
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met February 26

Webp meeting 11

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met Feb. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Motion #1: Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Frangidakis, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the Minutes of the Regular Session meetings of January 29, 2020, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #1 Carried.

Motion #2: Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of February 2020

Motion by Mr. Towns, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the Accounts Payable for February 2020, as follows:

Educational Fund $ 1,608,324.72

Operations & Maintenance Fund $ 246,996.52

Debt Fund $ 425.00

Transportation Fund $ 112,659.12

Municipal Retirement/Soc Sec Fund $ 93,933.69

Capital Projects Fund $ 436,378.27

Working Cash Fund $ 0.00

Student Activity $ 11,523.34

Total $ 2,510,240.66

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda


NAY: None…Motion #2 Carried.

Motion #3: Approval of Payroll for the Month of January 2020

Motion by Mr. Daniels, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the Payroll for January 2020, as follows:

Education Fund $ 2,525,658.30

Building Fund $ 56,805.43

Transportation Fund $ 7,269.91

Total $ 2,589,733.64

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #3 Carried.

Communications/Public Participation on Agenda Items: None


• A Collaborative Culture at Ardmore School – Ms. Dohman, Principal, Ardmore Elementary School

o Ardmore School is working on building collaboration through creating a mission statement, going on peer visits, and creating a buddy system.

o When developing their mission statement, staff wrote down five things that they believed helps create Excellence4All. Then the staff compiled all ideas and created five categories; instruction, home-school connection, environment, climate, and teachers. These areas were then broken down into subcategories. The Building Leadership drafted the following mission statement, “Ardmore School celebrates a compassionate, diverse educational experience by fostering a love of learning to develop future-ready citizens.”

o Peer visits help build collaboration and trust and they improve collective practices through observation, feedback, and reflection. Teachers enjoyed having the opportunity to see the different ways their peers were presenting the same information.

o Theycreatedabuddysystemwherestudentsinyoungergraderswerepartneredwithabuddy in an older grade. They meet once per month or more and focus on reading, writing, and social emotional learning. They also attend assemblies together. Students love the support and collaborative learning they are receiving with the buddy system.

Mr. Williams liked the idea of peer visits and asked if it was done during their planning time or if they got a sub. Ms. Dohman shared that they have been doing both. He also asked if people have been pretty open to it and Ms. Dohman said they have received a lot of positive feedback.

Committee Reports:

• Mr. Ruffolo gave the Board information on the recent Intergovernmental meeting of February 20, 2020:

o The Addison Park District has pool demolition bids out and the pool will be filled in. They have a community survey out on what the community would like to see.

o The Addison Public Library will also have a survey coming out. They received a grant to help with the Census.

o TheAddisonTownshipwillbedoingsomefacilitiesprojectsandwillbereceivingaboxtrucktohelp with the Food Pantry.

o AddisonTrailHighSchoolworkedwiththeBluePointmanufacturertoinstalladualreceiversystem and they are helping with the School Amplified Bill.

o Representative Pappas hosts a monthly pastry get together and she’ll be hosting an event on how a bill becomes a law.

o The Village is adding historical photos to their website. The parade will have entertainment afterwards.

• Mr. Ruffolo reported on the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting of February 26, 2020, where the following was discussed:

o Capital improvement projects for 2019 are being wrapped up.

o Upcoming 2020 work has begun at the ELC and Ardmore. You can visit www.asd4.org to see construction pictures and information.

o We are in the conceptional phase for 2021 projects, which includes changes in some library areas, masonry work, sidewalk work, door and door hardware replacements.

o During Spring Break our facilities team will be changing filters and servicing univents. We’ll have some asbestos abatement projects, and deep cleaning.

Administrative Reports

Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Langton reported on the following:

• We strive to ensure that our schools are a safe place for our students, employees, and visitors. We have made significant improvements to our school district facilities during the past two years to ensure that our schools are secure and that we are able to safely manage visitors. Addison School District 4 will be conducting a full-scale drill on the day of our November 2020 Institute Day when students will not be in session. The full-scale drill will include all local first responders, the DuPage Department of Homeland Security, and our hospitals.

• Mr. Williams and I will be attending the bi-annual meeting of the DuPage Division of the IASB next Wednesday at School District 15’s Marquardt Middle School in Glendale Heights. The important presentation topic is Building Resilience in Students Through Trauma Informed Practices.

• There were four FOIA requests and Mr. Wartman responded.

Assistant Superintendent for Business Report - Mr. Keeley reported on the following:

• Thanks to our Benefits and Payroll staff, all W-2’s and 1099’s were processed and sent out well in advance of this year’s deadline.

• In the coming weeks, the Business Office staff will be working with Baker Tilly as they perform an audit of the District’s internal controls. Testing will take place to ensure the appropriate checks and balances are in place. As a reminder, this is the second phase of the process approved by the Board in January 2019, with the first phase being the fraud audit.

• Big shout out to Kerry Dirck and Armando Avina (ABM Custodial Manager) for their leadership during our recent snow events. The entire Facilities Department and ABM Custodial Team worked hard to clear the snow and ice while most staff were still asleep. Their dedication and organization make it possible for our students and staff to arrive to safe, treated campuses!

• Work began on President’s Day on underground utilities at the Ardmore/ELC campus and will continue with exterior work throughout the spring.

• Planning is already underway for summer 2021 construction. We will bring additional information to the March 25 Board meeting.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Report – Mrs. Haney reported on the following:

• Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on February 27 from 12:45-3:30pm for the elementary schools and 12:30-3:00 for Indian Trail.

• This week we sent 24 teachers, 9 administrators, and the 7 Instructional Specialists to the IDEA Conference in Schaumburg. IDEA is presented by the Illinois Digital Educators Alliance (formerly ICE) and focuses on best practices for effectively integrating technology into classrooms and libraries. OurInstructionalSpecialistspresentedtwoseparatebreakoutsessionsattheconference- one for teachers and one for administrators.

• Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) & Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) dates have been confirmed. The IAR window is from March 11 through April 24 and the ISA window is from March 2 through April 30.

• The Annual Statewide ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Conference took place in Chicago in mid- February. Members of our administrative staff participated in this annual event. The theme of the conference was The Equity Imperative.

• Kindergarten Camp 2020 will be held at Fullerton Elementary School from June 8 through July 2. We hope to have 120 students attend the half-day kindergarten preparation program this summer. The day will start at 8:00am with a breakfast program, and camp will run from 8:30 to 11:30am.

• Our Indian Trail Math Committee reps have been piloting math resources this year. They will be meeting in early spring to discuss the pilot and determine the recommendation for the 2020-2021 school year. In addition, our Literacy Committee has been researching various resources and will be making a decision regarding a potential pilot of resources in the spring and fall. The district has not adopted a formal language arts program since 2006, and there is a need for updated materials in both English and Spanish.

• Science Fun Night will take place on Thursday, March 5 from 6:00-8:00pm. We are looking forward to a fun night of “hands-on” learning! A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Frangidakis and Mrs. Santini for all their work to make this night a reality!

Motion #4 Acceptance of District 4 Staff Resignation Requests

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Towns to accept the District 4 staff resignation requests for the following:

Motion #4 Acceptance of District 4 Staff Resignation Requests

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Towns to accept the District 4 staff resignation requests for the following:


Elizabeth Webster         Effective Date: 05/29/2020

Position: Science         School: Indian Trail Jr. High


Jessica Montenegro         Effective Date: 02/21/2020

Position: Para Educator         School: Lake Park

Ashley Stiver,  Effective Date: 02/27/2020

Position: Para Educator         School: Indian Trail Jr. High

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #4 Carried.

Motion #5 Acceptance of District 4 Staff Employment Requests

Motion by Mr. Aranda, second by Mr. Frangidakis to accept the District 4 staff employment requests for the following:


Sabina Chairez Rodriguez          Effective Date: 02/06/2020

Position: Para Educator          School: Lake Park

Zulma Sagastume Oliveros          Effective Date: 02/06/2020

Position: Para Educator          School: Lake Park

Lizeth Salazar          Effective Date: 02/03/2020

Position: Para Educator          School: Lake Park

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo


NAY: None…Motion #5 Carried.

Motion #6: Approval of Educational Support Staff (ESP) Dismissal

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the Educational Support Staff (ESP) dismissal for the following:


Nasrin Mousavi          Effective Date: 01/30/2020

Position: Para Educator          School: Indian Trail Jr. High

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns


NAY: None…Motion #6 Carried.

Motion #7 Authorization of Reclassification of a Principal

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Towns to authorize the reclassification of a Principal, as presented.


Lina Guio          Effective Date: 08/31/2020

Position: Teacher          School: Indian Trail Jr. High

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns,



NAY: None…Motion #7 Carried.

Motion #8: Approval of Parental Leave of Absence Request

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Daniels to approve the parental leave of absence request, as presented.


Louisa Knight          Effective Date: 08/31/20-6/10/21

Position: Teacher          School: Fullerton

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda


NAY: None…Motion #8 Carried.

Motion #9: Authorization to Begin Tentative Budget Process

Motion by Mr. Daniels, second by Mr. Ruffolo to authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business to begin the tentative budget process, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams,

Aranda, Daniels


NAY: None…Motion #9 Carried.

Motion #10: Approval of Security System Integration RFP

Motion by Mr. Daniels, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the Security System Integration, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #10 Carried.

Mr. Towns asked what items are left from the audit. Mr. Keeley shared that we will be working with improving our door hardware in 2021. Mr. Langton shared this will ensure they are ADA compliant. We also will be addressing trimming bushes and exterior lighting.

Mr. Frangidakis asked if we would be using keyless entrance/card swipes, but those will only be used for exterior doors and certain interior doors as they are more expensive.

Mr. Williams asked if there was an issue with the lowest bidder. Mr. Keeley shared there were no specific issues, since this is an RFP it is exempt from bid laws. The distance between the two lowest was not terribly significant. Sound Incorporated also has extensive knowledge with integrating with First Responder Systems like BluePoint.

Mr. Towns asked about the alternate bid and Mr. Keeley shared that we wanted to be able to lock in a cost for camera licenses. We also wanted to ensure we could lock in annual maintenance.

Motion #11: Approval of the Network Switch Replacement Bid

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Network Switch Replacement Bid, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Towns, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo


NAY: None…Motion #11 Carried.

Mr. Keeley shared that CDW was the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. Towns asked about the life span of the network switches. Since they are technology devices, they have become better over the years. We do receive money from e-rate for these types of items and the rest will come from local funds.

Motion #12: Waiver of 2nd Reading and Approval of Board Policy Updates

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Aranda to waive the 2nd reading and approve the Board

Policy Updates, as follows:

Policy 2:20 Addition

Policy 2:70 Legal Requirement

Policy 2:100 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:105 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:110 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:200 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:220 Amended Policy

Policy 2:260 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:70E Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:220E-2 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 2:220E-6 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 4:15 Amended Policy & Addition

Policy 4:30 Legal Requirement

Policy 4:60 Amended Policy

Policy 4:80 Legal Requirement & Addition

Policy 4:150 Legal Reference Update

Policy 5:10 Amended Policy

Policy 5:20 Amended Policy & Addition

Policy 5:30 Amended Policy & Legal Requirement

Policy 5:50 Amended Policy & Addition & Not Necessary

Policy 5:90 Addition & Amended Policy

Policy 5:100 Amended Policy & Addition

Policy 5:120 Amended Policy & Legal Reference

Policy 5:200 Legal Reference Update

Policy 5:220 Legal Reference Update

Policy 5:250 Amended Policy

Policy 5:290 Addition

Policy 5:330 Amended Policy

Policy 6:20 Legal Reference Update

Policy 6:60 Addition

Policy 6:150 Amended Policy

Policy 7:20 Clarity, Amended Policy & Addition

Policy 7:150 Addition

Policy 7:270 Addition, Amended Policy & Clarity

Policy 8:30 Amended Policy & Addition

Policy 5:30 New

Policy 2:230 Amended Policy

Mr. Wartman thanked the Policy Committee and noted that the policy updates are primarily related to Board of Education member issues, grant accountability and transparency act, harassment personnel issues, curriculum updates, and public participation at Board meetings.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns


NAY: None…Motion #12 Carried.

Discussion Items:

• The next Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at 7:00p.m., in the Board Room of Indian Trail Junior High School. The April, May, June and July Board Meetings will all be held at the Addison Village Hall in the Board Room upstairs.

• Mr. Wartman reminded the Board that Kindergarten registration for 2020-2021 will take place in the Army Trail School gym on Wednesday, March 4 (4:00-7:00p.m.), Thursday, March 19 (4:00- 7:00p.m.) and Tuesday, April 7 (4:00-7:00p.m.). Kindergarten registration packets are available in all buildings. Online registration for students currently enrolled will begin in April.

• The Board of Education is reviewing the proposed Board Meeting dates for 2020-2021 and will take action on this item during the March 25, 2020 meeting.

• Mr. Langton also announced the upcoming District 4 Educational Foundation for Excellence Fun Fair on Friday, April 17, 2020, from 5:00-8:00p.m. at Indian Trail Junior High School.

• Mr. Keeley discussed the annual Post-Issuance Tax Compliance Report with the Board.

• Mr. Langton discussed the Insurance Advisory Board Recommendation with the Board.

• There were no communications to and from the Board in accordance with board policy 2:140.

Communication/Public Participation of Non-Agenda Items: None

Miscellaneous/Unfinished Business:

• Mr. Langton noted that students at Ardmore and Lake Park Schools, under the direction of Ms. Musick, completed the beautiful artwork hanging in the Board Room.

Motion #13: Motion to Adjourn

Motion by Mr. Daniels, second by Mr. Aranda to adjourn the Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Board of Education meeting.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Ruffolo, Towns, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #13 Carried.

The regular Board of Education meeting adjourned at 8:10p.m
