Treasure House Manager Reenie Meyer | Metropolitan Family Services
Treasure House Manager Reenie Meyer | Metropolitan Family Services
Business Name: Treasure House, a nonprofit resale shop supporting Metropolitan Family Services DuPage
Business Address: 497 Pennsylvania Ave, Glen Ellyn 60137
Type of Business: Nonprofit resale shop
What do you specialize in? We turn gently used donated items into merchandise sales that provide about 20% of the budget for Metropolitan Family Services DuPage. All proceeds support the DuPage County community.
What’s the best way for your customers to stay in touch with your business? Follow us on Facebook at Treasure House Glen Ellyn
Are you open? If so, when? No, we are NOT open but we can accept dropped off donations. Signs are posted as to where to leave them in a covered bin in our alley next to the store.
What kind of specials are you running right now? None at this time, although if someone sees something they wish to buy on our Facebook page, we can work with them regarding payment and pick up on an individual basis.
How many employees do you have? Have you had to lay any of them off? We have five employees, none of whom have been laid off at this time.
What would you like policymakers to know? Please remember to look out for the needs and services of our nonprofit charitable agencies. This shut down adversely affects our clients, our employees, our volunteers, our customers, and the surrounding communities.