
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, September 30, 2024

‘The Squad’ Targets Ives

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Abdelnasser Rashid

Abdelnasser Rashid

Issued the following announcement on Dec. 3.

Jeanne Ives, Republican candidate for Congress (IL-06), recently drew fire from the extreme Left for backing a pro-property-tax-relief candidate in Cook County over the preferred "Squad-"endorsed Socialist ideologue for the office.

In a recent Facebook post, Ives encouraged her followers to back Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Dan Patlak for re-election.

That drew a rebuke from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), charter member of ‘The Squad,’ as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi terms Tlaib and her comrades.

Tlaib is a vitriolic anti-Semite who doesn’t believe Israel has the right to exist, who invented a history of Palestinians and Jews that was roundly criticized by Jewish scholars, who calls U.S. border patrol agents ‘inhumane,’ who, along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, promotes comparisons of law enforcement agents to Nazi storm troopers, and who has been removed - screaming and swearing - from political events.

Ives’ opponent Rep. Sean Casten is a de facto member of ‘The Squad’ who has embraced their agenda in principle standing in solidarity with Tlaib, et al., in apologizing for their support of the BDS movement, in championing their admittance to Israel on their terms and, in a recent town hall, calling a resolution condemning ‘The Squad's’ anti-Semitism the single hardest vote he's taken in Congress while slandering Navy SEAL officer Dan Crenshaw as a racist. Like ‘The Squad,’ Casten projects onto others his hatefulness.

Casten amplifies members of his caucus who are so bigoted and extreme even Speaker Pelosi has felt compelled to try and marginalize them.

"I stand with an American hero like Rep. Dan Crenshaw while Sean Casten not only stands with Tlaib and ‘The Squad,’ he's inviting their involvement in local races in Illinois," said Ives. "The choice for suburban voters in November 2020 couldn't be more clear."