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The College of DuPage created a new aid program to help enrolled students financially struggling because of the economic impacts COVID-19 created.
The Student Relief Fund, started by the DuPage Foundation and the college, came about after the number of students requesting financial assistance increased, the Daily Herald reported in late-April.
The College of DuPage President Brian Caputo said many of the students are facing financial challenges. He added that the community coming together is what makes the College of DuPage unique.
"During this crisis, many of our students are facing considerable financial challenges and need additional support," Caputo told the Daily Herald. "The COD Foundation's ability to bring the community together to respond to this critical need quickly and decisively is one of the many things that makes College of DuPage so special as we work to provide our students the support and resources they need to succeed."
The funding helps with students' expenses such as cost related to education, food, medications or even losing employment, the Daily Herald reported. The Student Relief Fund is meant to be flexible to students' financial needs, college officials said.