
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Progressive income tax will drive higher earners out of Illinois, 81st District candidate cautions


Illinois House candidate Laura Hois (R-Downers Grove)

Illinois House candidate Laura Hois (R-Downers Grove)

State House candidate Laura Hois (R-Downers Grove) wants Illinois voters to consider the big picture as we get closer to a critical decision-making time that will undoubtedly shape the state's future.

“Illinois will have a bright future if we elect courageous leaders who will stand up for our families and fight tax hikes,” Hois told the DuPage Policy Journal. “The initial steps we must take to get our state back on track are defeating this tax hike and restoring ethics and honesty in state government.”

Running against incumbent state Rep. Anne Stava-Murray (D-Naperville) in the 81st District, Hois is speaking of the progressive or graduated income tax being lobbied by Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the state's Democratic leaders. While Pritzker has sold the tax as only affecting the state’s wealthiest residents, Hois insists that claim – if true – is one that refers to the very short term and not the long haul.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker

“Illinois families need lower taxes and foundational reforms to revitalize our communities and restore job opportunities,” Hois said. “The graduated income tax does nothing to help, and actually makes things worse because it gives politicians license to raise taxes any time, on any tax bracket. We've seen tax hike after tax hike fail to address Illinois' structural overspending and outmigration.”

There is also the history of the progressive tax structure, with similar systems in California and Connecticut having not lived up to the billing that preceded them. In California, revenues from the tax have been barely half of what was once promised, and Connecticut has lost more than $10 billion and 360,000 jobs since making the transition.

Hois can see the same reality in Illinois’ future if a constitutional amendment is passed on election day in November.

“After higher-income earners are driven away from Illinois, middle-class families will be left to pay for the Democrats' reckless spending," she said.