2,550,000.00.

WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has granted COUNTY authority to make all contracts and do all other acts in relation to the property and concerns of the county necessary to the exercise of its corporate powers (Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55, paragraphs 5/5-1005), and to enter into agreements for the purposes of receiving funds from the United States government under the “Housing and Community Development Act of 1974”, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, and COUNTY may disburse those funds and other county funds for community development and other housing program activities (Illinois Complied Statutes, Chapter 55, paragraph 5/5-1093); and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has applied for HOME Investment Partnerships Act (“HOME”) funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) as provided by the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, as amended (Title II, Pub. L. 101-625) (“ACT”) and continues to be a participating jurisdiction in the HOME program; and

WHEREAS, by Application for HOME Rental Production Funding originally submitted on December 3, 2018, WARRENVILLE HORIZON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN ILLINOIS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (herein after called “DEVELOPER”), having a principal place of business at 4200 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60646, has submitted underwriting documentation and made application to the COUNTY for a loan of a portion of the COUNTY’s HOME Funds to be used for eligible costs associated with the new construction of seventy-one (71) units of affordable rental housing for senior citizens located in Warrenville, Illinois, to be known as WARRENVILLE HORIZON SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY, and known as HOME project HM18-06; HM19-06; HM20-05; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be directed to send copies of this Resolution to WARRENVILLE HORIZON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 4200 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60646; and Community Development Commission.

WHEREAS, the DuPage HOME Advisory Group and the County Health and Human Services Committee have recommended funding up to Two Million Five

Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($2,550,000.00), for eligible costs associated with the construction of affordable housing for senior citizens at 28 W 620 Batavia Road, Warrenville, Illinois 60555-2203; and

WHEREAS, an Agreement has been prepared requiring compliance with HOME requirements, and said Agreement has been approved by WARRENVILLE HORIZON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN ILLINOIS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board that said Agreement between the COUNTY OF DUPAGE and WARRENVILLE HORIZON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN ILLINOIS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, attached hereto, is hereby approved; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the DuPage County Board is authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of DuPage County and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest to such execution and affix the official seal thereto; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the DuPage County Board, or his designee, is authorized and directed to execute additional documents that may be required to complete the transaction on behalf of DuPage County and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest to such execution and affix the official seal thereto; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of Community Services, is authorized and directed to execute additional documents that may be required to complete the transaction on behalf of DuPage County; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the DuPage County Board is hereby authorized to approve amendments to PROJECT HM18-06, HM19-06, & HM20-05 so long as such amendments further the completion of the project and are in accordance with regulations applicable to the HOME Investment Partnerships Act and the policies of DuPage County.


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. HHS-R-0318-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the support of an agreement between the County of DuPage and WSKC Dialysis Services, Incorporated, for the establishment of dialysis services for the DuPage Care Center.

WHEREAS, DuPage County has established and maintains the DuPage Care Center, a skilled nursing facility that serves the long-term needs of DuPage County residents who suffer from debilitating illness and injuries, and also provides for short- term rehabilitation care; and

WHEREAS, the DuPage Care Center has Residents with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and wish to receive outpatient hemodialysis; and

WHEREAS, WSKC Dialysis Services, Inc is experienced and qualified to administer renal dialysis services and clinically manage ESRD Residents with irreversible renal failure on an outpatient basis: and

WHEREAS, the provisions of outpatient hemodialysis services to ESRD Residents deemed appropriate for such care is consistent with ESRD Residents’ rights, community standards of care, public policy, and the efficient and economic delivery of care; and

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DuPage County Board has approved the attached Agreement between the County of DuPage and WSKC Dialysis Services, Inc. for the establishment of outpatient dialysis services for the DuPage Care Center.


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. HHS-P-0112-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Insight Public Sector for the purchase of twenty-one (21) Lenovo ThinkPads and twenty-one (21) Lenovo ThinkPad docking stations for the staff that support CSBG and Community Services programs for a contract total amount not to exceed $32,718.00 per Quote #222069126. Grant funded.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible quote has been designated and the Health & Human Services Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract purchase order to Insight Public Sector, Inc., for the procurement of twenty-one Lenovo ThinkPads and twenty-one docking stations for staff that support CSBG and Community Services programs.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, for the procurement of twenty-one Lenovo ThinkPads and twenty-one docking stations for staff that support CSBG and Community Services programs, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract purchase order by the Procurement Division to Insight Public Sector, Inc., 6820 Harl Avenue, Tempe, AZ 85283-4318, for a contract total amount of $32,718.00, per lowest responsible quote #222069126. (Grant funded.)


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. Change Order -- HHS-P-0049A-19 - Amendment to Resolution HHS-P-0049-19, issued to Medline Industries, Inc., to extend the contract through April 30, 2020 and increase the contract in the amount of $17,000.00 to cover service through the end of contract period, to furnish and deliver incontinent products, for the DuPage Care Center, taking the contract amount of 191,000.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $208,000.00, an increase of 8.90%. (3730-0001 SERV)

WHEREAS, Resolution HHS-P-0049-19 was approved and adopted by the DuPage County Board on February 12, 2019; and

WHEREAS, the Health and Human Services Committee recommends changes as stated in the Change Order Notice to extend contract through April 30, 2020 and to increase contract 3730-0001 SERV in the amount of $17,000.00, taking the contract amount of $191,000.00, resulting in a new contract total amount not to exceed $208,000.00, an increase of 8.90% .

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board adopts the Change Order Notice to County Contract 3730-0001 SERV, issued to Medline Industries, Incorporated, to furnish and deliver incontinent products, for the DuPage Care Center, to extend the contract through April 30, 2020 and increase the amount of the contract by $17,000.00, taking the contract amount of $191,000.00, resulting in a new contract total amount of $208,000.00, an increase of 8.90%.


MOVER: Peter DiCianni, District 2

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


Committee Update

A. Consent

1. 2020-73 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Medline Industries to provide the Sheriff's Office with vinyl examination gloves for the Jail, covering the period of 5/1/20 through 4/30/21 for a contract total amount not to exceed $20,000. Per renewal option under bid award 18-047-GV.

2. 2020-75 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Door Systems for the installation of a Pedestrian Door Operator, for the Care Center, for the period of May 31, 2020 through May 30, 2021, for a contract total amount not to exceed $5,985.19, per lowest responsible bid DF3830-1

3. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 026-20 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Drug Court Program - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - DuPage County Probation and Court Services - $1,934,400.00

4. Informational -- ePublic Defender's Office February 2020 Appointments


MOVER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4

SECONDER: Sean T. Noonan, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. JPS-P-0109-20 Ruggiero & Associate, P.C. Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Jillian Ruggiero, of Ruggiero & Associates, P.C. to provide professional services as a conflict attorney assigned to juvenile cases for the period of May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, for a contract total amount not to exceed $42,000.00. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4- 108 (1) (b).

WHEREAS, an agreement has been negotiated in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Judicial/Public Safety Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to provide professional services for a conflict attorney assigned to juvenile cases, representing abused, neglected, dependent or delinquent minors or family members, where the DuPage County Public Defender may not represent a party, including appeals in these matters, for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021, for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said contract to provide professional services for a conflict attorney assigned to juvenile cases, representing abused, neglected, dependent or delinquent minors or family members, where the DuPage County Public Defender may not represent a party, including appeals in these matters, for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, for the period for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021, for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to Jillian Ruggiero, of Ruggiero & Associates P.C., Two Arboretum Lakes, 901 Warrenville R., Lisle, IL 60532, for a contract total amount not to exceed $42,000.00.


MOVER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4

SECONDER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said contract to provide professional services for a conflict attorney assigned to juvenile cases, representing abused, neglected, dependent or delinquent minors or family members, where the DuPage County Public Defender may not represent a party, including appeals in these matters, for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, for the period for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021, for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to Jillian Ruggiero, of Ruggiero & Associates P.C., Two Arboretum Lakes, 901 Warrenville R., Lisle, IL 60532, for a contract total amount not to exceed $42,000.00.

JPS-P-0110-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Midwest Office Interiors, to furnish, deliver and install seating and tables for the adult and juvenile waiting rooms in the Probation and Court Services, for the period April 15, 2020 through November 14, 2020, for a contract total not to exceed $31,941.92. Contract let pursuant to the Governmental Joint Purchasing Act in compliance with 30 ILCS 525 “Per Cooperative National IPA” Contract #R142208.

WHEREAS, an agreement has been negotiated in accordance with County Board policy; and,

WHEREAS, the Judicial/Public Safety Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Midwest Office Interiors, to provide furniture for adult and juvenile waiting rooms for DuPage County Probation and Courts Services.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said contract to provide the furniture for adult and juvenile waiting rooms for DuPage County Probation and Courts Services, for the period of April 15, 2020 through November 14, 2020, for the DuPage County Probation and Court Services, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to Midwest Office Interiors, 10330 Argonne Woods Drive, Suite 600, Woodridge, 60517, for a contract total amount of $31,941.92 as per Government Joint Purchasing Act (30ILCSS25).


MOVER: Grant Eckhoff, District 4

SECONDER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: DeSart


Committee Update

A motion was made by Member Healy and seconded by Member Noonan to combine consent items 1 through 4. The motion carried on voice vote all "ayes."

A. Consent

1. Consent Item -- Native Landscape Contractors, LLC - Decrease by $82,276.79 and Close

2. Payment of Claims -- Public Works and Facilities Management

3. 2020-86 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Russo Power Equipment, for purchase of a Toro stand up lawmover, for Public Works, for a total contract amount not to exceed $9,030.10, pricing in compliance with ILCS 525/2 "Government Joint Purchasing Act", Sourcewell contract #062117-TTC

4. 2020-72 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Russo Power Equipment, to furnish and deliver two (2) sectional pusher snowplow equipment & parts for Facilities Management-Grounds, for a total contract amount not to exceed $18,957, per low quote- 3 quotes.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: Sean T. Noonan, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. FM-P-0105-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Pizzo & Associates, Ltd., for the Campus Landscaping Plan Phase II, for Facilities Management, for the period through November 30, 2021, $51,372.04 for Facilities Management and $30,904.75 for the Health Department, for a contract total amount not to exceed $82,276.79, per lowest responsible bid #19-043-FM. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. has acquired the assets of Native Landscape Contractors, LLC and agree to the same terms as specified in the original contract.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Pizzo & Associates, Ltd., for Phase II of the Campus Landscaping Plan, for the period through November 30, 2021, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said for Phase II of the Campus Landscaping Plan, for the period through November 30, 2021, for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, Pizzo & Associates, Ltd., 10729 Pine Road, Leland, IL 60531; $51,372.04 for Facilities Management and $30,904.75 for the Health Department, for a contract total amount not to exceed $82,276.79, per lowest responsible bid 19-043-FM.

RESULT: TABLED [UNANIMOUS] Next: 4/28/2020 10:00 AM

MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. FM-P-0106-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Interboro Packaging Corporation, to furnish and deliver plastic trash and recycling can liners, as needed for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the period May 17, 2020 through May 16, 2021, for a contract total amount not to exceed $42,223.20, per renewal option under bid award #17-045-JM, third and final option to renew.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Interboro Packaging Corporation, to furnish and deliver plastic trash can and recycling can liners, as needed for County facilities, for the period May 17, 2020 through May 16, 2021, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, to furnish and deliver plastic trash can and recycling can liners, as needed for County facilities, for the period May 17, 2020 through May 16, 2021, for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, Interboro Packaging Corporation, 114 Bracken Road, Montgomery, NY 12549, for a contract total amount not to exceed $42,223.20, per renewal option under bid award #17- 045-JM, third and final option to renew.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. FM-P-0107-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Ashland Door Solutions, to provide door maintenance, door sales and installation, as needed for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for a contract total amount not to exceed $55,620, per renewal option under bid award #19-041-FM, first option to renew.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Ashland Door Solutions, to provide door maintenance, door sales and installation, as needed for County Facilities, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, to provide door maintenance, door sales and installation, as needed for County Facilities, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, Ashland Door Solutions, 185 Martin Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 600007, for a contract total amount not to exceed $55,620.00, per renewal option under bid award #19-041-FM, first option to renew.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: Sean T. Noonan, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. FM-P-0108-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Ashland Lock & Security Solutions, to provide lock smith services, maintenance & installation, as needed for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for a contract total amount not to exceed $39,330, per renewal option under bid award #19-026-FM, first option to renew.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Ashland Lock & Security Solutions, to provide lock smith services, maintenance and installation, as needed for County Facilities, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, to provide lock smith services, maintenance and installation, as needed for County Facilities, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, Ashland Lock & Security Solutions, 185 Martin Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 600007, for a contract total amount not to exceed $39,330.00, per renewal option under bid award #19-026-FM, first option to renew.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

F. FM-P-0113-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to AHW LLC, for the purchase of one John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut w/comfort cab, commercial front mower (less mower deck) w/plow, spreader, installed, for Grounds, for Facilities Management, for a contract total amount not to exceed $28,867, per lowest responsible bid #20-005- FM.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Ashland Lock & Security Solutions, to provide lock smith services, maintenance and installation, as needed for County Facilities, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, to provide lock smith services, maintenance and installation, as needed for County Facilities, for the period May 15, 2020 through May 14, 2021, for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, Ashland Lock & Security Solutions, 185 Martin Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 600007, for a contract total amount not to exceed $39,330.00, per renewal option under bid award #19-026-FM, first option to renew.

FM-P-0113-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to AHW LLC, for the purchase of one John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut w/comfort cab, commercial front mower (less mower deck) w/plow, spreader, installed, for Grounds, for Facilities Management, for a contract total amount not to exceed $28,867, per lowest responsible bid #20-005- FM.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to AHW LLC, to provide one John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut w/comfort cab, commercial front mower (less mower deck) w/plow, spreader installed, for Grounds, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, to provide one John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut w/comfort cab, commercial front mower (less mower deck) w/plow, spreader installed, for the period through November 30, 2020 for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, AHW LLC, 559 S Main Street, Elburn, IL 60119, for a contract total amount not to exceed $28,867, per lowest responsible bid #20-005-FM.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: James Zay, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

G. FM-P-0114-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to American Combustion Service, Inc., to provide and install a replacement chiller system, for the DuPage County Historical Museum, for Facilities Management, for the period April 15, 2020 through July 31, 2020, for a total contract not to exceed $152,805.10, per lowest responsible bid #20-021-FM.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to American Combustion System, Inc., to provide and install a replacement chiller system, for the DuPage County Historical Museum, for the period April 15, 2020 through July 31, 2020, for Facilities Management.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Contract, covering said, to provide and install a replacement chiller system, for the DuPage County Historical Museum, for the period April 15, 2020 through July 31, 2020, for Facilities Management, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract by the Procurement Division to, American Combustion Service, Inc., 19325 S. Schoolhouse Road, Mokena, IL 60448, for a contract total not to exceed $152,805.10, per lowest responsible bid #20-021-FM.


MOVER: James Healy, District 5

SECONDER: Sean T. Noonan, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


Committee Update

A motion was made by Member Zay and seconded by Member Larsen to combine consent items 1 through 4. The motion carried on voice vote all "ayes."

A. Consent

1. Consent Item -- Martam Construction Inc. 2708-1 Decrease and Close Contact

2. Consent Item -- Northwest General Contractors, Inc. 1525-1 Decrease and Close

3. Consent Item -- Ruettiger Tonelli & Associates Inc. 3214-1 Decrease and Close Contract

4. Consent Item -- AECOM Technical Services Inc. 3073-1 SERV Decrease and Close Contract


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: Tim Elliott, District 4

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

5. Action Item -- Recommendation for the Approval of the Acceptance of the Lower Salt Creek Water Quality Watershed Plan


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

6. Action Item -- ACTION REQUESTED: A motion to not object to a variance petition requesting relief from Section 15-72 of the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance for development without 100% of the required site runoff storage (detention), with utilization of the Detention Variance Fee program (a.k.a. fee-in-lieu) for the detention required but not provided on site.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

7. 2020-68 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Water Products Company,, for purchase of pipe, for Stormwater Management, for a contract amount not to exceed $6,479.00, per quote #20-031-SW


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

8. 2020-69 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Great Lakes Concrete, for purchase of stormwater structures, frames and grates, for Stormwater Management, for a contract amount not to exceed $6,895.00, per #20-033-SW


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

9. 2020-70 Recommendation for approval of a contract issued to Carahsoft Technology Corporation to provide technical support for continued expansion of Accela Civic Platform capabilities and periodic trouble shooting, Byrne Software Technologies is endorsed by Accela as an approved software support provider, for Stormwater Management, June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021 for a contract not to exceed

$24,803.71, per GSA Schedule No GS-35F-0119Y.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

10. 2020-71 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC, to furnish and deliver coarse and fine aggregates as needed, for Stormwater Management, for the period of April 7, 2020 through March 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $15,000.00; Per lowest responsible bid 19-013-DOT


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. 10. 2020-71 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC, to furnish and deliver coarse and fine aggregates as needed, for Stormwater Management, for the period of April 7, 2020 through March 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $15,000.00; Per lowest responsible bid 19-013-DOT

SM-R-0311-20 RESOLUTION -- Grant of Temporary Construction Easement to Wheaton Sanitary District for use of the County Parcel for the construction of the proposed sanitary sewer system improvements and maintenance work

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage (“County”), acting pursuant to authority granted by the Illinois General Assembly, set forth in the Illinois Compiled Statutes as 55 ILCS 5/5-1062.3 (previously 5-1062) and 5-15001, et seq., currently owns and maintains properties within DuPage County for drainage, stormwater management and flood control purposes; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the above authority, and for the above purposes, the County owns a parcel located at 429 S. Dorchester Street, Wheaton, Illinois (“County Parcel”); and

WHEREAS, the Wheaton Sanitary District (“District”) is an Illinois sanitary district duly established pursuant to, and acting pursuant to, the authority granted by the Illinois General Assembly, that operates and maintains a sanitary sewer system in DuPage County; and

WHEREAS, the District currently has an easement that transects the County Parcel within said easement the District operates and maintains a sanitary sewer line; and

WHEREAS, it has become necessary for the District to perform maintenance and improve its sanitary sewer line and, in order to do so, requires the temporary use of additional area of the County Parcel for its construction activities; and

WHEREAS, the County has determined that the District’s temporary use of the County Parcel for the construction of the proposed sanitary sewer system improvements and maintenance work will be in the best interests of the County and its residents (in particular those residents served by the District’s sanitary sewerage system) and, further, that the District’s temporary use of the County Parcel, subject to the terms and conditions of the easement agreement attached hereto, is not inconsistent with the County’s use of said property; and

WHEREAS, the County is authorized by Section 4 of the Local Government Property Transfer Act, 50 ILCS 605/4 (hereinafter the “Property Transfer Act”) to transfer, pursuant to a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the County Board, any interest in County- owned property to another governmental entity for any authorized public purpose; and

WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Planning Committee recommends the grant of the temporary construction easement across the County Parcel to the Wheaton Sanitary District, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, in accordance with and pursuant to the Property Transfer Act; and

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the DuPage County Board that it hereby grants a temporary construction easement over, on and across the County-owned real property located at 429 Dorchester Street, Wheaton, Illinois (05-17-319-005), in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to the Wheaton Sanitary District to allow the District’s temporary use of said County-property subject to the terms and conditions stated therein; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the County Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Temporary Construction Easement, (Exhibit A), on behalf of the County of DuPage; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be directed to send certified copies of this Resolution to the Wheaton Sanitary District, ATTN: Matthew A. Larson, P.E., Executive Director, 1S649 Shaffner Road, PO Box 626, Wheaton, Illinois 60187- 0626; Roger Ritzman, Esq., Peregrine, Stime, Newman, Ritzman & Bruckner, Ltd., 221 E. Illinois Street, P.O. Box 564, Wheaton, IL 60187-0564; Anthony Hayman/State’s Attorney’s Office


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. SM-R-0312-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of an Agreement between County of DuPage, IL and Graue Mill Homeowners Association for Flood Gate Maintenance.

WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has granted the COUNTY authority to take action to control flooding and to enter into agreements for the purposes of stormwater management and flood control (Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55 paragraphs 5/5-1062.3 and 5/5-15001, et. seq.); and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has participated in a series of flood control improvement projects in the Graue Mill Community in Hinsdale, DuPage County, Illinois to protect residences from nearby Salt Creek; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY’S flood control projects include the installation of thirteen (13) flood control gates along roadways, residential driveways, and backyards of properties that are owned and, or, maintained by the GRAUE HOA; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY’S Stormwater Management Department has developed a Shared Services Program to assist property owners with stream maintenance, erosion control, water quality activities and general maintenance activities; and

WHEREAS, the GRAUE HOA has requested the COUNTY assistance providing inspections and routine maintenance for the thirteen (13) flood gates, and substantive repairs when needed, as requested by the GRAUE HOA; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has determined that providing the requested maintenance assistance to the GRAUE HOA will benefit local citizens by reducing the risk of future flood damages within the Salt Creek watershed; and

WHEREAS, GRAUE HOA has agreed to reimburse the COUNTY for its costs providing the requested maintenance services in accordance with this AGREEMENT; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the attached AGREEMENT is hereby accepted and approved, and the Chairman of the County Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the AGREEMENT on behalf of the County of DuPage; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution and the attached AGREEMENT to Anthony Hayman, State’s Attorney’s Office, DuPage County Stormwater Management and the Graue Mill Homeowners Association.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. SM-R-0313-20 RESOLUTION -- Intergovernmental Agreement Between County of DuPage, Illinois and Wheaton Sanitary District, for the Springbrook Creek Bank Stabilization Project.

WHEREAS, the DISTRICT and the COUNTY are public agencies within the meaning of the Illinois “Intergovernmental Cooperation Act” and as authorized by Article 7, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and

WHEREAS, the purposes of the “Intergovernmental Cooperation Act” and Article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois include fostering cooperation among government bodies; and

WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has granted the COUNTY authority to act to control flooding, manage stormwater runoff and improve drainage throughout the COUNTY’S territory and to enter into agreements for the aforesaid purposes (Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55 paragraphs 5/5-1062.3 and 5/5-15001 et. seq.); and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has adopted the DuPage County Stormwater Management Plan which recognizes stream maintenance, erosion control, and water quality as integral parts of the proper management of storm and flood waters; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has developed a Shared Services Program to assist property owners with stream maintenance, erosion control, and water quality activities that provide a net watershed benefit to the surrounding communities and properties; and

WHEREAS, the DISTRICT owns property located within the Springbrook Creek Watershed; and

WHEREAS, the Springbrook Creek streambanks on the DISTRICT’S property are destabilizing and eroding and having a negative impact on water quality in Springbrook Creek; and

WHEREAS, the enhancement and stabilization of the Springbrook Creek streambanks will improve stormwater conditions within the Springbrook Creek Watershed by eliminating and, or, reducing erosion and localized flooding, and improving local water quality; and

WHEREAS, the DISTRICT has requested COUNTY assistance with design and permitting (herein referenced as the “PROJECT”) for contemplated future streambank stabilization work on the DISTRICT property; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY and DISTRICT have each determined that the PROJECT will benefit the public by being the most cost-effective means of developing work plans and commencing the regulatory permitting application process for work that will improve water quality, provide streambank stabilization, minimize erosion, and reduce future flood damages within the Springbrook Creek watershed; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY’S cost of the PROJECT is estimated to be an amount not to exceed ten thousand six hundred fifty-one dollars and two cents ($10,651.02); and

WHEREAS, the DISTRICT has agreed to reimburse the COUNTY for the COUNTY’S expenses associated with the PROJECT in accordance with this AGREEMENT; and

WHEREAS, upon completion of the PROJECT, the DISTRICT shall then assume full responsibility for completing the permitting obligations and construction of the designed work and its related improvements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DuPage County Clerk be directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution and the attached AGREEMENT to The Wheaton Sanitary District; 1S649 Shaffner Road, Wheaton, IL 60189; Anthony Hayman/State's Attorney’s Office; and one (1) copy to the DuPage County Department of Stormwater Management.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. SM-P-0096-20 Recommendation to approve an agreement between County of DuPage and V3 Companies, Ltd., to provide Professional Native Vegetation Management Services, for Stormwater Management, from 4/15/20 through 4/30/21, for a contract total amount not to exceed $65,000.00, per RFP#20-001-SW. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1002(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.

WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has granted the County of DuPage ("COUNTY") authority to construct stormwater management, drainage and flood control improvements and to enter into agreements for the purposes related to stormwater management and flood control (55 ILCS 5/5-1062.3 and 5/5-15001, et seq.); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said authority, the COUNTY has constructed stormwater management, drainage and flood control facilities, several of which have native vegetation components installed per the applicable governmental regulations; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY requires professional services associated with native vegetation management at various County facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance (“CSFPO”) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“ACOE”) approvals; and

WHEREAS, V3 COMPANIES, LTD. (“CONSULTANT”) has experience and expertise in this area, is in the business of providing professional native vegetation management services and is willing to perform the required services for an amount not to exceed sixty five thousand dollars ($65,000.00); and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has selected the CONSULTANT in accordance with the Professional Services Selection Process found in Section 4-108 of the DuPage County Procurement Ordinance; and

WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Committee of the DuPage County Board has reviewed and recommended approval of the attached AGREEMENT, with the CONSULTANT, at the specified amount.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the attached AGREEMENT between the COUNTY and V3 Companies, Ltd. is hereby accepted and approved for an amount not to exceed sixty five thousand dollars, ($65,000.00), and that the Chairman of the DuPage County Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached AGREEMENT on behalf of the COUNTY.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DuPage County Clerk be directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution and the attached AGREEMENT toV3 CONSULTANTS, LTD. 7325 Janes Ave., Woodridge, IL 60517, Attn: Mike Famiglietti; Anthony Hayman/State's Attorney’s Office; County Auditor; Finance Director; Treasurer; Purchasing; and three (3) copies to the DuPage County Stormwater Management.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: DeSart

F. SM-P-0097-20 Recommendation to approve an agreement between County of DuPage and Cardno, Inc., to provide Professional Native Vegetation Management Services, for Stormwater Management, from 4/15/20 through 4/30/21, for a contract total amount not to exceed $65,000.00, per RFP#20-001-SW. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1002(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1)(b)

WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has granted the County of DuPage ("COUNTY") authority to construct stormwater management and drainage improvements and to enter into agreements for the purposes of stormwater management and flood control (55 ILCS 5/5-1062.3 and 55 ILCS 5/5-15001, et seq.); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said authority, the COUNTY has constructed stormwater management, drainage and flood control facilities, several of which have native vegetation components installed per the applicable governmental regulations; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY requires professional services associated with native vegetation management at various County facilities as determined necessary in compliance with the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“ACOE”) approvals; and

WHEREAS, CONSULTANT has experience and expertise in this area and is in the business of providing such professional native vegetation management services and is willing to perform the required services for an amount not to exceed sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000.00); and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the attached AGREEMENT between the COUNTY and Cardno, Inc. is hereby accepted and approved for an amount not to exceed sixty five thousand dollars, ($65,000.00), and that the Chairman of the DuPage County Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached AGREEMENT on behalf of the COUNTY.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DuPage County Clerk be directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution and the attached Cardno, Inc. 10004 Park Meadow Drive Ste #300, Lone Tree, CO 80124, Attn: Derek Pellicci; Anthony Hayman/State's Attorney’s Office; County Auditor; Finance Director; Treasurer; Purchasing; and three (3) copies to the DuPage County Stormwater Management.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: DeSart

G. SM-P-0098-20 Recommendation to approve an agreement between County of DuPage and Hampton, Lenzini, and Renwick, Inc., to provide Professional Native Vegetation Management Services, for Stormwater Management, from 4/15/20 through 4/30/21, for a contract total amount not to exceed $65,000.00, per RFP#20-001-SW. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1002(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1)(b)

WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has granted the County of DuPage ("COUNTY") authority to construct stormwater management, drainage and flood control improvements and to enter into agreements for the purposes related to stormwater management and flood control (55 ILCS 5/5-1062.3 and 5/5-15001, et seq.); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said authority, the COUNTY has constructed stormwater management, drainage and flood control facilities, several of which have native vegetation components installed per the applicable governmental regulations; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY requires professional services associated with native vegetation management at various County facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance (“CSFPO”) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“ACOE”) approvals; and

WHEREAS, HAMPTON, LENZINI, AND RENWICK, INC. (“CONSULTANT”) has experience and expertise in this area, is in the business of providing professional native vegetation management services and is willing to perform the required services for an amount not to exceed sixty five thousand dollars ($65,000.00); and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY has selected the CONSULTANT in accordance with the Professional Services Selection Process found in Section 4-108 of the DuPage County Procurement Ordinance; and

WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Committee of the DuPage County Board has reviewed and recommended approval of the attached AGREEMENT, with the CONSULTANT, at the specified amount.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the attached AGREEMENT between the COUNTY and HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC. is hereby accepted and approved for an amount not to exceed sixty five thousand dollars, ($65,000.00), and that the Chairman of the DuPage County Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached AGREEMENT on behalf of the COUNTY.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DuPage County Clerk be directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution and the attached AGREEMENT to HAMPTON, LENZINI, AND RENWICK, INC. 380 Shepard, Dr. Elgin, IL 60123, Attn: Karen Kase; Anthony Hayman/State's Attorney’s Office; County Auditor; Finance Director; Treasurer; Purchasing; and three (3) copies to the DuPage County Stormwater Management.


MOVER: James Zay, District 6

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: DeSart


Committee Update

A. Consent

1. 2020-81 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Kinsey & Kinsey, Inc., for professional services to build interfaces between the County's ERP system to benefit providers, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of April 14, 2020 through November 30, 2020, for a contract total amount of $15,000.00. Exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 'Competitive Bids' (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.


MOVER: Greg Hart, District 3

SECONDER: Robert L. Larsen, District 6

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. TE-P-0115-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Insight Public Sector, for an upgrade to the County's Fatpipe appliances and service, for Information Technology, for a contract total amount of $27,328.00. Exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.

WHEREAS, an agreement has been negotiated in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the Technology Committee recommends County Board approval for an upgrade to the County's Fatpipe appliances and service, for Information Technology.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that County Requisition, covering said, for an upgrade to the County's Fatpipe appliances and service, for Information Technology, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract purchase order by the Procurement Division to Insight Public Sector, 6820 Harl Avenue, Tempe, Arizona 85283-4318, for a contract total amount of $27,328.00, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.


MOVER: Greg Hart, District 3

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay said, for an upgrade to the County's Fatpipe appliances and service, for Information Technology, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract purchase order by the Procurement Division to Insight Public Sector, 6820 Harl Avenue, Tempe, Arizona 85283-4318, for a contract total amount of $27,328.00, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.

TE-P-0116-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Physicians Record Company, to furnish and deliver printed carbonless (NCR) forms for various County offices/departments. This contract covers the period of June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total amount $42,000.00, per renewal option under bid #17-075-GV. This is the third and final optional twelve month renewal.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidder has been designated and the Technology Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Physician’s Record Company, to furnish and deliver NCR forms for various DuPage County departments, for the period of June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for Information Technology.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said contract to furnish and deliver NCR forms for the period of June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for Information Technology, be, and it is hereby approved for issuance of a contract, by the Procurement Division to Physician’s Record Company, 3000 S. Ridgeland Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402, for a contract total amount of $42,000.00.


MOVER: Greg Hart, District 3

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. TE-CO-0008-20 TE-P-0071A-20 - Amendment to Resolution TE-P-0071-20 (County Contract 10000478), issued to CDW Government, Inc. for Microsoft Azure Cloud Service overages in 2019 for GIS and Information Technology, to increase the contract amount by $11,213.85 for the Information Technology portion that were inadvertently left off of the original purchase order, resulting in an amended contract total of $37,748.09, an increase of 42.26%.

WHEREAS, County Resolution TE-P-0071-20 was approved and adopted by the County Board on March 20, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the Technology Committee recommends changes as stated in the Change Order Notice to increase the contract amount $11,213.85 for the Information Technology portion that were inadvertently left off of the original purchase order, resulting in an amended contract total of $37,748.09, an increase of 42.26%.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board adopts the Change Order Notice to County Contract 4146-0001-SERV, to increase the contract amount $11,213.85 for the Information Technology portion that were inadvertently left off of the original purchase order, issued to CDW Government, Inc., resulting in an amended contract total of $37,748.09, an increase of 42.26%.


MOVER: Greg Hart, District 3

SECONDER: Sadia Covert, District 5

AYES: Covert, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: Chaplin, DeSart, Ozog, Renehan

E. TE-CO-0009-20 TE-P-0278A-19 - Amendment to Resolution TE-P-0278-19 (County Contract 4146-0001-SERV), issued to CDW Government, Inc. to enter into an Enterprise Term License Agreement with Adobe Systems Incorporated for Adobe software licensing for use by DuPage County and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, for the period of November 10, 2019 through November 9, 2020, for Information Technology, to increase the contract amount by $6,360.00 to add Adobe Sign licenses for E-Signatures, resulting in an amended contract total of $92,302.40, an increase of 7.4%.

WHEREAS, County Resolution TE-P-0278-19 was approved and adopted by the County Board on October 8, 2019; and

WHEREAS, the Technology Committee recommends changes as stated in the Change Order Notice to increase the contract amount $6,360.00 to add Adobe Sign licenses for E-Signatures, for Information Technology, resulting in an amended contract total of $92,302.40, an increase of 7.4%.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board adopts the Change Order Notice to County Contract 4146-0001-SERV, to increase the contract amount $6,360.00 to add Adobe Sign licenses for E-Signatures, issued to CDW Government, Inc., resulting in an amended contract total of $92,302.40, an increase of 7.4%.


MOVER: Greg Hart, District 3

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

NAYS: Ozog


Committee Update

A motion was made by Member Puchalski and seconded by Member Healy to combine consent items 1 through 7. The motion carried on voice vote all "ayes."

A. Consent

1. 2020-80 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Vermeer-Illinois, Inc., to furnish and deliver Vermeer repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $10,000; Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 Competitive Bids (c) not suitable for competitive bids (Direct replacement of compatible equipment parts).

2. 2020-82 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Interstate Power Systems, Inc., d/b/a Interstate BearingSystems, to furnish and deliver Allison Transmission repair and replacement parts, lubricants and provide repair/rebuild services, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $20,000; Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 Competitive Bids (c) not suitable for competitive bids (Direct replacement of compatible equipment parts).

3. 2020-83 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Lindco Equipment Sales, Inc., to furnish one (1) GoodAll Jump Start Unit for the Division of Transportation, for a contract total not to exceed $9,376.86; Per low quote 20-003-DOT-RE.

4. 2020-84 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Mac’s Body Shop, Inc., to provide auto body repair services, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $20,000; Per renewal option under quote award 17-032-JM, third and final option to renew.

5. 2020-79 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to St. Francis Pet Crematory & Kennels, Inc., d/b/a the St. Francis Group, to provide crematory services, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $20,000; Per renewal option under quote award 18- 102-GV, second of three options to renew.

6. 2020-85 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to S&M E&J Services, Inc., d/b/a All Paws Pet Cremation, to provide crematory services, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $5,000; Per renewal option under quote award 18-102- GV, second of three options to renew.

7. Consent Item -- Burns & McDonnell - 4113 SERV - Revised Exhibit 


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

B. DT-R-0299-20 RESOLUTION -- Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the City of Wheaton for the construction of a canopy structure, parking facility improvements, plaza, and recreational trail (Illinois Prairie Path) relocation along Liberty Drive, from Hale Street to Cross Street (No County cost).

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage (hereinafter referred to as COUNTY) and the City of Wheaton (hereinafter referred to as CITY) are public agencies within the meaning of the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.); and

WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10, of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois encourages and provides for units of local government to contract and otherwise associate with each other to exercise, combine or transfer any power or function; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY by virtue of its power set forth in “Counties Code” (55 ILCS 5/1001 et seq.) and “Illinois Highway Code” (605 ILCS 5/1-101 et. seq.) and the CITY by virtue of its power set forth in the “Illinois Municipal Code” (65 ILCS 5/1-1-1 et seq.) are authorized to enter into agreements and contracts; and

WHEREAS, the CITY has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of a canopy structure, parking facility improvements, plaza, and recreational trail (hereinafter referred to as PROJECT) on County property within the City of Wheaton; and

WHEREAS, an Intergovernmental Agreement has been prepared and is attached that outlines the rights, responsibilities and financial obligations of the COUNTY and the CITY related to the PROJECT; and

WHEREAS, said Intergovernmental Agreement must be executed.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board, that the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby directed and authorized to execute the attached Intergovernmental Agreement with the CITY; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an original copy of this Resolution and Intergovernmental Agreement be sent to the CITY, by and through the Division of Transportation.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: Tim Elliott, District 4

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

C. DT-R-0310-20 RESOLUTION -- Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage, Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, County of Cook, Village of Itasca, Village of Hanover Park and Village of Roselle concerning Elgin O’Hare/I-390 Corridor Enhancements, Section 14-00245-05-LS.

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage (hereinafter referred to as “DU PAGE”), Illinois Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as “STATE”), Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (hereinafter referred to as “TOLLWAY”), County of Cook (hereinafter referred to as “COOK”), the Village of Itasca, Village of Hanover Park and Village of Roselle (hereinafter referred to collectively as “MUNICIPALITIES”) are public agencies within the meaning of the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq. and Article VII, Section 10, of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois which encourages and provides for units of local government to contract and otherwise associate with each other to exercise, combine or transfer any power or function; and

WHEREAS, DU PAGE and COOK, by virtue of their power set forth in “Counties Code” (55 ILCS 5/1001 et seq.) and “Illinois Highway Code” (605 ICLS 5/1- 101 et seq.), the TOLLWAY by virtue of its power set forth in “Toll Highway Act” (605 ILCS 10/1 et seq.), the STATE by virtue of its powers set forth in the Illinois Highway Code (605 ILCS 5/4-101 et seq.) and the MUNICIPALITIES by virtue of their powers set forth in the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/1-1-1 et seq.); and

WHEREAS, the TOLLWAY, in order to facilitate the free flow of traffic and ensure safety to the motoring public, has improved the existing Elgin O’Hare Expressway, extended the expressway from its eastern terminus at Rohlwing Road (Illinois Route 53) to Illinois Route 83, known in its entirety as Illinois Route 390, and intends to further extend Illinois Route 390 to O’Hare International Airport and construct the Western Access corridor connecting the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) with the Tri-State Tollway (I-294) to be known in its entirety as I-490, and included in multiple TOLLWAY construction contract(s), the TOLLWAY will implement, operate and maintain the mainline improvements as tolled facilities; and

WHEREAS, DU PAGE has agreed, through a Memorandum of Understanding with the TOLLWAY dated December 9, 2014, to assume a lead role in developing and refining corridor and location specific aesthetic, architectural and/or enhancement features and improvements and to work closely with the TOLLWAY, partner agencies and corridor communities on design and implementation; and

WHEREAS, DUPAGE has secured Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (“ITEP”) funding for certain aesthetic, architectural and/or enhancement features and improvements along the Illinois Route 390, including landscaping, signing and ornamental railings; (hereinafter referred to as “PROJECT”); and

WHEREAS, an Intergovernmental Agreement has been prepared and attached hereto, which outlines the rights, responsibilities, financial obligations and future ownership, operations and maintenance responsibilities related to the PROJECT; and

WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement must be executed before construction of the PROJECT can begin.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DuPage County Board that the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby directed and authorized to execute the attached Intergovernmental Agreement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that seven (7) original copies of this Resolution and Intergovernmental Agreement be sent to the STATE, by and through the Division of Transportation.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

D. DT-R-0314-20 RESOLUTION -- Awarding Resolution to Alliance Contractors, Inc., for the 2020 Various Bridge Repair Program, Section 20-BRREP-01-BR, for an estimated County cost of $1,527,873.52; Per low bid.

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage is authorized and empowered to construct, repair, improve and maintain County and/or township roads, bridges, and appurtenances; and

WHEREAS, the County of DuPage has published a contract proposal for the 2020 Various Bridge Repair Program, Section 20-BRREP-01-BR, setting forth the terms, conditions, and specification (a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference); and

WHEREAS, the budget for the 2020 fiscal year provides for the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and appurtenances; and

WHEREAS, the following bids were received in compliance with the contract proposal:

NAME                                                 BID AMOUNT

Alliance Contractors, Inc.                  $1,527,873.52

Vixen Construction, Inc.                    $1,641,864.40

Lorig Construction Company            $1,677,380.00

; and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is in the best interest of the County of DuPage to award a contract to Alliance Contractors, Inc. for their submission of the lowest, most responsible bid in the amount of $1,527,873.52.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a contract in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications set forth in said contract proposal be, and is hereby awarded to Alliance Contractors, Inc., 1166 Lake Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60098;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that monies be encumbered and set aside for the payment of said contract as follows:

FUND                                 AMOUNT

1500-3550-54050              $1,527,873.52

; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this contract is subject to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130), and as such, not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the Illinois Department of Labor shall be paid to all laborers, workers, or mechanics performing work under this contract; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk transmit a copy of this Resolution and the accompanying Illinois Department of Transportation BLR form appropriating the necessary motor fuel tax funds to pay for the improvement to the State of Illinois Department of Transportation, by and through the Division of Transportation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Clerk of the DuPage County Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute the aforesaid contract with Alliance Contractors, Inc.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

E. DT-P-0099-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Plote Construction, Inc., to furnish and deliver bituminous paving materials for the Northwest region, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($50,000) and Public Works ($15,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $65,000; Per lowest responsible bid 20-022-DOT.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation and Public Works Committees recommend County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Plote Construction, Inc., to furnish and deliver bituminous paving materials for the Northwest region, as needed for the Division of Transportation and Public Works, for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver bituminous paving materials for the Northwest region, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($50,000) and Public Works ($15,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance to, for a contract total not to exceed $65,000.00.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

F. DT-P-0100-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to K-Fam Limited Liability Company, d/b/a K-Five Hodgkins, LLC, to furnish and deliver bituminous paving materials, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($150,000) and Public Works ($35,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $185,000; Per lowest responsible bid 20-022-DOT.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation and Public Works Committees recommend County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to K-Fam Limited Liability Company, d/b/a K-Five Hodgkins, LLC, to furnish and deliver bituminous paving materials, as needed for the Division of Transportation and Public Works, for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver bituminous paving materials, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($150,000) and Public Works (35,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance to K-Fam Limited Liability Company, d/b/a K- Five Hodgkins, LLC, 999 Oakmont Plaza Drive, Suite 200, Westmont, Illinois 60559, for a contract total not to exceed $185,000.00.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

G. DT-P-0101-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc., to furnish and deliver Portland Concrete Cement, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($50,000) and Public Works ($40,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $90,000; Per lowest responsible bid 20-022-DOT.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc., to furnish and deliver Portland Cement Concrete, as needed for the Division of Transportation and Public Works, for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver Portland Cement Concrete, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($50,000) and Public Works ($40,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance to Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc., 19001 Old LaGrange Road, Mokena, Illinois 60448, for a contract total not to exceed $90,000.00.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

H. DT-P-0102-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Vulcan Materials Company, d/b/a Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC, to furnish and deliver coarse and fine aggregates, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($30,000) and Public Works ($70,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $100,000; Per lowest responsible bid 20-022-DOT.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Vulcan Materials Company, d/b/a Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC to furnish and deliver coarse and fine aggregates, as needed for the Division of Transportation and Public Works, for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver coarse and fine aggregates, as needed for the Division of Transportation ($30,000) and Public Works ($70,000), for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance to Vulcan Materials Company, d/b/a Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC, 1000 East Warrenville Road, Suite 100, Naperville, Illinois 60563, for a contract total not to exceed $100,000.00.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

I. DT-P-0103-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Mandel Metals, Inc., d/b/a US Standard Sign Co., to furnish aluminum sign blanks, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $42,571.32; Per renewal option under bid award 19-025-DOT, first of three options to renew.

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Mandel Metals, Inc., d/b/a US Standard Sign Co., to furnish and deliver aluminum sign blanks, as needed for the Division of Transportation for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver aluminum sign blanks, as needed for the Division of Transportation for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance Mandel Metals, Inc., d/b/a US Standard Sign Co., 11400 West Addison Avenue, Franklin Park, Illinois 60131, for a contract total not to exceed $42,571.32.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

J. DT-P-0104-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to West Side Tractor Sales Co., to furnish and deliver John Deere repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $30,000; Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 Competitive Bids (c) not suitable for competitive bids (Direct replacement of compatible equipment parts).

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to Mandel Metals, Inc., d/b/a US Standard Sign Co., to furnish and deliver aluminum sign blanks, as needed for the Division of Transportation for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver aluminum sign blanks, as needed for the Division of Transportation for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance Mandel Metals, Inc., d/b/a US Standard Sign Co., 11400 West Addison Avenue, Franklin Park, Illinois 60131, for a contract total not to exceed $42,571.32.

DT-P-0104-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to West Side Tractor Sales Co., to furnish and deliver John Deere repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $30,000; Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 Competitive Bids (c) not suitable for competitive bids (Direct replacement of compatible equipment parts).

WHEREAS, bids have been taken and processed in accordance with County Board policy; and

WHEREAS, the lowest most responsible bidder has been designated and the Transportation Committee recommends County Board approval for the issuance of a contract to West Side Tractor Sales Co., to furnish and deliver John Deere repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said contract to furnish and deliver John Deere repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, is hereby approved for issuance West Side Tractor Sales Co., 1400 West Ogden Avenue, Naperville, Illinois 60563, for a contract total not to exceed $30,000.00.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

K. DT-CO-0006-20 Amendment to County contract 3806 SERV, issued to West Side Tractor Sales Co., to furnish John Deere repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, to increase the funding in the amount of $10,000, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $30,000, an increase of 50.00%.

WHEREAS, County contract 3806 SERV was issued to West Side Tractor Sales Co., to furnish and deliver John Deere repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation; and

WHEREAS, the current cost of said contract to the County of DuPage, by and through the Division of Transportation, is $20,000.00; and

WHEREAS, a contract increase is necessary to provide for unforeseen equipment repairs and engine replacement on Division of Transportation owned chipper equipment; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase the contract funding to allow for continued repair parts throughout the remainder of the contract term; and

WHEREAS, said increase is in the best interest of the County and is authorized by law.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board adopt the Amendment to County contract 3806 SERV, issued to West Side Tractor Sales Co., to increase the funding in the amount of $10,000.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $30,000.00, an increase of 50.00%.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

L. DT-CO-0007-20 Amendment to County contract 4010 SERV, issued to Patson, Inc., to furnish and deliver Freightliner repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation, to increase the funding in the amount of $12,600, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $25,200, an increase of $100.00%.

WHEREAS, County contract 4010 SERV was issued to Patson, Inc., to furnish and deliver Freightliner repair and replacement parts, as needed for the Division of Transportation; and

WHEREAS, the current cost of said contract to the County of DuPage, by and through the Division of Transportation, is $12,600.00; and

WHEREAS, an increase in contract funding is necessary due to unforeseen emission system repairs to four (4) County snowplows; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase the contract funding to allow for continued repair parts throughout the remainder of the contract term; and

WHEREAS, said increase is in the best interest of the County and is authorized by law.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board adopt the Amendment to County contract 4010 SERV, issued to Patson, Inc., to increase the funding in the amount of $12,600.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $25,200.00, an increase of 100.00%.


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay

M. Amendment -- DT-R-0364A-18 – Amendment to Resolution DT-R-0364-18, issued to A. Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., for drainage improvements along CH 25/Meyers Road, from 16th Street to 18th Street, Section 18-00201-03-DR, to increase the funding in the amount of $32,000.00, resulting in an amended estimated County cost of $171,288.85, an increase of 22.97%

WHEREAS, the DuPage County Board heretofore adopted Resolution DT-R- 0364-18 on August 14, 2018; and

WHEREAS, a contract was awarded by County Board Resolution DT-R-0364-18 to A. Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for drainage improvements along CH 25/Meyers Road, from 16th Street to 18th Street, Section 18-00201-03-DR; and

WHEREAS, Resolution DT-R-0364-18 obligated certain monies for payment of costs for Section 18-TSMTC-01-GM as follows:

; and

WHEREAS, the circumstances that necessitate the change in costs were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed; and

WHEREAS, an adjustment in funding is in the best interest of the County and is authorized by law.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution DT-R-0364-18 is hereby amended to reflect a cost of $171,288.85 instead of and in place of a cost of $139,288.85 and that said monies be allocated and set aside for the payment of said costs as follows.

FUND                                 AMOUNT

1500-3500-53320              $171,288.85


MOVER: Donald Puchalski, District 1

SECONDER: James Healy, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, Covert, DeSart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Hart, Healy, Krajewski, Larsen, Noonan, Ozog, Puchalski, Renehan, Rutledge, Selmon, Tornatore, Zay


The following members made comment:

Member Eckhoff - Request for information regarding DuPage County tax statistics

Member Rutledge - Chicken keeping in DuPage County

Member Puchalski - Recognition of DuPage County food pantry

Member DeSart - Recognition of Dennis Brennan and DuPage County Health Department staff

Member Krajewski - Recognition of Dr. Barbara Hanek and DuPage County Animal Services

Member Healy - Recognition of DuPage County Board employees and staff

Member DiCianni - Recognition of DuPage PADS, DuPage County Health Department, and DuPage County Care Center

Member Covert - Recognition of DuPage County Board staff, 2020 Census updates

Member Ozog - Recognition of Glen Ellyn Park District food drive

Member Renehan - Recognition of Mary Keating and Community Services staff

Member Zay - DuPage County Water Commission update

Member Elliott - Recognition of WorkNet DuPage

Member Chaplin - Recognition of DuPage County Health Department, local school and business efforts during COVID-19, DuPage County environmental staff, Burr Ridge recycling center


The following members made comment:

Member Selmon - Giving DuPage Day extension and updates

Member Noonan - Recognition of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week and local telecommunicators

Member Elliott - Choose DuPage resources

Member DiCianni - Choose DuPage resources, COVID-19 testing in DuPage County

Member Healy - COVID-19 testing in DuPage County


There was no Executive Session.

A. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) - Pending Litigation

B. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Negotiating Matters


Without objection the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

A. This meeting is adjourned to Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 10:00 a.m
