Jeanne Ives
Jeanne Ives
Jeanne Ives thinks there’s a good reason why U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-Downers Grove) has continued to focus on attacking her with everything that’s now going on in the world.
“He should be concerned about the health of people, with that and the health of their livelihood being his main focus,” Ives told the DuPage Policy Journal of the man she is set to face off against in the Sixth Congressional District in November. “Instead, he has not let up on going after me with negative ads since the primary. Right now, he’s trying to raise money on the COVID-19 crisis by attacking me. He can’t talk about anything positive he’s done because he hasn’t done anything positive.”
As further proof, Ives points to a rant Casten recently posted on Twitter where he attacked everyone from President Donald to the media to social media outlets.
“At the end of the day, Sean Casten is a one-trick pony who only cares about climate change at any cost to the American taxpayer,” Ives added. “Even in the midst of this crisis, he’s basically saying he wants to be re-elected to do more work on climate change. That’s not what’s most important to people right now.”
By contrast, Ives who served as state representative in the 42nd District for six years and narrowly lost out to then-Gov. Bruce Rauner in the 2018 republican primary, said she’s been spending time reaching out to small business owners to better understand how the crisis is impacting them and what policies might give them the best chance of survival.
“We’re trying to help them and their employees to stay afloat while legislatively pushing the things that will help them re-establish their businesses.”