Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met Feb. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to order, roll call
2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2020 Finance & Policy Committee meeting
3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee
4. Discussion of accounts payable
5. Consideration to approve payment for the Google G Suite Applications from Dito, LLC in the total amount of $52,848.00; funding from account #620.9962-4105.
6. Consideration of a Resolution to endorse the Legislative Action Program of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference for the 2020 Legislative Session.
7. Consideration of a Resolution adopting amendments to the Village of Addison Employee Personnel Policy Manual.
8. Consideration to approve payout request #1 in the amount of $785,596.14 from the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Collins-Fullerton Avenue Resurfacing Project; funding from account #250.9925-4415.
9. Consideration to accept the proposal of a one year contract extension of Bid #19-2-1 for Parkway Restorations with TNT Landscape Construction Inc. of Elgin, IL in the amount of $8.00 per square yard; funding from account #500.5010-4180, #500.5031-4180 and #100.2510-4180.
10. Consideration of a Resolution approving a license agreement between the Village of Addison and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County for an existing warning siren at the Oak Meadows Forest Preserve.
11. Consideration to execute the final agreement and issue a formal “Notice to Proceed” for Bid #19-9-1 for reconstruction of the North Treatment Plant Digester System to J.J. Henderson & Sons Inc. of Gurnee, IL in the not-to-exceed amount of $6,142,000.00; funding from account #500.5032-4587.
12. Consideration to approve the proposal from Excel Limited Inc. of Grayslake, IL for the purchase of streetlight control cabinets in the not-to-exceed amount of $38,884.00; funding from account #100.2510-4180.
13. Consideration of a Resolution commending the February Employee of the Month. Page 93
14. Audience participation
15. Executive Session if needed
16. Other business, at the discretion of the Chairman
17. Adjournment