
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met Sept. 25

Webp meeting 06

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met Sept. 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of September 25, 2019 held at the Addison Village Hall Board Room.

President Williams called the regular meeting to order at 7:01p.m.

Roll call showed the following individuals:

Present: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams

Absent: Towns

A quorum was declared present.

Mr. Wartman led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion #1: Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Minutes of the Regular and Closed Session meetings of August 28, 2019.

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #1 Carried.

Public Hearing on the FY2020 Budget

Mr. Keeley, Assistant Superintendent for Business, offered a PowerPoint presentation on the Final FY2020 Budget. The tenets of the budget follow the Board’s long-range goals to ‘operate with fiscal responsibility’ and to ‘allocate appropriate resources within the confines of the budget.’ Budget highlights include staffing additions, curriculum enhancements, expanded professional development, Indian Trail renovations, classroom additions at the Early Learning Center, and a new school office along with a secure vestibule renovation at Ardmore. The proposed budget reflects a planned deficit.

Motion #2: Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of September 2019

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the Accounts Payable for September 2019.

Educational Fund $ 1,420,083.54

Operations and Maintenance Fund $ 372,470.54

Debt Fund $ 0.00

Transportation Fund $ 73,435.38

Municipal Retirement/Soc Sec Fund $ 67,987.40

Capital Projects Fund $ 486,029.58

Total $ 2,420,006.44

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams, Aranda

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #2 Carried.

Motion #3: Approval of Payroll for the Month of August 2019

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Payroll for August 2019, as follows:

Education Fund $1,212,426.48

Building Fund $ 51,930.84

Transportation Fund $ 2,895.78

Total $1,267,253.10

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams, Aranda, Daniels

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #3 Carried.

Communications/Public Participation on Agenda Items: None

Presentation – Mrs. Lina Guio, Principal of Lincoln Elementary School, Family Celebration Night

• Mrs. Guio shared that a lot of learning led to the Family Celebration Night. Lincoln used their Title III funds to help provide effective professional development to staff and community-based personnel for engagement activities.

• Lincoln’s parent engagement initiative included receiving family engagement training and creating two parent advisory meetings/parent cafes.

• They learned strategies to include parents in decision making and created a Parent Café agenda that allowed for parent feedback. They discovered that parents would like to see more academic clubs and social events for families, as well as that families are using resources available to them through the community.

• The school year wrapped up with the Family Celebration Night which included foods from different cultures and entertainment from a dance company.

Committee Reports:

• Intergovernmental Meeting on September 4, 2019 – Mr. Ruffolo reported on this meeting:

o The Addison Park District is working on a strategic marketing plan.

o Sandy Super, President of the library’s board, passed away on August 3, 2019. Vacant seats on the library’s board were filled. The library continues discussions with the community on ways to serve students after school.

o DuPage High School District 88 and Addison Trail High School are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Week. They will be recognized with two awards from the Illinois State Board of Education. In partnership with Addison School District 4, they have installed the BluePoint Alert System. Parent Teacher Conferences will be October 2 and 3, 2019.

o State Representative Kathy Willis talked a little bit about the 591 new laws signed in August. She will be hosting a Shred and Recycling Day on September 28, 2019.

o The Village of Addison shared that Pulte Homes is under contract for the old Driscoll property. They are looking to build 57 single family homes on that property. Developers are getting closer to building senior housing on the site of the old Oxford Bank property. The Harvest Fest continues this week.

• Legislative Education Network of DuPage (LEND) Meeting on September 20, 2019 – Mr. Williams reported on this meeting:

o There were 3 topics that were reviewed as these are issues that will be introduced for legislation in Springfield. They include property tax freeze, pension cost shift to school districts, and consolidation of public schools in Illinois.

Administrative Reports:

Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Langton reported on the following:

• The school security audit of our school facilities took place on September 16, 2019. We are scheduling a special Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting on October 30th to present the findings. The B&G Committee Chair, Mr. Ruffolo, will then follow-up with the Board of Education at the October Board meeting.

• We received one Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request and Chuck Wartman has responded.

• Mr. Langton provided an update of the progress of negotiations with the Addison Teachers’ Association including that the Board has moved negotiations to the next phase by declaring impasse and initiating the public posting process as required under Illinois law. The Board remains committed to continuing its efforts to resolve these contract negotiations in good faith. We are hopeful that ATA’s bargaining team will discuss the Board’s last best offer with its membership and work to bring these negotiations to a close.

Assistant Superintendent for Business Report – Mr. Keeley reported on the following:

• We are working with ICI, our Construction Manager, and Legat as we move towards the bidding process. We expect bid documents to be out around October 17 and the bid opening to be on November 7, 2019. The Buildings and Grounds Committee will seek contract approval at the November 20 regular board meeting.

• The Business Office staff took part in our annual financial audit. We expect to present the results to the Board at the October or November meeting, pending completion of the documents by Klein Hall. In addition, our staff coordinated both a Worker’s Compensation audit and an IMRF audit. We will report any material findings with the Board once final reports are produced by the reviewing entities.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Report – Mrs. Haney reported on the following:

• Staff received a half day of professional development from Pearson in late August/early September and there will be ongoing support throughout the year on the new K-5 enVision Math materials. This program is more rigorous, and teachers are working to fill gaps. They will provide feedback throughout the year to our math committee regarding pacing. On September 16, Pearson representatives hosted a parent night at Army Trail School to provide support with the navigation of the online portal. We had 55 families represented.

• Our Indian Trail Social Science Department underwent training last week from Discovery Education on Social Studies Techbook. This e-program will be one of the main resources the department will use to teach the standards. There are many components to the program including leveled reads, a current events section, assessments, and much more. The team will receive follow-up support from Discovery Education during our November Institute Day.

• Once again, Robert Crown educators will be visiting each fifth-grade classroom to enhance our PE/Health Curriculum. Their presentation will focus on Human Growth and Development. A parent information meeting was held on September 24 at Army Trail School to provide an overview of the program for our 5th grade students.

• Each fifth-grade class will have the opportunity to visit and volunteer at the Addison Food Pantry in the fall and spring. Students will be learning about how the food pantry supports our community and will also assist with several tasks such as stocking shelves, breaking down boxes, and dusting/vacuuming.

• During our October Board of Education Meeting, Mrs. Haney will be presenting information on our District growth and achievement data from 2018-2019.

Motion #4 Acceptance of District 4 Staff Resignation Requests

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Aranda to approve the District 4 staff resignation requests for the following individuals:

Licensed Personnel – Resignation

Elizabeth Carlson Effective Date: 09/20/2019

Position: SSP Teacher School: Wesley

Crystal Guido Effective Date: 08/23/2019

Position: 4th Grade Teacher School: Ardmore

Ashley Hittle Effective Date: 09/06/2019

Position: Kindergarten Teacher School: Ardmore

Educational Support Personnel – Resignation

Elizcia Carrera Effective Date: 09/13/2019

Position: Nurse School: Indian Trail Jr. High

David Vien Nguyen Effective Date: 06/05/2019

Position: Para Educator School: Indian Trail Jr. High

Elizabeth Turco Effective Date: 09/20/2019

Position: Para Educator School: Lake Park

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Ruffolo, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #4 Carried.

Motion #5: Approval of District 4 Staff Employment/Reassignment Requests

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the District 4 staff employment/reassignment requests for the following individuals:

Licensed Personnel – Employment

Blanca Millan Effective Date: 09/12/2019

Position: Dual Language 1st Grade School: Stone

Calli Peters Effective Date: 09/06/2019

Position: Kindergarten School: Ardmore

Jennifer Pozen Effective Date: 09/12/2019

Position: 5th Grade School: Ardmore

Rehana Shahid Effective Date: 09/03/2019

Position: Bilingual Interventionist School: Stone/Wesley

Brianna Sobieck Effective Date: 09/05/2019

Position: 4th Grade School: Ardmore

Educational Support Personnel – Employment

Marcy Garcia Effective Date: 09/17/2019

Position: Registered Nurse School: Ardmore

Nancy Gremo Effective Date: 08/27/2019

Position: Para Educator School: Lake Park

Jessica Montenegro Effective Date: 09/05/2019

Position: Para Educator School: Lake Park

Nasrin Mousavi Effective Date: 09/23/2019

Position: Para Educator School: Indian Trail Jr. High

Veronica Rodriguez Effective Date: 09/18/2019

Position: Para Educator School: Fullerton

Educational Support Personnel – Change of Assignment

Liliana Guillen Effective Date: 09/16/2019

Position: Health Specialist School: Indian Trail Jr. High

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Ruffolo, Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #5 Carried.

Motion #6: Approval of District 4 Licensed Staff Leave of Absence Request

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the District 4 Licensed Staff Leave of Absence Request, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Williams, Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #6 Carried.

Motion #7: Approval of FY2020 District 4 Budget

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the FY2020 District 4 Budget, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Aranda, Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #7 Carried.

Motion #8: Approval of Club/Activity Sponsor Applications

Motion by Mr. Aranda, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the Club/Activity Sponsor Applications, with a total not to exceed $32,482.47, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Daniels, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams, Aranda

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #8 Carried.

Mr. Wartman shared that this is a new record of 56 clubs, which is 2 more than last year.

Discussion Items:

• The next Regular Board of Education Meeting is Wednesday, October 30, 2019 in Indian Trail Junior High School’s Board Room at 7:00 pm.

• Mr. Langton reminded the Board of the Special Joint Board Meeting with Districts 88, 45, 48 and 4 on October 24, 2019, at The Hilton Chicago/Oakbrook Terrace at 5:30pm

• Mr. Langton reminded the Board of the Joint Annual Conference on November 22-24, 2019.

• Mr. Langton reminded the Board that the required Compensation Reports will be posted on the district website by October 1, 2019, in compliance with the required statute.

Communications/Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items:

1) “Why is it fair to charge 5 times the amount busing children within 1.5 miles, mapping software that you use conflicts with others, should be available to public if you feel the need to charge 500! Why not use such surplus of funds to provide more schools instead of more homes being built. Overcrowding seems imminent.”

• In the State of Illinois the common practice is to have a 1.5 mile designation. If students live closer then they are considered walkers, and if they live further, they are considered bussers. The Board of Education in 2011 revisited what their transportation guidelines were and had established a fee schedule that they felt was appropriate at the time. Every year when we look at the budget we determine if what is allocated is appropriate. Any year the board can revisit the policies that are in place. We use Versatrans, which is a common software for school districts to calculate the distance, and this is available to the public through our staff.

2) “It was brought to my attention that the teachers don’t have a choice between a PPO and an HMO in the proposed insurance contract. Do the administrators and/or superintendent have a choice of an HMO or PPO for their insurance? A choice in plans is definitely needed.”

• Yes, the administrators have a choice, and the majority of our administrators pay the difference between the cost of the HMO and PPO plan.

3) “Why is the district only spending $6193 per student when the county average is $9k???”

• Like any data you cannot just look at one data point, you have to consider everything. The most recent data that was posted shared that ASD4’s instructional spending per pupil is $6,291 and that’s not including operational costs. Operationally this school district receives the lowest per pupil revenue in DuPage County. This school board should be very proud of working within its means and the overall operation of the school district is fiscally responsible. If we increased the instructional spending per pupil, then there has to be a source of revenue for that. Our current fund balance is one-time money. So, if you make commitments that are ongoing forever, that fund balance disappears quickly. Our instructional spending per pupil is low, but not the lowest in the county, but our revenue is the lowest in the county. Approximately $35 million of the $46 million fund balance is devoted to improving our facilities over the next 5 years.

4) A personal statement was shared.

5) “Why do we still get information on the on going contract. Who is sending this out?”

• The items from us are coming from the Board of Education.

6) “Parents are concerned that we want our school district to value all students and teachers. How do we value that? Actions speak louder than words.”

• This seems to be more of a statement, but please know the Board of Education does value the community, all students, and teachers.

Mr. Williams ended the public comment section of the meeting with four blue cards not addressed.

Miscellaneous/Unfinished Business: None

Motion #9: Motion to Adjourn

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Aranda to adjourn the Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Board of Education meeting.

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Williams, Aranda, Daniels

Absent: Towns

Nay: None…Motion #9 Carried.

The regular Board of Education meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
