Laura Hois
Laura Hois
Laura Hois sees herself as being part of the ultimate change in Springfield.
“Most Illinoisans know that corrupt politicians, including Michael Madigan, have controlled the drawing of legislative district boundaries for decades,” Hois, who is running against incumbent state Rep. Anne Stava-Murray (D-Naperville) in the 81st District in November, told the DuPage Policy Journal. “I am running to change that so voters have a voice in their government and can better hold elected officials accountable.”
In Hois’ view, the only way that can come about is through the creation of fair maps that the Illinois Constitution requires to be addressed every 10 years. In order to change the state Constitution, voters must approve an amendment to change Illinois' redistricting process, potentially paving the way for a bipartisan commission to redraw the state's legislative boundaries by next year.
Hois argues the redistricting stretches a lot further than just the bounds it covers.
“Fair maps is a critical first step to ending corruption in Springfield,” Hois said. “Republicans and Democrats alike agree that gerrymandering fosters corruption. Allowing legislative districts to be drawn via a balanced, fair, bipartisan commission process will go a long way toward restoring the people's trust in their state government.”
In some ways, the people have already spoken, with poll after poll showing that the measure is picking up steam among voters as reflected in a recent CHANGE Illinois survey where support eclipsed 80%.
"Voters have the opportunity in 2020 to hold their elected officials accountable and elect a new generation of leadership that will ensure a fair map for the next decade," Hois said. "Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around. Bipartisan participation is essential to restore trust and safeguard a balanced, nonpartisan system."